N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Testing Requirements of NCLB test annually in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8 test at least once in reading and mathematics at the high school level By , All States Must
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Testing Requirements of NCLB develop new Standards of Learning tests in reading and mathematics for grades 4, 6, and 7 to augment the existing tests in 3,5, and 8 use existing end-of-course tests to meet the high school requirement To meet this requirement, Virginia will
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Testing Requirements of NCLB occur over the next several years, and follow the same process used for existing Standards of Learning tests The test development process for the new tests will
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Testing Requirements of NCLB Content Review Committees composed of Virginia educators will be formed for each new test Committees will review potential test questions
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Item Development Superintendents have been asked to nominate educators to serve on the new content review committees for grades 4, 6, and 7 Committees will begin reviewing items this summer
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Field testing and Additional Item Development Field testing for the new grade 4, 6, and 7 tests will begin in spring 2004 Committees will review field tested items in summer 2004 and will also review additional new items Additional field testing will occur in spring 2005
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Test Development Once new tests for grades 4,6, and 7 are developed, tests for grades 5 and 8 will focus on the Standards of Learning for that grade level rather than being cumulative. The grade 3 tests will continue to be cumulative.
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Testing Requirements of NCLB By all states must administer science tests in at least one grade level in elementary, middle, and high school. Current Standards of Learning tests in science meet this requirement, so development of new tests will not be necessary.
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND 95% Participation Requirement 95% requirements also applies to the following subgroups: –Students with disabilities –Limited English Proficient (LEP) students –Disadvantaged Students –Major Ethnic Groups
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND All states are required to participate in NAEP Testing No real change in Virginia since we already participated in NAEP NAEP tests in reading and mathematics will be administered every other year in grades 4 and 8. Only a sample of Virginia schools are selected by NAEP for participation.
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Testing Requirements of NCLB Annual testing in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8 by Administration of reading and mathematics tests at least once at the high school level. Administration of science tests at least one time each in elementary, middle, and high schools by Participation in NAEP testing Assessment of English proficiency for all Limited English Proficient (LEP students)
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Reporting Reported on Web-based Report Cards School, division and state progress toward AYP, disaggregated by subgroup Assessment Results Student Attendance Student Graduates Classes taught by highly qualified teachers
Adequate Yearly Progress “AYP” A Means of Measuring Progress Beginning
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Background Based on NCLB and on final Title I regulations issued November 26, 2002 Additional guidance expected from USDOE! Opportunities to modify, based on federal changes Subject to approval from USDOE
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Adequate Yearly Progress Means: Measuring student progress annually, Meeting annual measurable objectives for student performance on statewide annual tests and other indicators Identifying schools/divisions making and not making AYP
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Other Academic Indicators Graduation Attendance
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: Who? Applies to all students and to subgroups: –Students with Disabilities –LEP –Economically Disadvantaged –Major racial/ethnic groups In every school, each school division, whole state
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Starting Points Reading/language arts: 60.7% pass Mathematics: 58.4% pass Graduation rate data: –67.2% graduation rate –Secondary schools and any school having a graduating class Attendance rate data: –93.4% ADA –Elementary/Middle schools and any school NOT having a graduating class
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: Intermediate Goals From starting point established using school year data Incrementally increasing to “100%” in Increase equally Every 3 years, beginning in Can be adjusted periodically
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: Annual Measurable Objectives Beginning with school year Set separately for each indicator Do not need to increase at equal increments from one year to the next Can be adjusted periodically
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: Annual Measurable Objectives Start Point ` Int. Goal 70.0 Int. Goal 80.0 Int. Goal Reading/Language arts (percent pass)
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: Annual Measurable Objectives Start Point ` Int. Goal 70.0 Int. Goal 80.0 Int. Goal Mathematics (percent pass)
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Summary: Annual Measurable Objectives Apply to ALL students, all subgroups of students identified in NCLB, all schools, all school divisions and the state Are the basis for determining AYP
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP Establish minimum “n”: 50 for AYP; 10 for reporting Include students present for “full academic year”: on or before 20 th day/hour; attends over 50% Must make AYP on each statewide assessment AND graduation or attendance for ALL students and by subgroup
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: One Way to Make AYP At least 95% of enrolled students participate in testing program (all students and by subgroup) AND All students and all subgroups score at least proficient in statewide assessments, at level specified by annual measurable objectives AND The school/LEA meet annual measurable objective for graduation or attendance or make progress OR …
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND AYP: A Second Way to Make AYP At least 95% of students enrolled participate in state wide testing (all students and by subgroup) AND Student performance on statewide assessment(s) is below level specified by annual measurable objectives AND Percent of students [all or in subgroup(s)] failing decreases by at least 10% from previous year AND Students [all or in subgroup(s)] make progress in graduation rate or attendance rate
N O C HILD L EFT B EHIND Summary: Making AYP 95% participation of all students and all subgroups of students in statewide assessment program AND Meeting annual measurable objectives for assessments AND meeting/making progress in graduation/attendance OR Reducing failure rates by at least 10% AND making progress in graduation rate or attendance rate (both, for LEAs, state)