Catherine Grout, Head of Change – Research, Jisc 22/01/2015 Jisc-ARMA ORCID Pilot Final Project Meeting
2 to provide a forum for networking, sharing of experiences and collaboration to showcase key achievements of universities who set out to implement ORCID identifiers in systems and workflows as part of the Jisc-ARMA ORCID pilot to explore and reflect on themes and findings of the projects, discuss gaps and remaining challenges and agree priorities going forward Aims of Day
Structure of Day 3 TimeActivity 10:30-11:00Tea & coffee 11:00-11:15 Welcome, Introduction and Jisc update Catherine Grout, Jisc 11:15-11:45 ORCID adoption in HEIs update Laure Haak & Josh Brown, ORCID 11:45-12:00 ORCID and Wikipedia Andy Mabbett, ORCID Wikipedian in residence 12:00-13:15 Overview of ORCID pilot projects (Southampton University, Imperial College, Swansea University, University of Oxford Aston University, University of York, Northumbria University, University of Kent) 13:15-14:00Lunch 14:00-14:15 Update on Institutional ORCID and cost-benefit analysis report Rob Johnson, Research Consulting & Verena Weigert, Jisc 14:15-15:15Themed World Café Style discussions on impact, sustainability and reflections on what’s been achieved and next steps. 15:15-15:30Coffee break 15:30-15:50Feedback from discussions 15:50-16:00Wrap-up and next steps Simon Kerridge, ARMA
Research Information Management Jisc update 4 Three closely related themes and major work areas Scholarly Communications Research Data Management
6 Building on previous work a series of consultations have identified Need to develop key shared services and infrastructure and their underpinning standards to support RDM and RIM Need for clear advice and guidance with practical tools and frameworks (focussed on HEI’s) to make RDM business as usual within two years Vision and Roadmap with key stakeholders nationally and internationally Research at Risk
7 Supporting adoption and implementation of key standards and addressing sustainability Jisc- Casrai UK pilot (( - now drawing to a close) Sustainable approach to Orcid implementation in the UK Frameworks e.g. CERIF Key RIM challenges
8 Joining up people and systems e.g. People – RIM Group met last week (well attended by range of organisations, funders, vendors, HEI’s, standards organisations) Systems – RCUK-Jisc Overview of System Interoperability Project (OSIP) (consider major interoperability challenges around RC systems and where standards can help – leading to report to RC’s post workshop in Spring) Key RIM challenges
9 Systems – RCUK-Jisc Overview of System Interoperability Project (OSIP) Key RIM challenges #Provocation 1Interface between JeS Grant Application System and HEI systems 2Interface between Researchfish and HEI systems 3Gateway to Research - and Third Party systems 4Standardising Non-HEI organisational names in RC systems 5JeS Student Details and RO Student Information Systems Pain points / opportunities #Provocation aORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) bSyntax - CERIF (Common European Research Information Format), Semantic Web (eg VIVO) and JSON (probably the leading options) cOrganisational Name standards - ISNI (International Standard Name Authority) and Ringgold, and many others. Note CASRAI OrgID group work in this area. dOpen Access metadata standards (eg RIOXX, CASRAI OA reporting initiatives) Interoperability initiatives
10 Communicating lessons learned: Verena will talk later about how we will be disseminating results of pilot and how we can build on what has been learnt ORCID National Arrangement Jisc will now consult to gauge level of interest in an ORCID Group membership (ORCID will outline what this is) Interest already building (including via consultation) Please contact Verena if you would like to be part of that consultation Jisc is considering what other support we can provide post pilot – e.g. technical Will now re-convene the ORCID implementation group to look at how this national arrangement might operate and next steps for UK ORCID implementation (Jisc, ARMA, HEFCE, RCUK, UCISA, HESA, SCONUL, RLUK, Wellcome Trust, BL) Next steps for ORCID adoption
Find out more… 11 Catherine Grout Head of Change e-Research, Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND