Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Technical Advisory Service for Images International Seminary on Digitisation National Library of Portugal - Lisbon 11 th May 2004 Ed I Bremner Senior Technical Research Officer
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. An Introduction to TASI “To provide advice & guidance to the UK Further & Higher Education community on the issues of creating, delivering & using digital images together with managing digitisation projects”
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. An Introduction to TASI The objectives for TASI are: To encourage the creation of high quality digital image collections To promote good practice in the creation, delivery and use of digital images and in the management of digitisation projects To promote and support the use of standards within digitisation projects
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. An Introduction to TASI The objectives for TASI are: To promote technical expertise within the FE/HE community by providing advice, guidance, support, training and consultancy To encourage networking and the building of an imaging community within FE and HE
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Who TASI are Established in 1997 as a JISC project… …And a JISC service since 2000 Funded in 3 year terms – until 2006 Hosted at the ILRT within the University of Bristol Team of five experts Extensive background in digital imaging & training
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Who pays for TASI TASI are funded by the JISC: ‘Joint Information Systems Committee’ …who provide: SuperJANET – Broadband for Education JISCMail Core Support Services Project and Research Funding
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Who pays for TASI TASI are funded by the JISC: ‘Joint Information Systems Committee’ ….and found at:
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Who do we help Our remit is for the staff of UK Further and Higher Education However Heritage sector now becoming centres of life-long learning… …and differences are becoming blurred. We now try to help Museums, Galleries, Archives and Libraries with projects that have a ‘teaching’ focus.
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI does TrainingSupportGuidanceStandards A life-cycle model Creating Delivering Managing Using
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops 15 different workshops, from ‘Beginner’s Image Capture’ to ‘Digital Preservation’ both in Bristol and at 7 other locations around the UK
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops TASI Help Desk Answering and phone enquiries on all aspects of digital imaging
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops TASI Help Desk TASI mailing list Providing an opportunity to discuss all aspects of digital imaging with a group of knowledgeable practitioners Join at:
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops TASI Help Desk TASI mailing list TASI Advice notes Over 40 reports providing up to date and accurate information on a range of subjects relevant to digital imaging available from:
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops TASI Help Desk TASI mailing list TASI Advice notes Online resources The TASI Web site provides a range of useful resources for the FE & HE sector including the ICR, glossaries and calculators available from:
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops TASI Help Desk TASI mailing list TASI Advice notes Online resources Online training materials The TASI Web site provides a range of training materials for the lecturer who needs to create, find and use digital images for teaching purposes
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What TASI provides Training Workshops TASI Help Desk TASI mailing list TASI Advice notes Online resources Online training materials Commercial Consultation For those projects requiring extensive help from outside our remit, TASI provide a consultation service on all aspects of digital imaging
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. The TASI Web site
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. The TASI Web site
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. How did we get here? Digitisation has come along way in a short time: Initially projects provided research… …now they provide content
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. How did we get here? Projects have shared: Public funding Reasonable budgets ‘Top down’ Aims and Objectives An ‘Open Access’ delivery model Internet delivery Designed for ‘Teaching and Learning’ And gave us the basis of ‘Good Practice’
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What did we learn? No ‘one’ approach fits all projects and quality means providing the user with what they require Strict standards were not always a help… …but research, communication, training and understanding were!
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What did we learn? ‘Fit for Purpose’ is the QA mantra for all useful digitisation Start with User-Research Bottom-Up Aims and Objectives Be pragmatic and realistic Establish technology and methodology that is ‘good enough’… But don’t penny-pinch on equipment, time or training
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What did we learn? Digitisation is not hard to do… …but it can be hard to do well!
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What would be better… Use ‘joined up thinking’ and provide: ‘One’ central resource for all communities per subject area ‘One’ generic set of guidelines versatile enough for all projects Central delivery systems that promote interoperability across all communities Standardised training for all communities
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What would be better… Training is the key: What skills are required… …and how do you provide training Practical hands-on skills From Colour Management… …to Copyright and Metadata Teachers need training too!
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What would be better… The need for communication: Images and digital content are great… …but only if they are used
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What would be better… The need for communication: Promote all collections to user Tell projects about ‘Support Services’ and how to contact them Provide training to encourage use of image collections Create and support a digitisation community
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. What would be better… Establishing a service to support your digitisation is not a trivial task… …so make sure you can provide enough funding to do it properly …It will take a lot of time and effort…
Hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. Ed Bremner Senior Technical Research Officer