‘DIY’ Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians Stuart Macdonald Associate Data Librarian EDINA & Data Library University of Edinburgh DigCurV Conference - Framing the Digital Curation Curriculum 7 May 2013, Florence, Italy
Background EDINA and University Data Library (EDL) together are a division within Information Services of the University of Edinburgh. EDINA is a JISC-funded National Data Centre providing national online resources for education and research The Data Library assists Edinburgh University users in the discovery, access, use and management of research datasets -
Context Research Data Management (RDM) Policy passed by University Senate – May 2011 Information Services (IS) has committed to an RDM Roadmap over a 24 month period starting summer 2013 The Roadmap is a cross-divisional collaboration supported by: ◦ DCC ◦ EDINA & Data Library ◦ USD ◦ Library & Collections ◦ IT Infrastructure
The Roadmap will provide services to implement the University’s RDM Policy and will help to engage researchers in RDM Data Management Planning Active Data Infrastructure Data Stewardship Data Management Support
Work with academics to ensure that the library is meeting teaching and research needs in their respective subject areas Promote information literacy Feedback specific needs of colleges/schools into library planning process ‘Upskilling’ Information professionals IS staff need training to build confidence in engaging in RDM activity and support. Why liaison librarians?
Topics - agreed with participants in advance. Data management planning Documenting & organising data Data storage & security Ethics & copyright Data sharing Inspired by Data Intelligence 4 Librarians but based on MANTRA learning units Training schedule and reflective questions sent out 1 week in advance
Course structure 2hr face-to-face sessions Facilitated by data librarians Invited guest speakers Talks followed by long discussions Interactive group exercises - based on UKDA Train the Trainers materials Homework exercises to reinforce learning Reflective writing to think as a researcher MANTRA modules to work through in advance of each session Independent study: interview a researcher
Small group, private setting, plenty of time for discussion, sharing stories. Emphasis on facilitation rather than teaching; expert presence not necessary, though useful for settling unanswered questions.
Outcome A complete training package designed to contain everything needed to complete a similar training course on your own (in small groups) based on open educational materials. Librarians are in control of their own training (planned collaboratively) and therefore are committed to learning. Reading at own pace, reflective writing, background reading allow individuals to achieve deeper understanding for given research field. Management commitment to roll out further training based on results
Training kit contents: Promotional slides & Training schedule Research Data MANTRA online course Reflective writing questions (PDF / Word) Selected group exercises (with answers) from UK Data Service - Train the trainer materials (PDF) Podcasts for short talks by the original Edinburgh speakers if running course without ‘live’ speakers (Windows or Quicktime versions). Presentation files (pptx) Evaluation forms Independent study assignment: Data Curation Profile, from D2C2, Purdue University Libraries. Resources available: All CC-BY licensed so please reuse!
Challenges If commitment is only lightweight - done as other work allows, spread over 4 months, no anticipation of job change - how effective will the learning be? How and by whom should further training be done - across IS and/or with researchers? DCC/JISC MRD: Awareness of other institutions’ progress may help learners take on board importance of RDM.
Acknowledgements Colleagues: Robin Rice & Anne Donnelly Flickr image by Marc Home (CC BY 2.0) - photography/ / photography/ / Flickr image by nickwheeleroz (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Flickr image by josef.stuefer (CC BY 2.0) Flickr image by Steve Snodgrass (CC BY 2.0) Flickr image by gavinzac(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Flickr image by Pink Sherbert Photography (CC BY 2.0) – Flickr image by Rakka (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Flickr image by Koalie (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Flickr image by Copperdog ~ Diane (CC BY-SA 2.0) - Flickr image by miss_rogue (CC BY-SA 2.0) Flikcr image by publicdomain photos (CC BY 2.0) Flickr image by DougfromSPACE (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) -
END! Thanks Contact: MANTRA: DIY RDM Training Kit for Librarians Edinburgh Univ. Research Data Policy - Edinburgh University RDM Roadmap