A New School Accountability Model
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// No retests No results until October 2013 New Accountability Model AMO is the new AYP Subgroup N count changes Updates for
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// All ELA, Math, and Science EOG are new for ELA and Math EOG will be paper / pencil Math 3-7 will be a one day administration Science grades 5 and 8 will be online All EOCs (English II, Biology, Integrated Math I) will be online Common Core
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// Current EOG schedule May 20 – 24 Options for ELA and Math May 28 – 31 (Answer Sheets due 4 PM May 31) May 29 – June 4 (Answer Sheets due 4 PM June 4) Note: New date chosen by principals June 3 – 6 (Answer Sheets due 4 PM June 6) Options for Science Online Leave at current schedule (May 20 – 24) Note: recommended by principals Above options New Testing Window?
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// Accountability Purpose – Indicators – Key Ideas Provide incentives and supports to Improve Student Learning Outcomes Raise Graduation Rates Close Achievement Gaps ▲
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// 3 Types of Indicators Purpose – Indicators – Key Ideas ▲ Performance Indicators How well are students doing this year? Lets parents know the overall performance of school Examples: Performance Composite, Graduation Rates
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// 3 Types of Indicators Purpose – Indicators – Key Ideas ▲ Progress Indicators How much progress are cohorts making from one year to the next on the performance indicators? Examples: Change in graduation rate over time; A nnual M easurable O bjectives from NCLB
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// 3 Types of Indicators Purpose – Indicators – Key Ideas ▲ Growth Indicators Given where students start, how much was the school able to help them grow? Not applied to cohort measures like graduation rate Examples: EVAAS; Longitudinal Growth Models
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// Elementary and Middle School Accountability Purpose – Indicators – Key Ideas End of Grade 3-8 Math End of Grade 3-8 ELA End of Grade 5 & 8 Science ▲ EOG 3-8 Math Δ End of Grade 3-8 Math Δ End of Grade 3-8 ELA Δ End of Grade 5 & 8 Science EVAAS Growth School-wide Performance Indicators Progress Indicators Growth Indicators
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// High School School Accountability Purpose – Indicators – Key Ideas ▲ Performance Indicators EOG 3-8 Math Progress Indicators Δ End of Grade 3-8 Math Growth Indicators End of Course ACT Graduation Rates Math Course Rigor WorkKeys Graduation Project Δ End of Course Δ ACT Δ Graduation Rates Δ Math Course Rigor Δ WorkKeys EVAAS Growth School-wide
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// ESEA Flexibility Waiver The NCDPI will no longer designate each school as having met or not met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). For each school, the NCDPI will report the number of Annual Measureable Objectives (AMOs) and the number of those targets met as well as the percentage of targets met. To meet the criteria for an Honor School of Excellence per the ABCs of Public Education, a school will have to meet all of its designated targets.
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// ESEA Flexibility Waiver The ESEA waiver specified AMO targets will be used for reporting. These targets are (1) based on data and (2) identified for each federally reported subgroup. Per the flexibility waiver, the AMO targets were set with the goal of reducing the percentage of non- proficient students by one-half within six years. The attached charts provide the targets for English language arts and for mathematics.
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// ESEA Flexibility Waiver Accountability Accountability Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Status Not reported or sanctioned Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Set on performance data and reported by different subgroup targets Minimum Subgroup SizeMinimum N = 40 (No change)Minimum N = 30 Participation RateIncluded as component of AMO reporting with no specific consequences (No change) Included as component of AMO reporting with specific consequences over three years
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// M easures of S tudent L earning The Measures of Student Learning (MSL) are common assessments that measure student learning in subjects and grades that are not part of the State testing program. Results from the MSLs will be used in the teacher evaluation process.
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// M easures of S tudent L earning Because of the magnitude of subjects/courses that will require an MSL, there will be 3 phases of implementation. The attached tables list each phase and the MSLs that will be administered during the phase.
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// Testing & Accountability Web Site New Features Mission Statement Updated Contact Information ISS Data Resources Symbaloo Webmix Testing Calendar Revised 8/16/2012
Draft – March Check for Updates to this Presentationhttp:// Educator Effectiveness For more information regarding Educator Effectiveness, click on the ISS Data Resources Symbaloo Webmix and select the “Educator Effectiveness” tile.ISS Data Resources Symbaloo Webmix