Advisory Board Meeting 23 January British Library.


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Presentation transcript:

Advisory Board Meeting 23 January British Library

Agenda:  Welcome and Introductions  Notes of the last meeting and matters arising  Terms of Reference & Role (updated)  Budget and Sustainability  Platform update  Development Log  Content Brainstorm  Innovations and Collaboration  OCR Report  MARC Records  Evaluating Success  Date of next meeting and AOB

Welcome and Introductions / Attending  Adrian Edwards – British Library  Adrian Street – Queen’s University Belfast  Diarmuid Kennedy – Queen’s University Belfast  Elizabeth McHugh - University of the Highlands and Islands (on phone)  Erica Swain – Cardiff University  Gabriel Egan - Loughborough University (Chair)  Giles Bergel - Oxford University (Merton)  Joanna Ball – University of Sussex  Jonathan Gibson – Royal Holloway, University of London  Justin Champion - Royal Holloway, University of London  Laurel Brake – Birkbeck, University of London  Michael Popham - Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford  Sam Tillet – British Library  Simon Eliot – School of Advanced Studies, University of London  Vic Lyte – Mimas  Alastair Dunning – JISC  Caren Milloy – JISC Collections  Scott Gibbens – JISC Collections

Apologies received  Stephen Gregg - Bath Spa  Jerome de Groot - Manchester University  Mark Towsey - University of Liverpool  Paul Rayson – University of Lancaster  Tracey Hill - Bath Spa University  Andy Murphey – University of St Andrews  Ceri Sullivan – Bangor University  Matthew Steggle - Sheffield Hallam  Simon Bell – British Library  Jess Edwards – Manchester Metropolitan University  Chris Mounsey - University of Winchester  Beth Palmer - University of Surrey  Godfried Croenen - University of Liverpool

Notes of the last meeting and matters arising  Terms of Reference – update and agenda item  Benchmarking and evaluation – agenda item  Membership – new members invited and accepted  Ceri Sullivan from Bangor University  Adrian Streete from Queens University Belfast  Andy Murphy from University St Andrews  Joanna Ball from University of Sussex (Library)  Erica Swain from Cardiff University (Library)  Diarmund Kennedy from Queen’s University Belfast (Library)  Platform Update – agenda item  Communications - JISCmail, digital literacy, focus groups, newsletter, twitter, articles, visits (verbal update),

Advisory Board Terms of Reference  Principles  Objectives  Role  Membership (see spreadsheet) Members are invited to discuss and agree the revised terms of reference for the group

Principles The JISC Historic Books Advisory Board works to support the following principles:  JISC Historic Books will be an easy to use, comprehensive, dynamic, innovative and sustainable platform that is continually used by researchers, teachers and learners in UK higher and further education  JISC Historic Books will pioneer new technologies and techniques to support changes in the scholarly environment and user behavior  JISC Historic Books will open up and widen access to historical printed materials through partnerships and international collaborations

Objectives In meeting the principles, the Advisory Board will:  ensure that the JHB provides the leading interface, functionality, content and licensing to meet the needs of teachers, learners and researchers in UK Higher and Further education, both now and in the future  drive forward new developments to keep JHB in line with changing user behavior and needs, the changing scholarly environment, and innovations in technology and learning  identify and prioritise content for inclusion in JHB to increase repeat use and provide a better teaching, learning and research experience for users within UK higher and further education institutions  ensure that JHB adopts current and emerging industry standards/technologies for interoperability, discoverability, accessibility, statistics, metadata and content  make decisions that will provide the UK HE & FE community with the best return on investment and support the future sustainability of JISC eCollections

Role To meet the objectives, the Advisory Board will:  represent the current and potential users of JHB within the UK scholarly community  guide and develop the JHB technology and content strategy  hold open, frank and constructive discussions on future developments  provide advice and guidance to JISC Collections  work collaboratively with JISC Collections to help foster new and constructive relationships / partnerships within the scholarly community  champion JHB within UK HE and FE to help harness the power of the community in future developments  keep informed of developments in the digital historic book scholarly environment and use this knowledge in decision making and when providing advice to JISC Collections

Budget and Sustainability  JISC eCollections Service Budget  Service Fees  Development Funding Available Members are invited to note and discuss the Service Budget and the Development Funds

JISC eCollections Service Budget This will be presented at the meeting as it is too large to fit into this slide

BandHEFE Band A£5,700£500 Band B£5,150 £450 Band C£4,590 £300 Band D£4,040 £350 Band E£3,300 £300 Band F£2,770 £250 Band G£2,570 £200 Band H£960 £150 Band I£910 £150 Band J£860 £150 JISC eCollections Service Fees

Development Funding

Platform Update  Stop words – there is a quick fix in place to allow phrase searching to include stop words  Usage Statistics – we are working with the JUSP team to provide comprehensive usage statistics. From August to November pages were viewed.  Persistent URLs – this will allow users to use a unique URL to go straight from a VLE or library catalogue into a specific book and page  PDF server – This project will improve the delivery of PDF downloads  EECO 2 content ingest – 50,000 more books to be indexed. In addition more EEBO TCP text will be added (new files)

Development Log  This log lists all suggested enhancements to the service that we have received from users  They have been looked at by the software developers to specify rough time and costs to get this done  We need to prioritise how important these are and add any additional features we require  Once the board has prioritised a more detailed specification of each development will be written and passed on to the developers  We would like the Advisory Board to assist in testing the developments  The log will be posted on the JISC eCollections website

Members are invited to discuss the development log and prioritise the developments in order of importance in accordance with the ToR and the budget available

Content Brainstorm  Oxford University & Google 19 th Century titles:  Connected Histories  JISC Collections content tender Members are invited to participate in a brainstorming session to identify content that could be licensed and ingested into the platform. Members are also invited to highlight where collaborations and partnerships with other providers may be beneficial for users of JHB.

Innovations and Collaborations  OCR report  MARC records

Improving OCR text within JISC Historic Books  Why is this of importance to education - verbal report on the OCR summit by Gabriel Egan  Taking it forward in the UK – verbal report by Scott Gibbens

Centralised Server & Editorial Board 18 th Century Connect Proquest / Cengage / British Library TypeWright software (expert editing) Widget (quick edits) JISC Historic Books TEI-A used to send the textual changes back and forth UK HE & FE Date & time stamped with versioning

Improving OCR text within JISC Historic Books Members are invited to discuss the proposed OCRs project and to endorse JISC Collections taking forward this project subject to a full project plan Members may want to consider forming a sub- group for this project

Providing UK HE and FE with MARC records for JHB  What metadata and discovery mechanisms are required by the key stakeholders (researchers, students and librarians)  The possibilities for collecting and maintaining such metadata together and the associated issues, costs, benefits and timescales  Any IP issues associated with such activity Study undertaken by Owen Stephens and full report available for interested members

Report Recommendations (1 of 2) (in priority order)  Recommendation 1: To satisfy the needs of those libraries who have already invested in obtaining MARC records for EEBO/ECCO it is essential that JISC Historic Books supports the ability to link to items within the collection via one or more standard identifiers.  Recommendation 2: Persistent links to materials in JISC Historic Books platform should be distributed freely, with mappings to other key identifiers (i.e. those listed above).  Recommendation 3: JISC Collections should work with the British Library, ESTC North America, and other stakeholders to achieve the release of ESTC data under a license that explicitly allows re-use.

Recommendations (2 of 2)  Recommendation 4: JISC Collections should contact Dr Mike Mertens (Deputy Executive Director, RLUK) to pursue the possibility of using RLUK metadata as the basis of open, re-usable, metadata.  Recommendation 5: JISC Collections should work with the British Library to investigate how crowdsourcing techniques might be used to improve and enhance the metadata available for the 19th Century material.  Recommendation 6: JISC Collections and Mimas should discuss the possibility of automatic keyword extraction and text summarization, with a focus on those texts with high quality transcriptions. JISC Collections should also clarify the licensing terms (if any) governing the use of the source material in this context.

MARC records: next steps Members are invited to discuss the recommendations from the metadata report and agree to JISC Collections proceeding according to the priority order suggested Members may want to consider a sub-group for this project

Evaluating progress & success  Y1: Need to gather data to inform strategy, evaluate progress and to be able to put together proof for sponsors etc  Suggestion to use: Toolkit for the Impact of Digitised Scholarly Resources -

Methodology: Quantitative  Benchmarking usage of JHB against ProQuest / Cengage (bi-annual)  Benchmarking usage (annual)  Web analytics / Log files / COUNTER (Google / Mimas) (quarterly)  Referrer links analysis (Bi-annual)  Surveys by JISC Collections & Mimas (annual)

Methodology: Qualitative  Focus groups – understand use and how can help embed use (annual)  User testing – performance, accessibility (annual)  Feedback on lists / helpdesks / twitter (quarterly)

Evaluating progress & success Members are invited to discuss the proposed methods for evaluating JISC Historic Books. Following feedback, JISC Collections will write the evaluation plan and put into action

Date of next meeting and AOB May 2012 October 2012 January 2013