Aquarius/SAC-D MWR Algorithm Subgroup
Prelaunch Activities Clearly define a list of MWR Products (CONAE) Data formats and locations-how to download. Pointing angles and sample timing. Algorithm Generation and testing using AMSR-E and WindSAT Data (UCF, RSS, CONAE) RSS and UCF will provide Version 0 Algorithms for Wind and Total Liquid Water by Dec. 1. CONAE will implement. MWR and Aquarius collocation algorithms (RSS) Add MWR capabilities to the Aquarius Orbit Simulator (RSS) Communicate via Web Forum and Monthly Telecons
IOC Period (Launch + 45 Days?) For MWR, this may be too short due to turn-on constraints. First data will flow at ~ 42 days First pass calibrated T B ’s available at ~75 days We are aware of the need for a rain flag for Aquarius ASAP A simple rain flag could be implemented based on a T A threshold or a V-H threshold even with roughly calibrated T A ’s
IOC to Six Months Sea Ice Concentration Algorithm Developed (CONAE, UCF) Produce Wind and Total Liquid Water data using both RSS and UCF Algorithms (CONAE). Begin to Validate Retrieved Products (ALL) Total Column Water Vapor? RSS can provide a baseline Water Vapor Algorithm (RSS + ??) WG plans to have a workshop at Launch + 5 months to plan for Science Team Meeting (at Launch + 6 months) and prepare assessment report.