1 Person Centred Planning (PCP) Sub Committee Update – 17 July 2009 Learning Disability Partnership Board
2 PCP Sub Committee co chair Ena Crawforth co chair vacant meets 4 times a year PCP training for committee agreed Action Plan
3 Membership of the PCP Sub Committee people with a learning disability families and carers Judy and David the council
4 What we do in the meetings find out what is happening in Bromley make sure we know what the PCP workers are doing make sure the Action Plan work is being done
5 PCP workers PCP Coordinator Tony Mitchell PCP Support Worker : Annie Jacobs PCP facilitator for the PCT Lucy Bancroft
6 PCP Action Plan raise awareness and understanding of Person Centred Planning in Bromley make sure that people with a learning disability develop their own Person Centred Plans provide information on Person Centred Planning
7 PCP Action Plan provide a helpline and contact point training for families, carers, Bromley staff working with people with a learning disability help people in starting and running Circles of Support work with young people, families and schools
8 PCP Action Plan develop Person Centred Plan networks and PCP groups make sure PCP’s are working tell Bromley what people with a learning disability want
9 Booklet (draft)
10 PCP Handbook (draft) Person Centred Planning Supporting People in Bromley to lead independent lives Some helpful questions: Date Started ________________ Name _______________