International Ice Charting Working Group IICWG IV Data, Information & Customer Service Standing Committee Report Co-Chairs Henrik Steen Andersen & Bob.


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Presentation transcript:

International Ice Charting Working Group IICWG IV Data, Information & Customer Service Standing Committee Report Co-Chairs Henrik Steen Andersen & Bob Desh

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 2.3 Each ice centre to gather an inventory of ice chart data attributes and post this inventory on the IICWG web by March Responsible: Florence Fetterer. Closed ? Draft ice chart attributes table is on the IICWG Web.

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 2.4 IICWG participants to gather information on climatological products produced by each service and provide this information to Florence Fetterer by December Responsible: Florence Fetterer. Closed. Transferred to GDSIDB. Draft table of climatological products is now on the IICWG Web.

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.1 Colour Code Standard. Colour code to be finalised by the end of December Each ice centre to produce internal charts using the agreed colour code for the period January to October 2002 and inform the working group about any difficulties encountered. Revised colour code to be presented to the JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice in October 2002 for adoption. Responsible: Seymour, Falkingham. Status on next slide...

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.1 Closed. A Colour Code Standard proposal has been presented at the first JCOMM ETSI meeting by John Falkingham. The JCOMM ETSI meeting recognized the work of the IICWG to develop an international colour code for ice charts. The JCOMM ETSI reviewed the initial proposal and agreed to submit it, with minor changes, to the JCOMM co-presidents for formal approval on behalf of JCOMM to be published by WMO secretariat.

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.2 Nomenclature for Ice decay. Investigate inter-relationship between traditional stages of melt and new ice strength index with respect to physical process in seasonal cycle and movement of ships in ice. Improve exchange of ice melt / strength science (past, present, future) within IICWG. Prepare progress report for JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice in October Responsible: Recommend move to Science Committee. Status on next slide...

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.2 Closed. A progress report has been presented at the first JCOMM ETSI meeting. The JCOMM ETSI reviewed the comprehensive report prepared by CIS and agreed that appropriate amendments to the nomenclature for coding sea ice decay should be developed during the next intersessional period.

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.3 Common training activities (Task group). Request Noetix to formally issue Offer to Purchase. NIC to coordinate the mechanics of CBT purchase by individual IICWG members. NIC to coordinate the participation in further CBT module development by IICWG members. Ad hoc training committee to develop and distribute guidelines for creation of training web pages by IICWG members. All member ice services to create training web pages to be linked to master IICWG training web page. Web page development to be completed NLT IICWG IV. Responsible: Seymour. Status on next slide…

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.3 Beta web page has been generated. NIC has developed a DRAFT IICWG Training Page. Members of the training committee have reviewed it and have commented that it is something that we can build on. Where do we go from here?

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.4 XML Sea Ice Nomenclature. Develop an XML WMO nomenclature on ice sea together with JCOMM Expert Team on Sea to be included in the JCOMM XML Marine Glossary. Responsible: Vasily Smolyanitsky. Closed. Action transferred to JCOMM ?? More on next slide....

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.4 AARI has prepared amendments to the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature to be revised and discussed during the JCOMM ETSI intersessional period in order to be submitted for formal approval by JCOMM. The JCOMM ETSI decided to prepare a new revision of the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature including a proposed draft of the XML version for approval at the second JCOMM ETSI meeting in 2005.

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.5 Data Access Subgroup. Data access subgroup to work toward releasing an RFI for SAR data access before June Data access subgroup to consider expanding work beyond access to space based SAR, e.g. MODIS, QuikScat etc. Look to future data sources in the 8-10 year time frame. Consider if expanded roles require this group to become an independent standing committee. Responsible: DASG. Status on next slide…

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.5 Ongoing. The last activity was during AMRS Workshop in London March last year. DASG decided to remain as a subgroup.

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.6 ShapeFiles. Develop a formal definition for the format for ice chart archiving data based on the ShapeFile and SIGRID code proposal and publicize to all IICWG members (Florence Fetterer, Vasily Smolyanitsky). Develop appropriate supporting XML style sheets and schema definition. Responsible: John Falkingham, Doug Lamb. Status on next slide…

Data, Information and Customer Service CD 3.6 Proposal presented at the JCOMM ETSI meeting. The JCOMM session recognized that the proposed draft should be revised by ETSI members and sent to national agencies for comments. The final proposal shall then be submitted to the JCOMM Secretariat for approval by appropriate WMO bodies. The current version is from March 20 and is based on the version presented at the JCOMM ETSI meeting. It has been distributed for final comments.

Data, Information and Customer Service Questions? New Co-Chairs?

Data, Information and Customer Service