Internationalization through Consortia and Cooperation Friday, November 8, 2013 Anthony C. Ogden, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Melanie McCallon Murray State University
Overview Overview What do we want our engineering students to learn? How well are we internationalizing engineering education? What challenges do we face and what opportunities can we pursue? How are your engineering students being prepared to live and work in a globally interdependent world?
Education Abroad Enrollment 14.8% Faculty Staff Community 10.9% Faculty Staff Community 7.4% Faculty Staff Community
Education Abroad Fields of Study Open Doors, 2012 So, why is engineering so low?
Education Abroad Experience Types Study Abroad Research Abroad Intern Abroad Service Abroad Teach Abroad A Range of Educational Opportunities
UK College of Engineering, So, what is the best balance among experience types?
Education Abroad Program Types Faculty Directed Should each department have their own program? Exchange Programs Who are peer institutions abroad? Consortia Programs What educational consortia exist? Direct Enrolment What are other schools doing? Third-Party Programs What ready- made programs exist?
Education Abroad Fields of Study Fields of Study (n=5,770)SemesterSummerEmbeddedAY Agriculture Architecture Business Communications Education Engineering Foreign Language and Lit Life Sciences Physical Sciences Social Science & History Ogden, 2010
Curriculum Integration
Open Doors, % Kentucky saw an increase of 15.5% in 2010/11.
Open Doors, 2012
Four Key Issues … 1.The need to share best practices for the advancement of education abroad programming in KY. 2.The need to enhance the image of KY within the larger international education community. 3.The need to enhance professional development opportunities for education abroad professionals in KY. 4.The need to collaborate to better address barriers and improve access to education abroad for under-represented populations.
Major Accomplishments & Future Directions … Biannual conferences, rotating throughout the Commonwealth State-level advocacy Regional round-up and professional training KCEA Mentor Program KCEA Network National partnerships & sponsorship Student Scholarship Grant funding Two-year & four-year institutional articulation programming
Internationalization through Consortia and Cooperation Friday, November 8, 2013 Anthony C. Ogden, Ph.D. Melanie McCallon