Learning to Teach Inclusively Conference 2011 University of Wolverhampton, Science Park 20 th September 2011
Programme 10:30 Opening Address (Professor Geoff Layer, Vice Chancellor) 10:45 The Learning to Teach Inclusively Project (C Hockings) 11:15 Open Educational Resources (P Brett) 11:30 Coffee break 11:45 Inclusive Institutions (L Thomas HEA) 12:15 Professional Standards/ Professional Values in HE (C Smith UoS) 12:45 Lunch 13:30 ORIC Project (S Walton UoB) 14:00 Small Group Demos (Exhibition Hall & Stevenson Room) 14:40 Panel Discussion and Feedback from Groups (Exhibition Hall) 15:15 Closing Remarks (Professor Glynis Cousin, Director of ILE) 15:30 Close
Project Team Christine Hockings Matt Terentjevs Paul Brett Institute for Learning Enhancement University of Wolverhampton The Learning to Teach Inclusively Project
Background Phase 2 of the HEFCE-funded Open Educational Resources (OER) programme. Open Materials for Accredited Courses (OMAC) supported by JISC and HE Academy (30 post grad credits) Meet the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE (UK PSF) Permit “global reuse and repurposing” under CC licence Focus on Digital/info literacy; Education for sustainable development; Development of the Inclusive curriculum.
Why inclusive curriculum? Maximum tuition fees - commitment to widening access; Degree attainment gap affecting black ethnic minority and male students (Broecke & Nichols 2007); Equality Act focus on the treatment of ‘protected categories’ in HE; UKPSF - university teachers must demonstrate ‘commitment to and respect for both individual learners and diverse learning communities’ (HEA 2010). University of Wolverhampton – highly diverse student population, track record in widening participation, nationally recognised research in the learning and teaching of diverse students.
Learning and teaching for social diversity and difference in HE Key questions How do teachers academically engage all students within diverse groups? How can we facilitate development of inclusive learning environments? What are the implications for policy and practice in university teaching? Learning and teaching for social diversity and difference in HE
Principles & practice Create safe, inclusive spaces Get to know students as individuals Establish ground rules for collaborative learning Harness students’ experience and knowledge Start with what students know, then apply theory (biographical turn) Connect with students’ lives, backgrounds and future aspirations Facilitate uncertainty, confusion & difference Encourage public articulation of thinking & collaborative problem solving Teach reflexively and with sensitivity to individual & cultural differences Mindful of own beliefs and identity and their impact on student learning Coordinate interaction, mixing different student (with a purpose) Anticipate students’ requirements and interests Respond flexibly to emerging needs and interests of student Play video
Learning to Teach Inclusively Module Unit 2 3 units Content, activities, forum, assessment, links to other resources, etc. Over 100 video clips in a range of subjects. All subtitled. Available from Open Jorum &/ selected clips in module Module developed using Xerte for accessibility Available via OU Labspace or via UoW website. Down load and repurposing guide with video tutorial Currently embedded in UoW PG Cert
Impact of OER on the learning environment ? 179 unique visitors (unit 2) between May and August Visits came from 8 countries (UK, Australia, Netherlands, Ireland, Latvia, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa) UK visits came from more than 50 cities in UK Video clips viewed on Vimeo in one day = 32 I think you have chosen an angle on promoting inclusive teaching within the disciplines which is very attractive to us. There may be potential for using your resource in our probationary lecturers’ programme…It would certainly seem to offer an opportunity for developing teachers, to review the teaching of peers, at their own pace and at a time of their choosing. I am sure that will be most attractive’. (Director of Learning and Teaching Enhancement, University of Bath). Future work with UoW Schools, universities in UK and potentially Australia.
Acknowledgements Teachers Students Team members Matt Terentjevs, Paul Brett, Claire Jones Advisory Group Liz Thomas, Christa Appleton, Chris Smith, Helen Gale Reviewers External evaluator Chrissi Narantzi HEFCE, JISC & HE Academy