Library Committee Mtg. Updates Jane Tierney Library Head Sept. 5, 2006
2 Space Update o Assessment, Physical Journal Archive Prioritization (Swiss Cheese) Journal Spending o DOE Consortium for Journal Licensing Circulation o Update of policy change effect o Annual Reviews Misc. News o Collection development o Action Items review Agenda
3 Library Space Conversion Plan Conduct Assessment $26K - $104K depending on timing, to relocate materials FY06 funds and FY07 investment request Laboratory Library Committee input Deliverables (03/07) – costs and impact of ½ or 1/3 reduction in library space Decision and potential library space reduction Facilities estimate $370K to reduce library space (FY07 non- cap request) Additional cost (TBD in 3/07) will be needed to: Reduce collection Protect materials & provide concurrent access in alternate location Restore materials to Library
4 Library Space Layout
5 Journal Assessment The Swiss Cheese Problem: Many journals in physical backfile form o B62, B50, Annex: What happens if discarded? Many journals avail. online, current year only. (Unacceptable) Many journals avail. online, 3-10 yrs. backfiles o Some of these priced as one o Some of these priced separately, current vs. backfiles extra charge
6 Next Steps: Analyze Costs/Benefits Price for online journals Reclaim Space Risk: Increase in ILL turnaround times & direct cost to scientists
7 Space Usage Reductions Description:Current UseMar 06 plan / Old 1/3 plan-A Aug 06 plan / Recent ½ plan-B Ideal? Backfiles* (shelves) 12 (100%)11 (-8%)8 (-33%)? 10 (-17%) Reference (non-circ shelves) 2 (100%).5 (-75%)3 (+50%) Book Collection (shelves) 12 (100%)5.5 (-55%)4 (-66%)14 (=+17%) Reading Area (sq. ft.) 350 sq. ft. (100%) 175 sq. ft. (- 50%) 260 sq. ft. (- 25%) Staff Desk Area (100% = 2 x 75 sq. ft.) (100%) *Assumes intact retention of compact shelving across the hall
8 Assessment Plan We have identified an outside Library Consultant firm to perform the analysis. Work will begin in Sept. 06 and continue for up to six months. Report expected in Feb. 07 for action in March, 07 1.Will identify costs of retention vs. discard 2.Will identify increases to ILLs and turnaround time to scientists based on historical and projected need, prior to discard 3.Will identify unique materials to LBNL 4.Will identify materials avail. Through NRLF within 2 days/$30. 5.Will identify overlaps in physical vs. online, currently 6.Will identify gaps in physical vs. online, and recommended buys.
9 Consortia Journal Buys 3 Major Journal Buying Strategies Elsevier: “The Big Deal” through CDL, (enhanced Licenses) $450K EBSCO: Aggregator (non-enhanced) $340K Misc. Individual Society or other (mixed) $220K 4 th Strategy for FY07: DOE Consortia Deals: Wiley and Springer (enhanced) $100K Example: Applied Physics A & B non-consortia, through EBSCO: One year only $7860. o A La Carte pricing for ten years: $20,000. DOE consortium: Current plus ten backyears: $7600.
10 Consortia Journal Buys 3 Major Journal Buying Strategies Elsevier: “The Big Deal” through CDL, (enhanced Licenses) $450K EBSCO: Aggregator (non-enhanced) $240K Reduced buy Misc. Individual Society or other (mixed) $220K 4 th Strategy for FY07: DOE Consortia Deals: Wiley and Springer (enhanced) $100K Example: Applied Physics A & B non-consortia, through EBSCO: One year only $7860. o A La Carte pricing for ten years: $20,000. DOE consortium: Current plus ten backyears: $7600.
11 Circulation Update Change in policy, July 1, 2006 Discontinued online renewals, reduced borrow time from indefinite to 60 days. Few complaints Approx. 250 books physically returned Several unique ‘borrowers’ one: 53 books more than five years Next Steps: Termination procedure tightening Library advance warning No-return, replacement procedure Guest borrowing policy, security Circulation, borrowing ease, security
12 Annual Reviews Comparison of online access vs. physical books Based on current orders, would require an extra $15-20K per year to provide online access to three years coverage per title. Vs. $4K for physical copies in B50 collection A current year is not active until first edition. On a quarterly pub, that means in March of each year; and then, only that issue, not a rolling year. Survey of committee and others indicated physical only would suffice.
13 Collection Development Books, Reference Materials Some minor funding applied FY06, based on under runs in journal costs, $2-3K No monies collected based on un-returned books yet Will proceed after FY close Will compile list of missing books and vet with LLC members, SMEs Will plan purchasing for November, December, 06
14 Misc. Items SciFinder, Commercial vs. Task Package, vs. Scholar (UC only) 40 seats, $64K, smallest license avail. Interested 20 participants. Increased functionality such as new substance alerts Pay-On-Demand: ETA: 60 days. EBSCO-based pass through online buying. Similar to existing ILL, with same day turnaround. Limited to Ref Desk queries, unless additional programming effort applied. No funds avail. for this. CFO approval and P.O. in place. Portico Charter Membership: Investment/insurance against online unavailability for publishers’ online backfiles. Non-profit (Cornell initiative) Scholarly Publishers’ effort. $5200. year for first 5 yrs. (discounted from $6700.) EOY IT funding.
15 Future issues/Reports by LLC Scholarly publishing, recommendations to Director & DOE Space follow up, Assessment Report to LLC Survey task team, timing, specifics Other?