Eleanor Ewry SRWG Study Program Subgroup Chair Annual Study Program Subgroup Update March 2015 WECC HQ
Annual Study Program o Annual Survey o Base Case Compilation Schedule o Annual Study Program Scope of Work Purpose of WECC Basecases Agenda
Annual Survey Annual survey was sent to TSS members on 12/22/14 Current study area in the rotation is Southern Nevada/Arizona/New Mexico Received three responses 2016 Light Spring in Desert Southwest Heavy Winter & 19 Heavy Summer (Year 2 peak case for TPL studies) 2020 Heavy Summer in Arizona Received a request from a representative of the four planning regions (ColumbiaGrid, CAISO, NTTG and WestConnect) 10-year Light Load case to be implemented immediately.
Basecase Compilation Schedule Changes proposed since the last SRWG meeting were presented to TSS for implementation in the current 2015 compilation schedule TSS approved moving the TEPPC case later in the year to move up the summer operating cases TSS approved replacing the TEPPC case with the regional request Implemented interchange schedules proposed by BPA
Basecase Compilation Schedule Drafted three Compilation Schedules for 2016 One mirrors our current process (move for approval) One includes a potential schedule for BCCS One includes a proposed two-year cycle for developing basecases
Basecase Compilation Schedule 2016 schedule that mirrors the current process Schedule will need to be modified to reflect MOD-032 and PC Responsibilities Remove due date to Area Coordinator Data Representatives will be responsible for specifying their own schedule for data submission. Otherwise, PCs will follow the submission schedule to WECC. Spring OP case moved later in the schedule
Basecase Compilation Schedule 2016 schedule for BCCS Includes all four seasons with both heavy and light load for 1-year, 5-year and 10-year cases Total of 24 cases Profiles will need to be submitted about every 2 weeks Potential to accept scenario case suggestions for the 5- and 10-year cases Will not seek approval for this schedule until BCCS is viable
Basecase Compilation Schedule 2016 schedule with 2-year cycle Operating cases would be created every year 5-year and 10-year cases would be created every other year This would allow for the creation of more scenario cases Would require the use of older cases to complete TPL studies
Interchange Schedules BPA has submitted revisions to the Interchange Schedules in the 2015 schedule These changes have been carried forward to the 2016 schedule Request that each entity responsible for the interchange schedules propose revisions to the schedule
Scope of Work Annual Study Program Scope of Work has been modified to incorporate parts of the MOD-11 & 13- WECC-CRT-1criterion WR5, WR6 and WR11 have been included Move for approval of the new SOW effective immediately
Purpose of WECC Basecases White paper currently being drafted to identify the purpose of the WECC basecases and how they should be used Seeking feedback/participation from members on drafting this paper Had a request for clarification of what year summer loading should be based off of Is this the appropriate place to identify that?