List of State Aid calculations that incorporate one or more BEDS enrollment items: Foundation Aid (uses public school enrollment & FRPL counts) Private Excess Cost Aid - Local contribution calculation (uses resident public school enrollment including resident charter school enrollment) Transportation Aid (uses resident public and nonpublic enrollment in the calculation of an aid ratio; favorable to districts that transport especially large numbers of nonpublic students.) Computer Administration Aid for B5 city school districts and other districts that are not components of any BOCES (uses public school enrollment including resident charter enrollment) Urban Suburban Transfer Aid * (uses BEDS inter-district urban suburban transfer program enrollment) Charter School Transitional Aid (uses charter school enrollment & public school enrollment) Full Day Kindergarten Conversion Aid* (uses 1/2 K & FDK enrollment) School District Management Efficiency Award Program (uses public school enrollment) Gap Elimination Adjustment (uses public school enrollment) Textbook Aid (uses resident public & nonpublic enrollment) Software Aid (uses attending public & nonpublic enrollment) Hardware Aid (uses attending public & nonpublic enrollment) Library Materials Aid (uses attending public & nonpublic enrollment) Universal Prekindergarten Grant * (uses universal pre-kindergarten enrollment) * Urban Suburban Transfer Aid, Full Day Kindergarten Conversion Aid and Universal Pre-kindergarten Grants use current year BEDS enrollment in the year the aid is paid. The other aids listed above typically use enrollment counts from the prior or earlier years to calculate current year aid. Also, it is noted that the current year enrollment counts are used by State Aid for estimating State Aid for the State Budget purposes. BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT FOR STATE AID PURPOSES
BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT “BEDS Day” is the first Wednesday in October By BEDS Day returning and new student registrations have been processed and stable enrollment counts can be obtained Students are counted in the district and school where they are enrolled on BEDS Day BEDS Day provides a point in time when student enrollment counts can be complete, unduplicated and comparable
BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT L2RPT Verification Reports SIRS-312 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for State Aid SIRS-313 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report by Location of Enrollment & Student Subgroup SIRS-314 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report by District of Residence SIRS-316 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for District Pre-K SIRS-319 BEDS Day Enrollment in Public and Charter Schools by Resident District SIRS-323 Free and Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day 4
L2RPT SIRS-312 BEDS Day Enrollment for State Aid 5 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-313 BEDS Day Enrollment by Location and Subgroup 6 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-313 BEDS DAY Enrollment Detail (Drill-down capabilities) 7 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-313.1BEDS Day Enrollment by Location and Subgroup 8 Enrollment Snapshots January April End of Year (August) BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-314 BEDS DAY Enrollment by District of Residence 9 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-316 BEDS Day Enrollment for District Pre-K 10 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-319 BEDS Day Enrollment in Public and Charter Schools by Resident District 11 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-319 BEDS Day Enrollment in Public and Charter Schools by Resident District-Detail 12 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
L2RPT SIRS-323 Free and Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day 13 BEDS DAY ENROLLMENT
FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH BACKGROUND: For public schools and districts, beginning in the 2013‐14 school year, Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) eligible student counts are calculated from the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). For 2013‐14, Charter school FRPL eligible student counts must still be reported through the Basic Education Data System (BEDS) Online reporting system. To be included in the enrollment counts considered when determining the FRPL eligible count, the student must be included in the SIRS‐313 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report by Location of Enrollment & Student Subgroup. The report excludes: Pre‐Kindergarten students from the FRPL Total Eligible counts, these counts also do not include preschool (PS) students, AHSEP enrolled students (GD), homebound students, home-schooled students. FRPL eligible students must have one of the following Program Service codes reported in SIRS with a beginning date on or before BEDS day and an ending date on or after BEDS Day (or has no ending date): 5817 (Free Lunch Program) to be eligible for Free Lunch 5806 (Reduced‐Price Lunch Program) to be eligible for Reduced Price Lunch Carryover of previous year’s eligibility is for up to 30 operating days (whether meals are served or not) into the current school year or until a new eligibility determination has been made. If a new eligibility determination for the current school year has not been made by BEDS day and a student is within the 30‐day carryover period, the student should be reported as qualifying for either free or reduced‐price lunch. The first snapshot of FRPL eligible counts for the 2014‐15 school year is January 9, when the total FRPL rate will be supplied to State Aid for use in preliminary aid projections. Keep in mind that the End of Year (August) snapshot replaces the January and March snapshot.
VERIFICATION (STUDENTS WHO SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE SIRS 323): Students listed in the SIRS 313 BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report Carry-over eligibility for 30 operating days August direct certification file Students who are documented as homeless, migrant, foster, or FDPIR New free or reduced paper applications prior to BEDS day FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH
Charter School Supplemental Report-District of Attendance 18 PART 3: 3-YEAR ENROLLMENT SUMMARY
Nonpublic School Supplemental Report-District of Attendance 19 PART 3: 3-YEAR ENROLLMENT SUMMARY
Snapshot DateData & Uses January 9 – Snapshot 1District Grade-by-Grade Enrollment Pre-K and UPK Supplemental District Enrollment- Nonresidents included in grade-by-grade enrollment Inter-District Urban-Suburban Transfer Incarcerated Youth Home/Hospital Charter District of Attendance/Residence Enrollment by Grade Free and Reduced Lunch (FRPL Counts send to State Aid) Districts Verify Data End of FebruaryIRS Locks BEDS Online Nonpublic schools must contact IRS in order to make revisions First Week of MarchNonpublic District of Attendance/Residence Enrollment End of March-Snapshot 2Same Enrollment Counts as Snapshot 1 Free and Reduced Lunch (FRPL Counts send to State Aid) Districts Verify Data August – End of Year Snapshot SIRS is Locked Down Final Enrollment and FRPL sent to State Aid Districts Verify and Certify Data 20 PART 4: SIRS TIMELINE FOR REPORTING
Enrollment Data: August through October (of claim year) Districts report estimated BEDS Day enrollments to State Aid via SAMS. The SAMS Form A base year (center column) is pre-filled with actual BEDS Day enrollment as reported to SED in the prior year (for SAMS, the Form A, base year - center column enrollment will be pre-filled with BEDS Day enrollment). November through January Districts should continue to review and adjust the Form A estimated BEDS Day enrollment counts. The is necessary as State Aid uses this data to analyze and check the actual BEDS Day enrollment received from IRS offices. January 9 th SED’s Office of Information & Reporting Services (IRS) send the initial BEDS Day enrollment data file to State Aid for use in aid calculations and aid estimates. The data is first used in the February Legislative DB. Note: This initial enrollment data does not include Nonpublic DOA & DOR counts. The FEB DB continues to use district estimated Nonpublic enrollment counts. PART 4: STATE AID TIMELINE FOR REPORTING