ELECTRONIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT UC-SANTA BARBARA revised July 23, 2007 prepared by J. Elaine McCracken
INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC REOURCES MANAGEMENT AT UCSB What do we mean by Electronic Resources Management? Types of E-Resources Background Workflow/Processing Trouble-shooting Conclusion
What do we mean by Electronic Resources Management? Coordinated effort to select, acquire, license, catalog, and maintain electronic materials for the UC-Santa Barbara Libraries Collection. This includes consortia collaboration. Continuing Resources, Monographs, and Government Publications all require unique handling.
ELECTRONIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2 Term frequently applied to vendor services such as Ex Libris SFX, Serials Solutions, or Tdnet. Currently, UC uses SFX for ER Management. The UC system continues to improve UC- eLinks (Ex Libris SFX product) electronic journal services.
ELECTRONIC RESOURCES DEFINED “Material (data and/or program(s)) encoded for manipulation by a computerized device. This material may require the use of a peripheral directly connected to a computerized device (e.g., CD-ROM drive) or a connection to a computer network (e.g, the Internet).” AACR2 Revision 2002: 2003 Update.
TYPES OF E-RESOURCES Continuing Resources (Serials & Integrating Resources (Websites & Databases)) E-Books Government Publications
BACKGROUND Late 1990s - UC Libraries began cataloging remote access electronic resources – TFER - Task Force on Electronic Resources completes report for HOTS – SOPAG appoints Electronic Resources Cataloging Task Force 2000 – Shared Cataloging Program (SCP)
SHARED CATALOGING PROJECT -- SCP Established by SOPAG. Based at UC-San Diego Provides cataloging records UC e-resources. Maintains current subscriber & coverage data. Keeps hyperlinks current. Excellent website information -- SCP:
MORE SCP – UCSB timeline UCSB on NOTIS ILS. Systems creates report from SCP file. Serials Maintenance catalogs SCP e- resources using OCLC, and cut & paste method from separate SCP resource file to ALEPH main SBA01 file. UCSB follows “separate record” policy for serials and e-monos. Gov.Docs. receive “single record” treatment.
ALEPH IMPLEMENTATION August 2001 – UCSB LIBRARIES implement Ex Libris ILS. During System transition, SCP cataloging put on hold. NO import function for OCLC. April 2003 – Systems began loading SCP backfiles.
INTERIM WORKFLOW Serials Maintence begins cataloging SCP/CDL journals using ALEPH. Worked from the Weekly SCP Report. Also worked from Journal List on Provider Website. ROGER – UCSD Library Catalog
CURRENT SCP FILE LOAD Since April 2003 – Systems began SCP data file loads. 2007– UCSB Systems receives monthly files containing records separated into: Electronic Journals, Electronic Monographs, California Documents. Reports are run weekly in Serials, and staff updates and verifies records in Pegasus.
A-Z LIST UC LIBRARIES HOME PAGE url: Contains only electronic resources. From Menu, choose RESEARCH Choose Electronic Journals to look for specific journal titles. (Serials). Choose Indexes & Databases for Abstracting & Indexing Services (aka Integrating Resources).
PEGASUS Print and Electronic Resources Catalog. Pegasus – Serials E-journals are current in Pegasus as early 2007!! E-Monos loading follows a different procedure than serials. Check A-Z list if record is not yet cataloged in Pegasus.
MELVYL CDL – SCP Consortium materials. Combined UC Catalog. Will include materials not held by UCSB, UCSB Systems sends a data file to CDL for MELVYL every Monday.
TROUBLESHOOTING Broken Links – CDL Subscription? Contact CDL Helpline: or call: (510) – UCSB Local Subscription? Serial or Monograph? See next slide!! Requests to Purchase Free E-Resources
BROKEN LINKS – Local Subscriptions Check publisher’s website to see if their site is down or Elaine – see below. There could be a problem with our subscription: Send to: Serials Order Unit Supervisor, Ariane Perez: or for Monographs: Brenda Peter: The access link may have changed or is incorrect: Send to E-Resources Librarian: Elaine McCracken
FREE E-RESOURCES Follow Collection Manager Handbook procedures. Review Section D. CDL has created a form for Collection Managers to request cataloging for open access journals. See: og_request.html og_request.html Do not send requests directly to Electronic Resources Librarian.
CDL or Local Subscription? Handy tip to identify CDL vs. Local Subscription in Pegasus. – In the Bibliographic record, scroll down to: Online [ScienceDirect. Restricted to UC campuses] **This restriction note is unique to CDL subscriptions.** – However, a local subscription will contain the following restriction note: [Restricted to UCSB IP addresses]
CONCLUSION Please continue to ask questions and voice concerns. Electronic Resources Management is complex, and still evolving.