EIONET Data Exchange Group An update EIONET Workshop Vilnius, 17 to 18 October 2005 Andrej Kobe, Clean Air and Transport Unit DG Environment, European Commission
EIONET Terms of Reference l To audit new reporting procedures prior to their use by the Member States; l To provide views and experiences on all topics of data exchange, in particular the past reporting cycles for electronically submitted data and reports and propose improvements; l To make sure that all comments, concerns and suggestions by the Member States with regard to electronic submissions through Reportnet and DEM tools are shared and properly addressed by the DG ENV, EEA and the ETC/ACC; l To support DG ENV and, through DEG ENV, EEA and ETC/ACC in their plans to improve quality and optimize the use of data reported (AIRBASE, emission inventories); l To support DG ENV in the field of air quality reporting when developing its policies.
EIONET Development I. Thematic Strategy on Air pollution adopted by the CommissionThematic Strategy on Air pollution adopted by the Commission Commission proposal of the “Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe” presented in the Council on 22 nd SeptemberCommission proposal of the “Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe” presented in the Council on 22 nd September Directive includes the revision of reporting as currently under FWD, DDs and EoIDirective includes the revision of reporting as currently under FWD, DDs and EoI
EIONET Development II. DEG is a principal expert group to assist the Commission in drafting the Implementing provisions : decision endorsed by the CAFE Steering group May 2005DEG is a principal expert group to assist the Commission in drafting the Implementing provisions : decision endorsed by the CAFE Steering group May 2005
EIONET “The big picture” Is revision of reporting needed?Is revision of reporting needed? YES.YES. (COM, MS = CAFE SG & EPRG, experts) ReportingReporting WHAT? HOW?
EIONET WHAT? Demanded by USERS....Demanded by USERS.... COM, EEA&ETC/ACC, WHO, experts, public …proposed by COM……proposed by COM…...accepted by PROVIDERS...accepted by PROVIDERS The Member States Information level maintainedInformation level maintained Obsolete reporting repealedObsolete reporting repealed Identified open issues resolved, future upgrade process establishedIdentified open issues resolved, future upgrade process established Think SPATIAL, link with other data sourcesThink SPATIAL, link with other data sources
EIONET HOW? Electronic reportingElectronic reporting INSPIRE friendlyINSPIRE friendly StreamlinedStreamlined “No reinventing of the wheel”“No reinventing of the wheel” pivotal role of EEApivotal role of EEA Up to COM, assisted by DEG, to find and propose optimal solutionUp to COM, assisted by DEG, to find and propose optimal solution
EIONET Roadmap I. AQD in co-decisionAQD in co-decision Implementing provisions through ComitologyImplementing provisions through Comitology 0-Draft IP ready by end Draft IP ready by end 2005 Adopted after adoption of AQDAdopted after adoption of AQD To be presented to Council WP during procedure
EIONET Roadmap II. Sept 2 nd meeting DEGSept 2 nd meeting DEG Homework distributed Homework distributed Oct-NovElectronic exchange + INSPIREOct-NovElectronic exchange + INSPIRE Dec3 rd meeting DEGDec3 rd meeting DEG ? Endorsement provisions on zones ? Endorsement provisions on zones End 050-Draft prepared/compiled by COM (structure defined)End 050-Draft prepared/compiled by COM (structure defined) Jan-MarIteration I (meeting as/if required) + INSPIREJan-MarIteration I (meeting as/if required) + INSPIRE Apr-JunIteration II (-II-) + INSPIREApr-JunIteration II (-II-) + INSPIRE July 06Final draft readyJuly 06Final draft ready ?Adoption?Adoption (in parallel : existing reporting, EEA on tools, audit as available, possible work on further guidelines)(in parallel : existing reporting, EEA on tools, audit as available, possible work on further guidelines)
EIONET Info handling process I. EEA with its ETC plays key roleEEA with its ETC plays key role Common description of relevant informationCommon description of relevant information Subset electronically uploaded to Reportnet/CDR :Subset electronically uploaded to Reportnet/CDR : Zones Name, pollutant, type, delimitation AQ monitoring information raw data + metadata AQ assessment information Principally geo-data on concentrations throughout territory
EIONET Info handling process II. User himself performs relevant assessment (with new, audited tools – Process!)User himself performs relevant assessment (with new, audited tools – Process!) COM looks for exceedances, EEA on State of Env MS to take more advantage of EU-wide assessments Timing & QualityTiming & Quality Faster availability on EU scale needed High quality submissions, automated procedures June for AQ monitoring data? QC as close to data generation as possible Maximising use of IT
EIONET Conclusions DEG 30 Sept DEG accepts the supporting role in the preparation of the Implementing Provisions.DEG accepts the supporting role in the preparation of the Implementing Provisions.
EIONET Conclusions DEG 30 Sept While there are many important points to consider for the practical implementation, DEG is positive on the proposed approach and can consider it as a starting point in the drafting of the Implementing Provisions.While there are many important points to consider for the practical implementation, DEG is positive on the proposed approach and can consider it as a starting point in the drafting of the Implementing Provisions.
EIONET Conclusions DEG 30 Sept l Four subgroups of the DEG were designated to draft sets of reporting recommendations: l Subgroup Electronic reporting, dealing with IT aspects. Members: Sheila Cryan (EEA), Andrej Kobe (EC); possibly Natasa Kovac (SI). l Subgroup Zones, dealing with reporting of zone data, in particular zone borders. Members: Andrej Kobe (EC), Dick van den Hout (TNO), EEA involvement. l Subgroup Monitoring, revising the provisions on reporting monitoring data (EoI, parts of DD questionnaire). Members: Wolfgang Spangl (AT), Wim Mol (ETC), Andrej Kobe (EC); expected nomination of additional experts from DE, FR, IT. l Subgroup Assessment, drawing up provisions for spatial data from e.g. modelling, GIS. Members: Wolf Garber (DE), Dick van den Hout (TNO), Andrej Kobe (EC); Frank de Leeuw (ETC), expected nomination of additional experts from FR, IT.
EIONET Conclusions DEG 30 Sept l DEG adopts the roadmap, while noting that timing is very ambitious. The date for the next meeting on December 15 is tentative and will be confirmed.
EIONET Final thoughts Important to see the big pictureImportant to see the big picture EU-wide AQ information system link to other sources Support for work outside mandatory reporting: local and EU level Spatial dimension of air pollution Concentrations (incl. exceedances of LV) sources abatement Tight schedule for DEGTight schedule for DEG Success only if all parties are working together toward the same vision!
EIONET Discussion points INSPIRE & Shared Information SystemINSPIRE & Shared Information System Substance & Impact EIONET role in fast implementation of SISEIONET role in fast implementation of SIS EEA roleEEA role Air data centre Development of tools Database(s) Proposed data flowsProposed data flows Is something missing?