O. Buchmueller, Imperial College, W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, October 15, 2012 Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group - 1 Trigger Performance & Strategy Working Group Report Oliver Buchmueller Imperial College Wesley H. Smith U. Wisconsin Report to MB October 15, 2012 Outline: Membership Trigger Tracking Integration Subgroup Architecture Studies
O. Buchmueller, Imperial College, W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, October 15, 2012 Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group - 2 TPSWG Membership Subdetector/Coordination representatives Appointed by Project Managers/Coordinators: Duccio Abbaneo & Andrea Venturi -- Tracking & tracking Triggers Cristina Fernandez Bedoya -- Muon Systems Jose Carlos da Silva -- ECAL Paolo Rumiero -- HCAL Frans Meijers -- DAQ TBA -- Computing (Ian has been asked) Physics -- Chris Hill Tracking Trigger Integration Subgroup Co-Chairs (next slide) Emmanuelle Perez, Anders Ryd Experts on Triggers: DT: Pierluigi Zotto CSC: Ivan Furic RPC: Karol Bunkowski GT/GMT: Claudia Wulz Calorimeter Triggers (RCT/GCT): Sridhara Dasu & Dave Newbold Expert on CMS Electronics: Magnus Hansen -- Electronics Coordinator Ex Officio: Darin Acosta -- L1 Trigger PM Alex Tapper -- L1 Trigger Upgrade Coordinator Didier Contardo & Jeff Spalding -- Upgrade Coordinators
O. Buchmueller, Imperial College, W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, October 15, 2012 Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group - 3 TPSWG Trigger Tracking Integration Subgroup Co-Chairs: Emmanuelle Perez & Anders Ryd Charge: Provide options for use of tracking trigger primitives in level-1 trigger post-LS3 & evaluate their potential performance given specifications and resolution of tracking trigger primitives from Tracking Project. Provide its conclusions as input to the Technical Proposal on the Phase-2 upgrade due by the end of First charged to determine the requirements on the L1 tracking trigger, including the p T resolution, need for isolation, and z-location resolution. These requirements should be delivered by mid Also charged to provide an initial assessment of studies and plans for carrying on its studies as input to the interim report of the Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group at the end of this year. Initial Meetings on Oct. 12 & Nov. 1 (w/TPSWG) +…
O. Buchmueller, Imperial College, W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, October 15, 2012 Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group Trigger Performance and Strategy Working Group - 4 TPSWG Architecture Studies Option of L1 Trigger rate of 1 MHz & HLT output rate of 10 kHz is feasible for all subsystems, DAQ and Computing (but has a significant cost & schedule implications) is under serious consideration New Input expected by CMS Upgrade Week: Additional information from ECAL, Tracker on costs, schedule, risk being discussed LS3 Barrel Activities Task Force (reports to Upgrade Mgmt): Understand how and what CMS would have to organize to replace the tracker, pixels and electronics for EB within a 2-year LS as well as restrictions on other activities required by this work Electronics Longevity study (esp. EB) by Electronics Coordination