1 116 TEAM 116 SUBGROUP_NAME_HERE Critical Design Review 1/15/2015
2 116 AGENDA Team Members Assumptions Prototype Drawings (to scale, electronic) Calculations to support key design decisions Software Interface Mechanical Interface Operator Interface Bill of Materials KOP Materials Special Orders Weight Estimate Cost Estimate Schedule
3 116 Team Members Identify the members of your subgroup Subgroup Captain Mentors Students
4 116 Team Members Identify the members of your subgroup Subgroup Captain Mentors Students
5 116 Assumptions List any assumptions here
6 116 Prototype Pictures Video
7 116 Drawings Paste Inventor, SketchUp, Visio, other to-scale drawings here
8 116 Calculations Show any calculations to support key design decisions here
9 116 Software Interface What will software have to control What sensors will be used
Mechanical Interface With what subsystems will you be interfacing How will you be interfacing
Operator Interface What will be manually controlled What will be automatically controlled Autonomous Macro function
Bill of Materials KOP Materials Motors (Identify which ones use, where, and why) Other parts / materials (Identify which ones use, where, and why) Special Orders What From Where How much Attached POs for all special orders, filled out and ready to be handed in, if design is approved
Weight Estimate Show weight calculations here
Cost Estimate Show cost calculations here
Schedule Week 3 – Week 4 – Week 5 – Week 6 –