Publishing options: OA monographs
OA monographs and Jisc initiatives OAPEN-UK » Researcher survey insights » Researcher guide » Matched pairs pilot National Monograph Strategy Jisc Collections - OAPEN project for OA monograph services ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph
OAPEN-UK ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph
OAPEN-UK: Survey of academics in HSS Previous research points to: High perceived value for monographs “Releasing information” most important priority for researchers as authors With “financial compensation” the least important Awareness of OA well-established Awareness of Creative Commons at approx 60% ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Context from previous research (2012)
OAPEN-UK: Survey of academics in HSS 94% said it was important or very important to access monographs 84% said it was important or very important to publish monographs ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph New research survey (2014)
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph TotalSocial sciencesHumanities Journal article98%99%98% Monograph84%72%95% Book chapter75%65%83% Edited book (as editor)65%57%71% Conference paper48%49%46% Critical edition35%22%45% Textbook23%27%19% Working paper14%21%8% Dataset13%18%9% Published creative output 11%7%14% Exhibition catalogue10%4%14% Base Researchers who consider it ‘important’ or ‘very important’ to publish research outputs, by discipline
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph TotalSocial sciencesHumanities Journal articles100% Book chapters97%96%98% Edited books97%95%98% Monographs94%89%98% Conference papers60% 61% Critical editions58%41%71% Textbooks49%56%43% Working papers33%45%23% Datasets31%41%23% Exhibition catalogues21%11%29% Published creative outputs 18%11%23% Base Researchers who consider it ‘important’ or ‘very important’ to access research outputs, by discipline
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Researchers who say it is both important and difficult to publish or access monographs and journals
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Attitude towards principle of open access for journal articles and books
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Researchers who feel ‘positive’ or ‘very positive’ towards principle of open access, by career stage
Researcher guide to OA monographs ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Benefits of publishing OA monographs?
Researcher guide to OA monographs ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Context: funding and policy
Researcher guide to OA monographs ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Models for OA books
Researcher guide to OA monographs ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Publishers offering OA monographs
Researcher guide to OA monographs ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph What are the costs of publishing an open access monograph? PublisherAuthor fee Taylor and Francis£10,000 Manchester University Press£5,900 - £7,700 Palgrave Open£7,500 - £11,000 University of Huddersfield Press£4,500 for works of up to 70,000 words Ubiquity PressDepends on size of work Springer OpenDepends on size of work Bloomsbury AcademicNone Open Book PublishersOnly if funding available Correct at October 2014
Does OA model have any impact on quality? ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph
OA with CC licence OAPEN Library Google Books Publishers website Institutional Repository ????? OA with CC licence OAPEN Library Google Books Publishers website Institutional Repository ????? Standard e-book agreements Publishers website E-book aggregators Standard e-book agreements Publishers website E-book aggregators Print version available for sale E-book device friendly version available for sale Print version available for sale E-book device friendly version available for sale 90 HSS titles: Experimental Group (29 titles , 16 titles ) Control Group (29 titles , 16 titles ) OAPEN-UK Matched pairs project ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph
National Monograph Strategy ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph National Monograph Strategy
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph National Monograph Strategy
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph National Monograph Survey
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph National Monograph Strategy
ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph National Monograph Strategy
Jisc Collections-OAPEN pilot for OA monograph centralized services ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph
Jisc Collections-OAPEN pilot for OA monograph centralized services ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph Stage 1: Research phase – Workshop; report on evidence for the value of a potential service Stage 2: Specification of potential operational services for UK universities; development of pilot(s) Stage 3: Evaluation and implementation plan - Evaluation of project results; report on recommendations; business plan for the creation and sustaining of a centralised service.
Thank you ARL Fall Forum on the Scholarly Monograph