TUG Overview David Castleberg (TUG Vice Chair, Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation) November 6, 2005
Trnsport Users Group (TUG) User Group began in 1986 In 1988, formally organized as the AASHTO BAMS Users Group (BUG) In 1996 name was changed to the Trns·port Users Group or TUG to reflect the AASHTOWare Trns·port® name.
What\Who is the TUG ? People that comprise the TUG come together specifically to exchange ideas, discuss issues. The goal…to improve their overall capabilities using the AASHTOWare Trns·port suite of products Who are the people…YOU!!!!
Not Just an Annual Event Users List Service Technical Advisory Groups - TAG’s Technical Review Teams - TRT’s Joint Application Development – JAD TUG Board of Directors Trns·port Task Force - TTF
TUG Structure
TUG Objectives To provide a forum for a unified voice to direct the course of Trns·port. To provide cooperative technical support of the products. Provide input to the Product Management Task Force on product effectiveness, product deficiencies, and needed product enhancements
Define product training and support needs. Prioritize maintenance, enhancements, and support needs. Submit recommendations to the Product Management Task Force. TUG Objectives
Individually represent your participating members departments or licensed organizations interest in the product. Participate when and where possible. –List Service, TAG, TRT, JAD, TUG Board, TTF, TUG Conf –List Service, TAG, TRT, JAD, TUG Board, TTF, TUG Conference Representative’s Objectives
TUG Board of Directors 4 member Board –Chairperson – Jim Ferguson NEDOR –Vice Chairperson – David Castleberg WisDOT –Secretary-Treasurer – Brian Parnell SCDOT –Outgoing (Past) Chairperson – David Bollie AlDOT
The Vice Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer are elected at the annual users group meeting. The Chair is filled by advancement of the previous Vice Chair. To serve, you must be an official representative or appointed by an official representative of a member organization TUG Board of Directors
Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) TUG subgroup created to provide input to the TUG on issues associated to specific AASHTOWare Trns·port products Seven TAG’s
Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) Construction Management –provides input to the Trns·port Users group on issues associated with SiteManager, SitePad, SiteXchange and CAS –provides input to the Trns·port Users group on issues associated with SiteManager, SitePad, SiteXchange and CAS. Cost Estimation –provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on issues associated with the Estimator and CES.
Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) Contract Monitoring –provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on issues associated with the BAMS/DSS. Field Management –provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on issues associated with the FieldManager suite of software.
Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) Information Technology –provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on technical issues relating to the enhancement and development of all the Trns.port modules –provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on technical issues relating to the enhancement and development of all the Trns.port modules. Materials –provides input to the Trns·port Users group on issues associated with the materials portion of SiteManager.
Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) Proposal through Award –Provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on issues associated with the PES, LAS and the Expedite –Provides input to the Trns·port Users Group on issues associated with the PES, LAS and the Expedite.
Sources of information
Network with other members with Trns·port products to provide or receive advice on the products effectiveness or deficiencies. ASK QUESTIONS Remember to explore your surroundings and have an enjoyable experience Representative’s Objectives This Week