Generic Detector R&D for an Electron Ion Collider Advisory Committee meeting Dec. 13-14, 2012 T. Ludlam


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Presentation transcript:

Generic Detector R&D for an Electron Ion Collider Advisory Committee meeting Dec , 2012 T. Ludlam

EIC Generic Detector R&D Program Establish a peer reviewed program of R&D to enable EIC experiments Program initiated January 2011 with first call for proposals. Advisory Committee meetings: May 2011, December 2011, May proposals received. 10 activities funded. Committee has stressed the formation of consortia of universities and national labs, and quantitative understanding of performance requirements (e.g. for “golden measurements” from 2010 INT workshop). Advisory Committee members: (Glenn Young, 2012 Chair) Marcel Demarteau (Argonne)Carl Haber (LBNL) Robert Klanner (Hamburg) Ian Shipsey (Purdue)Rick Van Berg (Penn)Jerry Va’vra (SLAC) Glenn Young (Jlab) Website: 2 RD test setup in JLab Hall A

EIC Detector R&D: funded projects through May 2012 Compact Calorimetry Particle ID; Simulation; Hermiticity Hi density photon detector Simulation; Tracking; Particle ID; Hermiticity Compact tracking; Hermiticity Simulation tools Novel technique for e- beam polarimetry Compact RICH with Si PM LYSO crystal-based design e-tagging with GEM TRD 3

General recommendations from previous meetings: shaping the program Simulation studies strongly encouraged “to maximize acceptance and efficiency for each golden measurement while minimizing machine backgrounds, and backgrounds from other physics processes”. Importance of the formation of consortia of universities and national labs: Much work needs to be done on each class of detector technique to identify appropriate technologies through simulation, prototyping, etc. Such consortia are the first step toward building scientific collaborations that can successfully mount EIC experiments. Explore connections between EIC interests and other R&D programs that are going on in the world (e.g. HEP, ILC, CERN, FAIR, as well as other NP programs) Matching the technology to the physics environment “Proposers need to include a discussion and tables of performance requirements and their resulting detector specifications to meet them.” (See reference detector designs) The community needs to develop an understanding of the radiation dose and backgrounds expected for each of the two machine proposals.