Idea’ for JISC Maurits Blanson Henkemans Netherlands Montreal
NL JI Programme Government Purchases emission reduction at market prices Different approaches ERUPT 5X tenders (Senter) Multilateral Financial Institutions EBRD and Worldbank Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF)
Experiences/plans We have contracts for ca 20 Mton CO2 (target 34 Mton). We organised together with Host countries and WB two JI track 1 workshops We will use Track 1 and 2 Host countries : Priority Eligibility Green AAU as fall back
JI Second Track different from CDM CDMJIST Developing methodology- PDD applying approved methodologies PDD applying Appendix B of MA PDD made public 30 days Validation by Designated Operational Entity (DOE) Determination by Accredited Independent Entity (AIE) Approval by Designated National Authority (DNA) Approval by Designated Focal Point (DFP) Registration by Executive Board (EB) Determination final in 45 days unless review by Supervisory Committee Verification by different DOEVerification by (same) AIE Issuance of CERs by EBTransfer of ERUs by Host Country
Idea’s for JI SC (1) Give certainty to investors in JI COP/MOP should give following guidance to JISC Accredit DOA (CDM) will automatically be IE Project developers Can use CDM methodologies for baseline setting. Can use PDD from CDM
Idea’ for JISC (2) Set up acc panel for JI New generic guidelines can be developed by and be approved by IE JISC can review JISC should supervise and make a management plan Financing Enough money for meetings/accreditation/review Voluntary contributions very important Fee yes but how?? There is no registration with JI
Idea’s for JISC (3) Have the first meeting in Montréal Have an idea about potential 2e Track project’s Work together with Non –Annex 1 members the market is big enough don’t compete- AAU’s…