1 Enhancing Program Improvement Through the use of Quality Indicators NACTEI May 12-14, 2009 Albuquerque, New Mexico Dodie Bemis NESD Tech Prep Coordinator Ext. 328 Lois Lamer Tech Prep Director ext. 12 Lyn Velle Career Technical Education The pharmaceutical lesson. Learning about everything different women do.
2 Continuous Quality Improvement Defined: monitoring and modifying of programs for quality purposes Local Tech Prep consortia needs to define quality Consortia should develop an evaluation plan Step One: Complete NATPL quality indicator self-assessment form
3 Linking Tech Prep Data to CQI Identify strengths and weakness of the Tech Prep program and the evaluation process Reflect carefully on the results and put the results into context Make use of benchmarks (assess performance relative to similar groups) Based on what you have learned, what is the plan for improvement and change?
4 Tech Prep Quality Indicators Tech Prep Program Quality Indicators provide a benchmarks for Tech Prep programs Variations of the model Arizona West Virginia
5 Five Quality Indicator Components 1)Accountability/Sustainability 2)Student Opportunities 3)Curriculum 4)Articulation 5)Professional Development
6 Accountability/Sustainability Goals, objectives, outcomes Evaluation plan Tech Prep student, concentrator, and completer data Marketing plan
7 Student Opportunities Students provided equal access Seamless program of study (secondary, post- secondary) Program of study (i.e. occupational) Work-based opportunities Technical and academic skills
8 Curriculum Sequence to prepare students for postsecondary education and/or employment Incorporates career clusters Integrates contextual teaching and learning Integrates technology Includes multiple assessment measures
9 Articulation Collaborative efforts between secondary, postsecondary and business Up-to-date articulation agreements Articulates competencies/skills Communicates articulation agreement options to students, parents, etc.
10 Professional Development Faculty, staff, administrators, counselors at the secondary and postsecondary level Up-to-date technology training Addresses multicultural and nondiscriminatory issues Internships opportunities for faculty and staff
Tech Prep Indicators Definitions Secondary Tech Prep Student-Definition in Perkins IV: A secondary education student who has enrolled in 2 courses in the secondary education component of a tech prep program. Postsecondary Tech Prep Student- Definition in Perkins IV: A student who (A) has completed the secondary education component of a tech prep program; and (B) has enrolled in the postsecondary education component of a tech prep program at an institution of higher education described in clause (i) or (ii) of section 203 (a)(1)(B). 11
12 Using the Quality Indicators 1.Complete quality indicators 1.1 through 1.7 for Accountability/Sustainability (page 1). 2.Enter self-assessment score (page 5) and determine % rank (80%, 60%, not met). 3.Write one Tech Prep program goal as a result of your self-assessment. 4.Discussion.