1 (6) Subgroup SGTERN CEDR Executive Board 9 June 2005 Activities of the subgroup SGTERN Background and Objectives Members and meetings of SG TERN Achievements until now Proposed future work of SGTERN Presented by Lars Bergman Chairman of Subgroup TERN
2 (6) Subgroup SGTERN Activities of the subgroup SGTERN Background and Objectives SG TERN was established in 1997 by WERD as a result of the “Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network”. Dealing with a lot various items in the beginning. To seek common understanding of problems and solutions related to the planning, implementation and operation of TERN. Prepare CEDR views and position on strategic development issues related to TERN At a working level in matters concerning the planning, implementation, maintenance and operation of TERN, seek agreement on and definition of road network data, in cooperation with SG Road Data Suggest to CEDR areas of mutual interest for direct cooperation between the NRA, in relation to TERN and/or the national road networks Assist CEDR in its contacts and cooperation with the EC. CEDR Executive Board 9 June 2005
3 (6) Activities of the subgroup SGTERN Subgroup SGTERN CEDR Executive Board 9 June 2005 Members and meetings of SG TERN Each CEDR member, except Iceland, has appointed a person to become a member of SG TERN. In average member states has participated at the meetings Sharing knowledge and learning from each other The project manager of TEM has been invited to and attended meetings of SG TERN, in order to strengthen the ties with the Central and Eastern European countries The meetings have circulated between the member countries of CEDR Workshops have been held jointly with SG Road Data
4 (6) Subgroup SGTERN Activities of the subgroup SGTERN Achievement until now WERD views on the Revision Report 1999 Concept for the future development of TERN Traffic safety TERN/TINA/E-roads Implementation and Revision Reports Bottlenecks Evaluating projects of IRF Performance Indicators Road User Survey Maintenance definition SGTERN has develop links and cooperation with The Commission (DG TREN) The TEM-project office and member state representatives Other CEDR sub-groups. CEDR Executive Board 9 June 2005
5 (6) Subgroup SGTERN Proposed future work of SGTERN On going activities Study of TERN/TINA/E-roads Study of Bottlenecks Study of maintenance definitions Overall strategically analyses of the TERN *trends *consequences with a various decisions by EC *need for integration with other transport modes *road signing *etc Study of the Quality of TERN defining the concept of “High quality road network” Analysing the “Natura 2000” CEDR Executive Board 9 June 2005
6 (6) CEDR Executive Board 9 June 2005 Subgroup SGTERN Proposed future work of SGTERN, cont SG TERN is a part of TD Management M2 General Planning / Road Networks M8 Performance Indicators A breakdown into detailed activities for task M2 will be done and discussed at the upcoming SG TERN meeting, end of June Concerning M8 a project group is already established with members from SG Road Data and SG TERN SG TERN will serve as a Reference Group for the development of the a Handbook for PI, dealing with questions of *definition of respectively Indicator *definition of collected data related to an Indicator *use of Indicators in order to better understand collection of data