Los Angeles County Office of Education Title III Office October 14, 2011 Magdalena Ruz Gonzalez, Director Silvina Rubinstein, Title III Lead English Learner Sub-group Self Assessment (ELSSA)
Goals for Today Participants will understand the purpose of the ELSSA and become prepared for its administration Participants will develop a timeline and plan to administer the ELSSA 2
Number of Years District Does Not Make Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Triggering Title III Status 3
Number of Years District Does Not Make Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Triggering Title III Status, Cont. 4
Annual Measurable Academic Objectives (AMAOs) 6
Purpose of ELSSA The ELSSA is a highly recommended tool for local educational agencies (LEAs) that have not met Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) in Title III for two or four consecutive years It is also recommended for LEAs in Title I Program Improvement due to their English Learner (EL) subgroup It may be used by LEAs that wish to examine their programs and services for ELs Helps identify key challenge areas and explore root causes for ELs not meeting AMAOs Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 7
ELSSA helps LEAs formulate key questions… How well are ELs progressing on California English Language Development Test (CELDT)? How many ELs reach English proficient in reasonable time? How do ELs meeting CELDT criterion (English proficient) perform on the California Standards Test (CST/CAHSEE)? How do Redesignated Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) perform on California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)? How well are we implementing relevant program components? Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 8
What ELSSA Does Assembles data from CELDT, CST, and CAHSEE that relate to AMAOs 1, 2 and 3 Disaggregates the data by years in U.S. schools and by language proficiency Helps identify areas of challenge that can be addressed to improve EL achievement Provides guiding questions to facilitate conversations around what the data shows Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 9
ELSSA Guides Plan Development 10 Must be completed and uploaded to CAIS for: Title III Year 2 Improvement Plan Addendum Title III Year 4 LEA Action Plan Title I Program Improvement Plan related to the EL subgroup Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar
What ELSSA Does Not Do: Give school level information Analyze data Address Highly Qualified Teachers or other aspects of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) not directly related to ELs Evaluate the programs and services for ELs Provide data relative to ELs with special needs Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 11
ELSSA is an Excel Workbook with 4 Tabs Introduction and Directions Enter LEA Data Discuss Data and Rate Items Survey Results by Category Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 12
Introduction and Directions Introduction and Directions The English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA) is a tool for local educational agencies (LEAs) to analyze outcomes and program services during preparation of LEA plans and addenda to meet the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I and Title III requirements. Specifically, LEAs developing Title III Year 4 Action Plan Needs Assessments, Title III Year 2 Improvement Plan Addenda, and Title I Program Improvement Plans related to the English learner (EL) subgroup are strongly encouraged to complete ELSSA. Other LEAs may use ELSSA in local planning efforts. ELSSA helps LEAs to focus on the attainment of linguistic and academic standards for the EL subgroup as well as to identify potential issues regarding instructional programs for ELs by: 1. Assembling data and program information that are available either online or at the LEA on EL student performance; and on implementation of those elements of the LEA plan that address EL students. 2. Presenting assembled data for analysis and providing survey items for the LEA to rate itself on key dimensions. This information serves as another data source, along with the Academic Program Survey (APS), District Assistance Survey (DAS), and Integrated Services Survey (ISS) to discern the strengths and weaknesses of the current LEA plan's effectiveness with EL students. Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 13
Table Functionality Tables are color coded in yellow to indicate where LEA need to supply data or respond to questions and survey items Notes to guide the preparer are clickable, italicized and shaded green The survey items have been placed directly below the data table that best relates to each respective item Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 14
Discuss Data and Rate Items 16
Table Functionality Once the data is added, it cannot accidently be altered by staff facilitating the data analysis and survey item administration 17
The Survey Items The Survey Items on the ELSSA are rated on a Likert-scale using the same ratings as are used in the Academic Program Survey (APS) All items must receive a rating of 3 for the LEA to be considered as performing that objective at an acceptable level The 3 rating indicates a substantial level of implementation. The chart on the next slide describes the criteria of each objective per rating level Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 18
Survey Results by Category The responses to the survey items will be tabulated by each table and will be aggregated into a table in a separate worksheet by EL program and service categories The categories are: English Language Development Access/Opportunity to learn English Language Arts and Mathematics Intervention Professional Development Assessment Accountability Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 20
Survey Results by Category 21
Administration of the ELSSA The ELSSA Toolkit provides instructions for the administration of the Survey Items after the tables have been completed Alternate options are also described for the administration of the tool and additional data an LEA might want to examine Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 22
Group Administration of ELSSA A facilitated group administration is recommended The benefits of a facilitated administration include: Understanding of the progress of English learners by many stakeholders through rich dialogue around data The creation of a high quality, effective Improvement Plan Addendum (IPA) or Action Plan More thorough implementation of the plan due to increased understanding and staff buy in Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 23
ELSSA for Consortia Consortium members may have smaller number of ELs that make the data tables difficult to interpret Recommendations: When the number of students is very low, the validity of the table is compromised If the number of students is fewer than 15, staff must use caution in drawing conclusions from the data More useful information on the programs and services for ELs can be obtained from completing the survey items Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 24
ELSSA for Consortia, Cont. Survey administration should be done in a group. Combining the results with the Academic Program Survey (APS)/District Assistance Survey (DAS) results will provide more information to guide plan development Responses to the ELSSA survey items may suggest common areas for improvement across consortium members for ELs Source: California Department of Education, 2010 webinar 25
ELSSA Demonstration Where to find it? The USB Flash Drive provided by LACOE Title III Technical Assistance to each LEA Title III Contact Person The West Ed Comprehensive Center The California Department of Education Title III Accountability website The Multilingual Academic Support Unit (MAS)
Now… Plan a meeting with your district person in charge of data and work in collaboration for the data collection Convene a team of district and school leaders to go over the data and facilitate discussions Conduct the Survey Facilitate discussion about survey results and data collected Bring the completed ELSSA to the November 8, 2011 Title III Data meeting 27
Just in Case… If you need additional Technical Support and would like to attend a make-up ELSSA/TA workshop, contact Jacleen Locke to register. Space is very When: October 21, 2011 Time: 8:00-10:00 Make-Up Session 10:00 12:00 p.m. Technical Assistance Location: LACOE Education Center, Room Imperial Highway, Downey, CA
Contact Information: Silvina Rubinstein, Title III Lead