Dr. Shawn Mackey Associate Executive Director


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Presentation transcript:

BUILDING SUPPORT FOR NEW WORKFORCE EDUCATION PRACTICES THROUGH STRATEGIC PLANNING October 17, 2013 Dr. Shawn Mackey Associate Executive Director Workforce, Career and Technical Education Mississippi Community College Board Jack Mills Director National Network of Sector Partners Insight Center for Community Economic Development Shawn and Jack – introduce ourselves

OVERVIEW Mississippi Community College System History Coordinating Board Funding for system Funding for Workforce Education Workforce Education Credit (CTE) Non-Credit Strategic Planning focused on non-credit Insight Center for Community Economic Development Mission: Helping people and communities become, and remain, economically secure National Network of Sector Partners Encourages the use of industry sector-focused workforce development initiatives Shawn re MCCB Jack re Insight and NNSP

CONTEXT FOR STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT External New Governor New leadership in state offices Marketing vs. training delivery methods Decline in Workforce Training Fund Internal New Community College Presidents and Workforce Administrators Demonstrate effectiveness Shawn – main presenter Add - Ongoing process of developing policies through collaboration between MCCB WCTE and workforce education administrators in the 15 colleges - Mississippi Workforce Advantage as a result Jack: color Variation among community colleges re workforce education Some more quickly/more fully have adopted the new, effective policies/practices contained in MS Workforce Advantage Some innovators re community college consortia (e.g., MS Corridor Consortium) Variation among community colleges on importance of workforce education

STRATEGIC PLAN MISSION & VISION Vision: Community College Workforce Training provides a flexible, innovative, and responsive system of skill development that exceeds customer expectations, provides Mississippi’s business and industry with clear competitive advantage, and assures Mississippi’s working-age adults have the opportunity to achieve economic security. Mission: The mission of community college workforce training is to provide Mississippians the skills needed to be productive to obtain high-skilled and high-wage jobs, and to provide businesses and industry with a highly skilled, world-class workforce. Workforce Training Strategic Plan 2012-2017 September 4, 2012 Shawn: main presenter -- what strategic plan aimed to change High quality/effectiveness by college’s workforce education Full adoption of policies in Mississippi Workforce Advantage Greater capacity to meet the regional economies’ needs: key industry sectors, job seekers, and workers More efficient use of resources Jack: color

SUCCESS FACTORS FOR STRATEGIC PLAN Stakeholders Workforce training administrators Career and technical education administrators Ownership of strategic planning process by workforce training administrators Consensus approval of Strategic Plan by workforce training administrators Approval of Strategic Plan by all 15 community college presidents Shawn – main presenter: discuss in more detail why each success factor was crucial Jack: color

Workforce Training Strategic Plan: 2012-2017 Mississippi Workforce Advantage Plan Consortia Curriculum Design Program Design Partnerships Funding Development & Resource Allocation Marketing Accountability Shawn: describe key elements of first four strategies by providing key elements of each that are in the strategic plan Jack: describe key elements of last four strategies by providing key elements of each that are in the strategic plan

STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Preparation work Mississippi Workforce Advantage policies Community college level strategic plans Three-day session Guidance during session on High-impact practices in MS community colleges Nationally-recognized practices Manage process to produce outcomes owned by workforce administrators Consensus building process Jack: key presenter - describe why preparation work was crucial - provided understanding of agreed directions for workforce education - provided information on high impact practices at the community/junior colleges Three day session Provide examples of high-impact practices by community/junior colleges Provide examples of nationally recognized practices Describe process that brought ownership by workforce administrators of outcomes Describe consensus building process Shawn: color

IMPACT OF STRATEGIC PLAN Approval by all community college presidents Community college consortia selection Assistance in maintaining use of WET funds by community college Workforce Education rather than third parties Assistance with expansion of WET funds MCCB allocation of $1.5 M for consortia Shawn – key presenter Describe how strategic plan helped bring about impact slide identifies, and describe impact in more detail Jack: color

NEXT STEPS Proposals by community colleges in each of the three consortia for use of WET funds to support consortium development Action plans (2013-2014) for implementation of 2012-2017 Strategic Plan under development Shawn: discuss proposals for use of WET funds Jack: discuss action plan development