Improving the visibility of Indian Research: An Institutional, Open Access Publishing Model T.B. Rajashekar (Raja) National Centre for Science Information Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – (India) Indo-US Workshop on Open Digital Libraries and Interoperability, June 23-25, 2003
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc NCSI, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore A central e-information facility and department Provide desktop access to global e-information sources e-journals, databases, web resources, news SciGate – The IISc Science Information portal E-JIS – the e-journal gateway Promote visibility of IISc research - The IISc ePrints archive – online repository of IISc research papers Conduct publications-based impact studies Education and training 18-month post-graduate training course on ‘Information and Knowledge Management’ Short term training courses – content management, DLs Undertake sponsored development projects ‘K-Library’ – VIC, ICICI Knowledge Park Beta testing of Greenstone DL (UNESCO)
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Agenda The Problem OAP and global access to Indian research Enabling technologies for OAP OAP in India: Current status and potential Proposed OAP system Deployment strategy Challenges and issues Areas for collaboration
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc The Problem Declining visibility and impact of Indian research Several causes Information related issues Poor local access to global research Poor global access to Indian research How do we improve the situation?
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Local access to global research Consortia approach - license campus-wide access to international e-resources MHRD (INDEST), CSIR, INFLIBNET J-Gate & JCCC – Indian initiative – access to global journal literature Expectations: Improved R&D productivity, quality of teaching and learning Issues: Archiving, personalization, usage monitoring and impact analysis
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Global access to Indian research Key challenge: How do we reciprocate the information flow and improve visibility and impact of Indian research? Possible solution: Institutional level, open access publishing Institutions set up digital repositories of their research output and provide open access Adopt inter-operability standards “Acting locally, Thinking globally” – Christine Borgman
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Open Access Publishing (OAP) Free online access to scholarly material “Public Domain” and “Open Access” material Global movement in support of open access Agencies and initiatives International and national level workshops “International Symposium on Open Access and the Public Domain in Digital Data and Information for Science”, Paris, March 2003 (ICSU, UNESCO, ICSTI)
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Enabling Technologies for OAP Open source DL/repository software GSDL,, DSpace, CDSWare (OAI compliant) Open source software for online journals and conference publishing OJS of PKP project (OAI compliant) Metadata schemes, name spaces, vocabularies OpenArchives – Interoperability framework (OAI- PMH Protocol for metadata harvesting) XML – information structuring / exchange
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Data Provider Maintain repository Expose metadata according to a metadata standard (e.g. DC) Register with OAI Service provider Register with OAI Extract metadata from registered repositories (‘harvest’) Provide services (e.g. central index) Example: Institutional eprint archives that use software (DP). ARC service from ODU (SP).
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc OAP and India: Current Status and Potential Significant R&D base (2001) 2,900 organizations with R&D support Large number of R&D labs under govt. agencies in several S&T domains 300 universities Research publishing (2002) 34,000 journal articles indexed in international databases 17,000 indexed in WOS – 5,600 from 50 institutions (IISc, CSIR, IITs, TIFR) Significant potential for improving “Research Capacity”
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc OAP and India: Current Status and Potential Open access examples: 11 journals of the Indian Academy of Sciences UDL project - IISc Vidyanidhi – theses – University of Mysore Data sets – NCL, Pune 4 journals from INSA Metadata: INDMED, INFLIBNET OAI-compliant repository – IISc
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Home Page
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Deposit Process
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Deposit Process
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Deposit Process
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Deposit Process
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Deposit Process
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Browse
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Metadata Display
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Full Text Display
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc – Advanced Search
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc ARC – A Cross Archive Search Service
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc ARC – A Cross Archive Search Service
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc ARC – A Cross Archive Search Service
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Proposed OAP System Data providers Academic & govt. R&D institutions Science journals Science academies and societies, academic & govt. R&D institutions New online-only e- journals (e.g. graduate students) Metadata, if full material cannot be made online Service providers One or more – domain specific, multi-domain DP can act as SP Commercial possibilities (value- added services)? Develop a national network of distributed, inter-operable, open access digital repositories of S&T scholarly material
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Proposed OAP System Institutional repository features Uses a OAI compliant repository software Configures the repository for agreed content specifications Supports distributed, intranet, online submission by researchers Support for moderation/ peer review Support for browse and search Exposes metadata for harvesting
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc OAI compliant repository (Data Provider) Service Provider Metadata Harvesting Search User
Deployment Strategy Phased approach Feasibility: 2-3 institutions in 2 administrative domains – IISc/IIT (MHRD), CSIR labs Institutional repositories, central search service Firm-up implementation mechanism Administrative/ financial mechanism – extend scope of existing consortia + other funding sources Expand the model to bring in other national level resources (legacy, new) Ensure interoperability with global service providers Essential - Structured & planned approach. National level coordination for concept promotion, feasibility, training, development, support and implementation.
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Key Benefits Improved visibility and impact – institutional, national Improved management of institutional IP (e.g. establish priority) Contribute to institutional KM (e.g. knowledge ‘reuse’) Improved research collaboration – inter-departmental, inter-institutional, international Enhanced status and reputation – attract talent and funding Enhanced ‘research capacity’
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Challenges and Issues Essential and desirable features of repository software, infrastructural requirements Content related standards and specifications (document types, metadata, formats, vocabulary, citations) Promotion of repository usage by researchers Peer review and quality audit norms OAI-PMH support for non-OAI compliant systems Automatic metadata identification, indexing, categorization, summarization
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Challenges and Issues… Development of national level harvesting services Content management – workflows, processes IP issues – ownership and use of repository content Preservation for long term access Usage monitoring and impact (ROI) studies Integration/ co-existence with traditional publishing systems
T.B. Rajashekar NCSI, IISc Conclusion Indian perspective Research, development, implementation and deployment of OAP systems will be of significant interest and benefit to both the countries Contribute to development of global open digital library Further the cause of DLs as a field of study