Collective Opportunity in Collaboration
Reasons to Rejoice Funders usually like To impact large numbers. To impact large geographic areas. To interact with few people. To know that the organizations administering their grants have the internal capacity to do a good job of administrative oversight without a lot of indirect costs.
More Reasons to Rejoice Consortia member usually like To get information about their institution in front of potential funders. To give faculty and staff opportunities for interaction with colleagues at other institutions.
Reasons for Concern Consortia members often do not like Competition. Collaboration that might require sacrifice by individual institutions for the benefit of the whole. Sharing budgets and other such information. Helping other organizations build financial security.
Identifying Potential Funders Ask other consortia directors for recommendations. Once you receive funding from one source, ask that source for other recommendations. Partner with the development office of one of the member colleges for assistance researching potential funders. Look for big foundations with few staff; their grants are usually large ones.
Approaching Potential Funders Attend conferences where funders are presenting and “accidentally” sit at the table where they may be eating, get on the elevator when they do, etc. Call and ask for a short visit when you “plan to be in the area.” Go by their offices when you are in their areas—even without an invitation; getting to know receptionists can help get you an invitation for a formal meeting.
Preparing Proposals Recognize that every funding agency has unique features; there is no one format that fits all. Get copies of proposals that were funded. Be positive: Say “We will....” instead of “We would....” Promise only what you can deliver; plan to deliver more.
Preparing Proposals - Continued Make each proposal unique; don’t follow a format unless one is required by guidelines. Make outcomes concrete and measurable. Proofread carefully. Send drafts well ahead of deadlines if program officers agree to review them.
Administering Grants Received Make clear the responsibilities for project directors and evaluate them frequently. Send notes to funders when particularly successful events occur. Send all required reports on time—or early. If possible have “outside” evaluators measure the success of the project. Make clear the “unintended benefits” of the project.
Possible Projects for Consortia Faculty Development (Conferences, Fellowships, etc.) Staff Development and Training Student Training (such as in Technical Support Services) Central Purchasing (for example, Library Resources) Central Management of Technology (such as Servers) Central Services for Maintenance of Equipment
Possible Consortia Projects - Continued Shared Courses International Studies Programs Service Learning Honors Programs Research (Faculty and/or Student Projects; Institutional Research) Scholarships and Internships Assessment Efforts Economic Development for Local Communities
A Selection of Funding Agencies that Support Consortia Andrew W. Mellon Teagle (gives priority to consortia) National Science Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities National Endowment for the Arts Department of Commerce Department of Education (such as FIPSE)
More Foundations Jessie Ball duPont (if project is administered through one of their selected institutions) Spencer (for research projects) Hearst Surdna Charitable Foundations for Banks New York Community Trust Kenan Foundation Council on Library and Resources Services Kresge (through Excelencia)
Sustaining Relationships Send annual reports and/or notes to funders about the on-going successes of various projects even after funding has ended. Invite program officers to consortia events (conferences, board meetings, etc.). Develop special events for program officers (such as tours to various project sites). Be sure to include the program officer (as well as the president of a foundation or federal agency) in all invitations.
Future Trends: What Funders Are Talking About Teagle—Moral and Social Development Hearst—Equipment and Scholarships (instead of Endowments) Luce—Increasing Understanding of China; Role of Religion in American Life; Leadership of Women in Science General Topics: How MOOCs Will Change Teaching How Small Private Colleges with Small Endowments Can Survive
What Funders Want to See in a Proposal A fit between their priorities and your project Scale that will make the impact significant Quality of leadership and work plan Institutional commitment (as evidenced in strategic plan) A plan for sustainability Evidence of good management in previous grants Jargon-free, good writing Honesty and candor *Notes from CASE Conference, June 2012