CEMS School Profile 2009
The following line graphs represent MEA scores in reading and math for each grade level. It is important to note that this data represents three different classes per chart.
2009 MEA School Comparison The following tables represent a comparison of 2009 MEA scores for similar districts - Falmouth Middle School, Frank Harrison Middle School (Yarmouth), Greely Middle School (MSAD 51), and CEMS.
2009 MEA Performance Level Three and Four-Year Review The following bar graphs represent the performance level percentages- exceeds (E), meets (M), partially meets (PM), and does not meet the standard (DNM) - for reading and math. This data represents MEA performance of the same class over time.
MEA Two-Year Subgroup Comparison The following bar graphs represent performance level comparisons of the same subgroup - Identified Disability- for the 2008 and 2009 test sessions.