April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 1 Contribution to EU fusion programme 2012 - 2020 Association EURATOM-MHEST Milan Čerček, HRU.


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Presentation transcript:

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 1 Contribution to EU fusion programme Association EURATOM-MHEST Milan Čerček, HRU

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 2 Contributions from SFA Objective 1 – Secure ITER operation - EFDA: ITER physics -EFDA: JET S/T -EFDA: Public Information Objective 2 – Prepare “Generation ITER” Objective 3 – Fusion Power Plants - EFDA: PPP&T

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 3 Support ITER construction F4E grants (consortia) - Nuclear data - TBM F4E procurements SME & SFA: - Cosylab, Ljubljana: CODAC (IO), Further interest in: instrumentation, plasma control, remote handling… - LECAD, ULjubljana: special tools (EFDA Technology TA - LOMAC)

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 4 Secure ITER operation EFDA: ITER Physics PWI: several areas, 8ppy More specific to Microanalytical Center, Jozef Stefan Institute: 1 We are very much interested in continuing the coordinated studies of samples from tokamaks or other relevant experiments by ion beam analytical methods. Our experimental facility is continuously upgraded and we are providing ERDA and NRA techniques with macro (1mm) and micro (< 5 micrometer) beam besides other IBA methods. Restrictions. 2 A substantial construction project of incorporating an ultrahigh brightness multicusp H- ion source into our 2MV Tandem accelerator is under way. This will provide high brightness high energy H+ beam, high energy H0 and high brightness low energy H- beam for analytical purposes, surface reaction and material damage studies. 3Interest in in-depth understanding of surface reactions which we can continue to study by in situ IBA methods ERDA and RBS. Even we have restricted our previous studies (and interests) to the interaction of neutral atomic hydrogen (H and D) with surfaces we can now extend similar studies to incident ions as we recently purchased a micro-wave sputter ion gun.

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 5 EFDA: ITER Physics PWI: several areas ( deposits removal ) - Collaborations (CIEMAT, institutes outside of fusion programme) The work has been focused on the problem of hydro-carbon deposits. On one hand, we have been working on removing a-C:H deposits by means of neutral oxygen atoms (development of suitable reactors, experiments with mixed a-C/W:H deposits), while on the other hand we have been working on preventing the formation of a-C:H deposits with the scavenger technique. Both branches of research have yielded satisfactory results, so work in the near future will be aimed at further developing the researched fuel removal techniques. As new materials – candidates for PFCs – are developed (such as SiC/SiC), we intend to focus our research on their interaction with neutral H atoms, as well as verification of their compatibility with existent cleaning methods. Secure ITER operation

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 6 EFDA: ITER Physics PWI: several areas (fuel retention, fuel permeation) Secure ITER operation Deuterium retention in Be-W mixed layers (ITER) Tritium barriers for DEMO - Selection of tritium permeation barrier materials should be revised since the last systematic reviews several new materials were synthesized and available data should be revised. - Barrier properties should be investigated regarding capability to be deposited over large areas. - They should be investigated by regular permeation tests at temperatures expected in DEMO. - Finally, the best candidate materials should be tested in radiation environments.

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 7 EFDA: JET S/T (3ppy) Neutron transport modelling –Neutron detector response –Shielding –Neutron activation studies –Breeding ratio Evaluation of nuclear data (F4E) Uncertainties in neutron transp. calculations (F4E) –Experimental uncertainties –Nuclear data uncertainties Secure ITER operation

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 8 EFDA: Public Information (3ppy) FUSION EXPO Support Action PI in Associations -Permanent FUSION EXPO & lectures -together with NPP technolgy expo at Nuclear Technology Training Centre pupils/a -The activity should continue in the next decade! Secure ITER operation

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 9 Prepare “Generation ITER” 2005 – 2011: first generation PhDs (6) with fusion theses, post docs (JSI) at JET, at universities in UK, Germany, IPP 2012 – 2020: FUSENET, similar fusion oriented courses, summer schools - only special subjects (general) at our unis and/or institute - expectations: 15 – 20 during the whole decade

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 10 Fusion Power Plants EFDA: PPP&T, committed to collaborate with 4- >6 ppy/a Contribution to the development of DEMO divertor – numerical analyses Mid-term: optimisation of TH performance & prediction of thermal stress Long-term: neutron irradiation effects, material degradation DEMO safety analyses (experience from NPP - 30 years)

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 11 Roadmap to fusion powerplant Annex 3/II Input to Facilities Review Panel: Strengthening the Materials R&D Programme (support 10 ppy/a) Fusion Power Plants

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 12 Non-magnetic (  no interaction with magnetic field) Resistant and mechanically stable up to 1200 °C (  high efficiency) Low-activation (  low radiactive wastes) No tritium retention Thermal conductivity CVINITE SITE (EU)  SiC-based composite (not relevant for ITER and thus in background) Q : First Wall Blanket for DEMO (3ppy)

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 13 Current state-of-art: SiC f /SiC = 3D composite with β-SiC matrix and thermal conductivity >> 30 W/mK To be done: optimisation testing upscaling Hybrid (W-SiC) routes: SiC f /(SiC-W) (W-SiC) f /SiC To be done: …….. SITE: SITE: a process for forming fibre-reinforced ceramics by slurry infiltration

April 13 & 14, 2011Workshop on EU fusion roadmap -Garching 14 Neutron transport modelling –Neutron detector response –Shielding –Neutron activation studies –Breeding ratio Evaluation of nuclear data (IAEA) Uncertainties in neutron transport calculations –Experimental uncertainties –Nuclear data uncertainties Nuclear safety Fusion Power Plants