COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, EUMETNET/C-SRNWP PROGRAMME: STATUS and PLANS Responsible member: Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ) Period: Programme Manager: András Horányi
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, HISTORY EWGLAM (European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling) was established in 1979 (Norrköping)EWGLAM (European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling) was established in 1979 (Norrköping) SRNWP (Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction Network) was established in 1993 (Toulouse)SRNWP (Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction Network) was established in 1993 (Toulouse) Since 2000: EUMETNET Programme with participation from EUMETNET and non-EUMETNET countriesSince 2000: EUMETNET Programme with participation from EUMETNET and non-EUMETNET countries Responsible memberResponsible member – : MeteoSwiss, Programme Manager: Jean Quiby – : OMSZ, Programme Manager: Andras Horanyi 2008: 30th EWGLAM and 15th SRNWP meeting (Spain)2008: 30th EWGLAM and 15th SRNWP meeting (Spain)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, SUMMARY OF MAIN OBJECTIVES Improved scientific cooperation between the 5 LAM Consortia (ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, LACE, MetOffice) in Europe for numerical weather prediction (NWP) through the initiation and execution of joint projectsImproved scientific cooperation between the 5 LAM Consortia (ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, LACE, MetOffice) in Europe for numerical weather prediction (NWP) through the initiation and execution of joint projects Enhanced operational cooperation through harmonisation of standards and increased interoperability between modelsEnhanced operational cooperation through harmonisation of standards and increased interoperability between models Effective diffusion of NWP knowledge and enhanced practical cooperation in NWP through efficient information exchange (means: organisation of workshops, thematic projects, SRNWP website – diffusion of NWP knowledge and enhanced practical cooperation in NWP through efficient information exchange (means: organisation of workshops, thematic projects, SRNWP website –
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, 20085
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, PARTICIPATION (CONSORTIA and PARTICIPATING STATES) Consortia: ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, LACE, MetOfficeConsortia: ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, LACE, MetOffice Participating states (bold face: COSMO members)Participating states (bold face: COSMO members) –EUMETNET members: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (all countries except Cyprus) –Non-EUMETNET members: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, ACCOMPANYING SRNWP PROGRAMMES (PROJECTS) Increased interoperability between numerical forecasting systens of ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM and Metoffice (responsible member: MetOffice, PM: Rachel North; project just started)Increased interoperability between numerical forecasting systens of ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM and Metoffice (responsible member: MetOffice, PM: Rachel North; project just started) Common model inter-comparison and verification (proposal accepted by the Council, but no responsible member was applied until now)Common model inter-comparison and verification (proposal accepted by the Council, but no responsible member was applied until now) Realisation of an operational European LAMEPS system (EUREPS, already submitted to the Council, but NOT accepted)Realisation of an operational European LAMEPS system (EUREPS, already submitted to the Council, but NOT accepted)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, MAIN CONTENT OF THE INTEROPERABILITY PROJECT 3 years programme from September, years programme from September, 2008 D1: report about the standard output format (+parameters)D1: report about the standard output format (+parameters) D2: Requirements and specifications of the adaptorsD2: Requirements and specifications of the adaptors D3: Development of four 2-way adaptors (specific LAM format to standard format)D3: Development of four 2-way adaptors (specific LAM format to standard format) D4: Software for enabling any of the LAMs to use any of the global models as initial and lateral boundary conditionsD4: Software for enabling any of the LAMs to use any of the global models as initial and lateral boundary conditions
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, MAIN CONTENT OF THE VERIFICATION PROJECT Two-years project (in the best case it would start at the beginning of 2009)Two-years project (in the best case it would start at the beginning of 2009) D1: Operational verification comparison of one version of each of the 4 regional European LAM model (ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, Unified Model)D1: Operational verification comparison of one version of each of the 4 regional European LAM model (ALADIN, COSMO, HIRLAM, Unified Model) D2: Additional intercomparison of other models of the Consortia (including high resolution ones)D2: Additional intercomparison of other models of the Consortia (including high resolution ones) D3: Inventory and recommendations of new scale selective verification methodsD3: Inventory and recommendations of new scale selective verification methods D4: Catalogue of sources of non-GTS dataD4: Catalogue of sources of non-GTS data
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September,
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, MAIN CONTENT OF THE EUREPS PROPOSAL (rejected by the Council) Two-years projectTwo-years project D1: Verification methods, weather parameters, thresholds for verification, set of casesD1: Verification methods, weather parameters, thresholds for verification, set of cases D2: Database of a range of ensemble forecasts, which forms a grand LAMEPSD2: Database of a range of ensemble forecasts, which forms a grand LAMEPS D3: Report on the benefits of a grand LAMEPS with respect to single LAMEPSD3: Report on the benefits of a grand LAMEPS with respect to single LAMEPS D4: Definition of the European component of TIGGE-LAMD4: Definition of the European component of TIGGE-LAM
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, GOVERNANCE (NEW FROM THE BEGINNING OF 2008) Programme Manager (coordinator)Programme Manager (coordinator) SRNWP Advisory Committee: heads of LAM Consortia and PMSRNWP Advisory Committee: heads of LAM Consortia and PM Programmes: interoperability, verification, EUREPS (?)Programmes: interoperability, verification, EUREPS (?) Expert TeamsExpert Teams Annual business meetings (EWGLAM/SRNWP, new format)Annual business meetings (EWGLAM/SRNWP, new format)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, EXPERT TEAMS: MAIN TASKS The members are nominated by the Consortia (2 members per Consortia in average), so they represent their respective LAM Consortia (chairpersons are elected by the ET members)The members are nominated by the Consortia (2 members per Consortia in average), so they represent their respective LAM Consortia (chairpersons are elected by the ET members) ETs prepare workplans for their area of interestETs prepare workplans for their area of interest –Specific areas of interest for cross-cooperation –Plans for workshops, meetings Help in the organisation of the annual EWGLAM/SRNWP meetingHelp in the organisation of the annual EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting Execution of the workplans (frequent exchanges: generic addresses exist, informal meetings, research stays, projects, workshops etc.)Execution of the workplans (frequent exchanges: generic addresses exist, informal meetings, research stays, projects, workshops etc.)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, EXPERT TEAMS (1) Data assimilation and use of observations (Bruce Macpherson, MetOffice; Massimo Bonavita, Christoph Schraff)Data assimilation and use of observations (Bruce Macpherson, MetOffice; Massimo Bonavita, Christoph Schraff) Diagnostics, validation and verification (Clive Wilson, MetOffice; Francis Schubiger, Adriano Raspanti)Diagnostics, validation and verification (Clive Wilson, MetOffice; Francis Schubiger, Adriano Raspanti) Dynamics and lateral boundary coupling (Pierre Benard, ALADIN; Lucio Torrisi, Detlev Majewski)Dynamics and lateral boundary coupling (Pierre Benard, ALADIN; Lucio Torrisi, Detlev Majewski) Link with applications (Jeanette Onvlee, HIRLAM; Pierre Eckert, Victor Pescaru)Link with applications (Jeanette Onvlee, HIRLAM; Pierre Eckert, Victor Pescaru)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, EXPERT TEAMS (2) Physical parameterisation (upper air; Sander Tijm, HIRLAM; Federico Grazzini, Dmitrij Mironov)Physical parameterisation (upper air; Sander Tijm, HIRLAM; Federico Grazzini, Dmitrij Mironov) Predictability and EPS (Trond Iversen, HIRLAM; Chiara Marsigli, Pierre Eckert)Predictability and EPS (Trond Iversen, HIRLAM; Chiara Marsigli, Pierre Eckert) Surface and soil processes (model and data assimilation; Jean-Francois Mahfouf, ALADIN; Bodo Ritter)Surface and soil processes (model and data assimilation; Jean-Francois Mahfouf, ALADIN; Bodo Ritter) System aspects (Rachel North, MetOffice; Ulrich Schaettler, Jean-Marie Bettems)System aspects (Rachel North, MetOffice; Ulrich Schaettler, Jean-Marie Bettems)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, EXPERT TEAMS: ISSUES The ET members are usually busy researchers without extra time for the ET work (it is up to their good will, SRNWP has no means to force the ETs to work)The ET members are usually busy researchers without extra time for the ET work (it is up to their good will, SRNWP has no means to force the ETs to work) No chairperson from COSMO!No chairperson from COSMO! The role of the Consortia Leaders is essential for the stimulation of the workThe role of the Consortia Leaders is essential for the stimulation of the work Most recent work: to finalise the ET workplans (especially the „dynamics” plan) and the programme of the EWGLA/SRNWP meetingMost recent work: to finalise the ET workplans (especially the „dynamics” plan) and the programme of the EWGLA/SRNWP meeting
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NEW!!) Members: the leaders of the 5 LAM ConsortiaMembers: the leaders of the 5 LAM Consortia Advise for the Programme Manager (through meetings, but mostly through intensive exchange)Advise for the Programme Manager (through meetings, but mostly through intensive exchange) Meetings: twice per year (late spring and during the annual meeting)Meetings: twice per year (late spring and during the annual meeting) The C-SRNWP programme can be efficient, if the PM receives real support from the Consortia leaders!The C-SRNWP programme can be efficient, if the PM receives real support from the Consortia leaders!
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, ANNUAL EWGLAM/SRNWP MEETING The most important event of the LAM community (and SRNWP)The most important event of the LAM community (and SRNWP) Participation:Participation: –Representation of the Consortia (working group leaders!) –Representation of the participating members 2008: Madrid, 6-9 October2008: Madrid, 6-9 October –No representation from Poland (Warsaw group) –National poster for Greece and Italy would be desirable –No COSMO presentation foreseen in the physics, surface and dynamics sessions
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, ANNUAL EWGLAM/SRNWP MEETING: NEW STRUCTURE Consortia presentations (short ones)Consortia presentations (short ones) ECMWF presentation (as the essential partner of the LAM community; longer)ECMWF presentation (as the essential partner of the LAM community; longer) National posters with introductionsNational posters with introductions Review talks on the ET subjects (proposed last year by Detlev Majewski and accepted by the participants)Review talks on the ET subjects (proposed last year by Detlev Majewski and accepted by the participants) Dedicated sessions on the main NWP areas of interests (ET topics; proposals from the ETs!)Dedicated sessions on the main NWP areas of interests (ET topics; proposals from the ETs!) EWGLAM: final discussionEWGLAM: final discussion SRNWP business meetingSRNWP business meeting SRNWP Advisory Committee meetingSRNWP Advisory Committee meeting
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September, ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES, ISSUES Improve the links between the other EUMETNET programmes, especially EUCOS and OPERAImprove the links between the other EUMETNET programmes, especially EUCOS and OPERA –Towards EUCOS: consideration of observational requirements for mesoscale modelling –Towards OPERA: adjustment of requirements (radar reflectivities will be essential ingredients for the mesoscale models) Increase cooperation between university/academia researchers and NWP (operational) centres (some links are built already)Increase cooperation between university/academia researchers and NWP (operational) centres (some links are built already)
COSMO General Meeting, Cracow C-SRNWP PROGRAMME 18 September,