The Transition to Open Access: Progress So Far Michael Jubb Research Information Network RENU Autumn Workshop 17 th September 2014 Oxford Brookes University
Agenda Policy developments Publishers and intermediaries Universities and libraries Recent reports and data Monographs Research data
Policy Developments International G8 meeting and follow-up Science Europe, Global Research Council, ICSU….. EU and Horizon 2020 Guidelines December 2013 Other EU countries USA OSTP Memorandum 2013 DoE plans in public domain China Academy of Sciences and National Science Foundation statement UK Finch Report 2012 Review of Progress 2013 RCUK Implementation review 2014 Wellcome (and other medical research charities) Funding Councils and REF
Publishers and Intermediaries
Publishers and OA Most journals from major publishers now hybrid New OA journals Elsevier Schizophrenia Research: Cognition Wiley Clinical Case Reports Springer EJNMMI Physics OUP Journal of Law and the Biosciences Royal Society Royal Society Open Science Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Science DOAJ nearing 10k titles
Publishers and OA Quality issues Beall’s list, and the John Bohannan sting impact and response from DOAJ and OASPA Elsevier and take-down notices and ResearchGate Tim Gowers and the Cost of Knowledge campaign CERN and the launch of the SCOAP3 initiative
Payment systems and intermediaries Publishers’ deposit account and membership schemes workflows for processing, invoicing, collecting and reporting on APCs Jisc APC pilot service Copyright Clearance Center links between RightsLink and Editorial Manager systems See also CCC/ALPSP OA News and Resources website
Universities and Libraries
Policies and Processes Green and Gold institutional funds for payment of APCs libraries working with research services implementation of CRISs developing workflows sharing good practice ‘work in progress’
Some key issues publishers authors B2C model no institutional touch point what’s being/has beenpublished? varying policies version licence embargo price
Costs subscriptions, APCs and the offsets issue Willetts’ three principles a meaningful proportion of an institution’s total APC costs to be offset against total subscription payments (or vice versa) a sliding scale to be applied to this proportion to incentivise use of Gold OA a limit applied to the total value of offset, taking account of administrative costs incurred by institution and publisher
Costs RLUK ‘framework papers’ big deal subscriptions to increase no more than 1% in cash terms offsets to operate at institutional level work with Institute of Physics Jisc Collections’ modelling for Total Cost of Ownership project Tim Gowers’ Cost of Knowledge campaign
Recent Reports
Recent Reports and Data BIS/Elsevier report on the International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base data on take-up of OA in UK and rest of world Wellcome et al commissioned report Developing an Effective Market for Open Access Article Processing Charges differential between APCs for hybrids and fully-OA journals policy options British Academy report Open access journals in Humanities and Social Science feasibility of OA in HSS HEFCE analysis of OA for articles submitted to REF 2014 96% of outputs complied with REF 2020 requirements Taylor and Francis/ALPSP Open Access and Society: Impact and Engagement survey of learned society publishers Taylor and Francis Open Access Survey changing attitudes of T&F authors UUK OA Group………………..
Monographs: current initiatives OAPEN UK gathering evidence to help stakeholders make decisions on the future of OA monograph publishing in HSS HEFCE Expert Reference Group AHRC/BL project on academic books of the future Commercial publishers Palgrave Open Bloomsbury Academic Other initiatives Knowledge Unlatched Open Book Publishers Open Edition Open Library of the Humanities
Research Data
Research data Science as an Open Enterprise UK Open Research Data Forum Research Sector Transparency Board RCUK Data principles EPSRC mandate EU Horizon 2020 USA OSTP memorandum Research Data Alliance Global Research Council, ICSU, G8 meetings………