Joint Cover AZ Coalition Call Wednesday February 18, 2015
For audio call and enter code We Did It!
Acknowledgement & wrap up HHS: Melissa Stafford Jones, Regional Director CMS: David Sayen, Regional Administrator Steering Committee: Kim Van Pelt, SLHI Central Coalition: Cheri Tomlinson, MIHS Southern Coalition: Michal Goforth, PCAP Western Coalition: Amanda Aguirre, RCBH & Marie Chavoya, Cenpatico Northern Coalition: Byron Lewis, North Country HealthCare Ryan White: Rose Conner, Maricopa County Ryan White Part A Program Young Adults: Diane Brown, PRIG Agenda
CMS Updates – Kaihe Akahane and Jon Langmead Enrollment update In line SEP Helping consumers prepare for tax season Exemptions exemption tool Tax assistance: Andrea Chiasson, United Way of Southern Arizona Agenda
Kim Van Pelt, SLHI St. Luke’s Health Initiatives
Cover Arizona OE 2 Highlights 110 enrollment events held statewide Approximately 6,000 appointments scheduled in the Get Covered Connector 346 Calls to 211, and 192 Connector Appointments Scheduled 60,000 visits to the Cover Arizona Website, including 23,000 unique visitors
Cover Arizona OE 2 Highlights Paid and earned media still being summarized Earned media included op-eds in Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff and Yuma areas at the beginning and end of OE 2 Paid media included $20 K buy to highlight extended hours at the end of OE 2 and a $30K buy to highlight enrollment events
Cheri Tomlinson, MIHS Central Arizona Coalition Events
Event Summary 37+ enrollment events were held by members of the Central Arizona coalition. Highlights include: On January 24 th the Central Region collaborated to hold enrollment events at Atkinson Middle School in Maryvale. Member of the Southern Arizona coalition also collaborated on this event. Nearly 6,000 calls were made to those who had previously expressed interest in getting covered though Enroll America. Fliers were also disseminated to families in the Cartwright School District, with more than 300 commit cards being returned to Enroll America. Those who could not attend the January 24 th events were scheduled for other appointments using the Connector. Fliers were also disseminated to families in the Cartwright School District, with more than 300 commit cards being returned to Enroll America.
E Event Summary, Continued 347 consumers signed up for the event. 237 consumers showed up at the event, including walk-ins. 66 people enrolled at the event itself, and 81 others scheduled follow up appointments. Over half of those attending were Spanish speakers. Radio was the source of information for nearly half of those attending. Paid and earned media contributed to the success of the event, including: Mary Rabago, La Nueva, Campesina, Univision, Telemundo, and CBS.
E Event Summary Continued Partners contributing to the success of the event included: Arizona Alliance of Community Health Centers, Enroll America, Asian Pacific Community in Action, Cognosante, Concilio, Empowerment Systems, Helping Families in Need, Keogh Health Connection, Golden Gate, Wesley Community Health Center, People of Color Network, MIHS, Phoenix Day, St. Luke’s Health Initiatives, PCAP, El Rio Community Health Center, South Phoenix Health Start, and the Women’s Health Coalition.
E Event Summary Continued On January 24 th, Refugee Enrollment Event at Maricopa Integrated Health System 37 enrolled in 4 hours 24 Marketplace 13 AHCCCS
E Event Summary, Continued February 7 th at Cartwright Training Center in Maryvale. 38 people enrolled in coverage, and 16 follow up appointments were made. Collaborators included Enroll America, Arizona Alliance of Community Health Centers, Valley Interfaith Project, Wesley Community Health Center, Phoenix Day, Helping Families in Need, St. Luke’s Health Initiatives Empowerment Systems Channel 3 and Fox news were on site, helping draw consumers.
E Event Summary, Continued February 14 th at Desert Mission Food Bank -- “Love to Wait Until the Last Minute?” It was sponsored by Kids Health Link 49 people scheduled online appointments through the Get Covered Connector in advance of the event. 52 people were enrolled in coverage.
Early Lessons Learned in OE2 Grassroots efforts work Cover Arizona Coalition matters Learn from each other Focus on data Diversity is important Focus on Targeted Efforts is Key Explore Health Insurance Literacy Further Success with Get Covered Connector Focus on key messages More analysis to come!
Michal Goforth: PCAP Southern Arizona Coalition Events
Lessons Learned in OE2 Event Highlights – Southern AZ - Over 150 combined outreach events in Pima County - Focus on key enrollment events - January/February Beyond Partnering with schools: Tucson Unified School District Sunnyside Unified School District Community Colleges – You will hear from Diane Brown End of OE2 weekend of enrollment
Lessons Learned in OE2 Overall OE2 Lessons Learned Challenges -Helping people understand that AHCCCS is health ins. -Still more work to do on health insurance literacy - consumers are open to hear the message Opportunities -Learning/borrowing new flow for enrollment events from our partners to the North -Continue trying new strategies – coasters in restaurants and bars, target those we have not yet reached – we are getting better at this Success Stories -Use of the Get Covered Connector -Amazing diverse partner organizations - everyone pitched in to help – Pima County ACA Workgroup coordination continues -Help from our Enroll America partners in massive outreach and call back efforts -Schools using automated calls to all parents and staff announcing the enrollment events at their children’s schools
Lessons Learned in OE2 Other -Recognizing our Business Community for investing in Southern Az. Cares ad campaign to get the word out – over 2000 calls generated -Continue support and communication through Cover AZ - Closing with One of many success stories – “Find Champions” I’ll share a story with you – you never know who may be uninsured - we have so many opportunities to create healthier communities
Amada Aguirre, RCBH Maria Chavoya, Cenpatico Western Arizona Coalition Events
Lessons Learned in OE2 CAC Training 19 – Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. 5 – Kingman Regional Medical Center 10 – Indian Health Services
Lessons Learned in OE2 Event Highlights TV-Community Happenings Newspaper & Radio Events in Yuma, Somerton, San Luis and Parker Agencies: San Luis Walk-In Clinic, Inc. La Paz Regional Hospital Parker Indian Health Center
Lessons Learned in OE2 A total of 782 applicants approved Marketplace Enrollment- 61 Days 160 Applications = 312 individuals Plus 34 pending 470 HEA Plus Individuals
Lessons Learned in OE2 Background: client looked for options on her own, and was looking at a $9,000 deductible Condition: needing knee surgery 40 years old adult (female, Hispanic) San Luis, Arizona Success Stories Silver Plan, Monthly Premium $ Deductible $75.00 Primary Care and Specialist $0 Medication $5
Lessons Learned in OE2 Background: first time applying, less than 5 years of residency Condition: needs brain surgery, and rehab 30 years old adult (male, Hispanic) San Luis, Arizona Success Stories Silver Plan, Monthly Premium $35.35 Deductible $75.00 Primary Care and Specialist $0 Medication $5
Lessons Learned in OE2 Marketplace Health Plans 160 Applications Overall OE2 Lessons Learned – 89% Silver – 8% Bronze – 2% Platinum – 1% Gold
Thank you! Amanda Aguirre, President & CEO Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. and Western Coalition Co-chair
Byron Lewis, North Country HealthCare Northern Arizona Coalition Events
Rose Conner, Maricopa County Ryan White Part A Program
Lessons Learned in OE2 Enrollment events were targeted to populations that needed special assistance such as refugees and Latinos, and individuals recently released from Jail. Overall OE2 Lessons Learned – Clients need health literacy in order to understand benefits and remain enrolled in health insurance – Many clients enrolled in FFM plans in 2013 transitioned to Medicaid in Success Stories Collaboration between Ryan White grantees and providers statewide resulted in over 95% of all eligible Ryan White clients completing screening during OE2. Collaboration between Maricopa County Adult Probation, Enroll America and assister agencies has resulted in many probationers enrolling in health insurance for the first time. Health Literacy classes have received excellent evaluations from clients, many who have expressed that the information provided will definitely help them utilize their health benefits and remain in care. Preparing for Next Year All Ryan White FFM clients are being contacted to educate them on the need to file taxes and provide them resources to assist in tax preparation Health Literacy efforts will continue and will emphasize prevention services as well as basic health insurance literacy.
Lessons Learned in OE2
Diane Brown, PRIG Young Adults
Young Adults Subgroup Phase 2 Priorities & Update Phase 2 Lessons Learned Next Steps
Young Adults Subgroup Phase 2 Priorities & Update Follow-up; follow-up; follow-up with contacts Round two on campuses (inc. trade school outreach): mid-Jan.-mid-Feb. Health & Wellness Fairs; Coffee Shop & Bar Outreach; First Friday & Other Events
Young Adults Subgroup Phase 2 Lessons Learned: Quick, Basic Info Near Deadline
Young Adults Subgroup Phase 2 Lessons Learned: Enrollment w/in 48 hours of Contact
Young Adults Subgroup Phase 2 Lessons Learned: Capture Info Throughout Enrollment
Young Adults Subgroup Next Steps Debrief Continue outreach & enrollment in AHCCCS & Special Enrollment Period (SEP) Work to institutionalize – Community College systems, coffee shops & bars, etc.
Young Adults Subgroup Diane E. Brown, Arizona PIRG Education Fund (602) (c)
Enrollment In line SEP Helping consumers prepare for tax season Exemptions exemption tool CMS Updates
Enrollments in Federal Marketplace: Nov 15 th – Feb 6 th Arizona: 180,113 Plan selections include total of those who have submitted an application and selected a plan ; Includes auto-reenrollments Most Current Enrollment Snapshot by-the-numbers.html
Blog: Criteria for the SEP Currently are not enrolled in coverage through the FFM, Have not been terminated from coverage purchased through the FFM during the 2015 Open Enrollment period, and Attest that they attempted to enroll during the annual Open Enrollment period but did not complete the process(referred to hereafter as being “in line”) by February 15, 2015 because they experienced a technical issue with that prevented them from completing enrollment by February 15 or an extensive call center wait on February 13, 14 or February 15. Special Enrollment Period “In Line”
Timeframe started February 16, 2015 ends February 22, 2015 Effective date of enrollment March 1, 2015 Enrollment via the call center Special Enrollment Period “In Line”
Exemptions information website: resources/shared-responsibility-payment-and- exemptions.html resources/shared-responsibility-payment-and- exemptions.html Exemptions slide presentation: resources/exemption-from-shared-responsibility.pdf resources/exemption-from-shared-responsibility.pdf Exemption applications: forms/exemption-applications.html forms/exemption-applications.html Exemptions: Resources
Marketplace Technical Assistance Resources: resources/tax-information.html resources/tax-information.html FAQ on 1095A: resources/1095a-faqs.PDF resources/1095a-faqs.PDF Health Coverage & Federal Taxes: 01/health-coverage-federal-income-taxes.html 01/health-coverage-federal-income-taxes.html Tax Tool: Tax Resources
Exemptions: from-the-fee/ from-the-fee/ Exemption filing chart: assistance-resources/exemption-filing-chart.pdf assistance-resources/exemption-filing-chart.pdf Taxes Resources
Health Care Law & Tax Return: and-Families/Health-Care-Law-and-Your-Tax-Return and-Families/Health-Care-Law-and-Your-Tax-Return IRS outreach corner
VITA Sites: Preparation-for-You-by-Volunteershttp:// Preparation-for-You-by-Volunteers Sample penalty calculations: Families/ACA-Individual-Shared-Responsibility-Provision- Calculating-the-Payment Families/ACA-Individual-Shared-Responsibility-Provision- Calculating-the-Payment Free File: Federal-Taxes-for-Freehttp:// Federal-Taxes-for-Free ACA Tax provisions: Acthttp:// Act IRS outreach corner
Presented by: Andrea Chiassen, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Income tax resources
Wednesday March 18, 2015 from 10 – 11:30 am Next Meeting