TUSCALOOSA COUNTY SCHOOLS Where Students Learn, Grow, and Achieve
The Tuscaloosa County Board of Education is committed to meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe learning environment.
Curriculum What is Taught Instruction How it is Taught Alabama Course of Study Alabama Quality Teaching Standards Standards Based Data Based Paced Assessed
Continuous Improvement Process 1. Develop Vision and Mission Statements 2. Establish Continuous Improvement Leadership Teams 3. Collect and Analyze Data 4. Review Strengths and Weaknesses and Prioritize Needs 5. Set SMART Goals 6. Identify and Implement Strategies and Action Steps 7. Monitor/ Evaluate 8. Review/ Implement Necessary Changes
AYP Data Benchmark Assessments Federal Programs Evaluation Teacher/Administrator PD Surveys Continuous Improvement Plan Reviews Evaluations of Community-Based Partnerships Response to Instruction PST Reports School Instructional Observations
Accelerate reading and math achievement in subgroup populations to close the achievement gap Increase individual achievement for the special education subgroup Increase the percent of students passing the AHSGE Increase the graduation rate
Strengthen core instruction for all students Action Steps Implement A+ College Ready Program Continue On-site Strategic Teaching Training Provide Content Literacy Training Conduct School Instructional Reviews Continue On-site math instructional support Provide Differentiated Instruction for all students
Conduct New Teachers’ Professional Development throughout the year Provide ARI New Hire Training Engage administrators in research-based leadership training
Provide equal access to core instruction for special education students Action Steps Provide training in Individual Education Plan Development Drill down in data to identify specific skill deficiencies Align deficits to specific IEP goals Examine inclusion practices
Continue to provide strategic and intensive intervention for at-risk students Action Steps Implement 2011/2012 RTI Plan Provide training for School Problem Solving Team Chairpersons Streamline Homebound Process Reorganize Nursing Services Implement IMPACT
Increase OdysseyWare licenses for secondary schools Add ACCESS for Credit Recovery Implement Corrective Action Plans for schools in School Improvement Year 3 or above Continue Community Based Partnerships to provide additional resources and intervention (such as Success by Six, Project BETHEL, Tuscaloosa’s One Place, University of Alabama, Shelton State, Bevill State, West Alabama Literacy Council, College Board)
Continuous Improvement Plan Reviews Weekly school visits Instructional Observations and Assessments Vertical Teaming Monthly Board Reports Data Reviews Weekly CISD Meetings Monthly meetings with Homebound Teachers
Tuscaloosa County Schools Strategic Planning Model A School System…Not a System of Schools VISION Tuscaloosa County Schools Where Students Learn, Grow, and Achieve MISSION The Tuscaloosa County Board of Education is committed to meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe learning environment. GOALS Based on District Accreditation Required Actions To provide high quality instruction to meet the needs of all students. To seek continuous improvement in all schools and system departments. To increase communication with all stakeholders to enhance the quality of the school system. To provide appropriate facilities and resources for schools throughout the system. AdvancED District Accreditation Standards Vision and Purpose Teaching and Learning Documenting and Using Results Governance and Leadership Commitment to Continuous Improvement Stakeholder Communications and Relationships Resources and Support Systems Strategic Areas Curriculum and Instruction Student Support Services Governance Human Resources Professional Learning Communication Community Partnerships Finance Facilities Technology Community Forum Action Plan
“Leaving no child behind is a noble sentiment, but ensuring that every child is empowered to get ahead is an even nobler goal.” Phillip Schlechty