Academic Senate Presentation 2/10/15 AB %20Final%20Plan.pdf affairs-noncredit-task-force-0
Background to AB 86 California Community Colleges Workforce Development Changes to Regional Framework 1. Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy 2. Skill Builders Salary Surfer 4. How Workforce Pathways Shape College Outcomes and Earnings Gains (video) 5. The Ones That Got Away Non Credit Instruction
7. SB 1070 Senate Bill 1070 (Steinberg) extended the Career Technical Education Pathways Program until June 30, The purpose of the bill is to engage K-16 in improving linkages, increasing readiness of secondary students for postsecondary education, and increasing student success and training in postsecondary education by developing career technical education pathways between high schools and community colleges 8. Career Pathways Trust I and II Fund specialists in work-based learning, as defined in Section of the Education Code, to convene, connect, measure, or broker efforts to establish or enhance a locally defined career pathways program that connects school districts, county superintendents of schools, charter schools, and community colleges with business entities. Establish regional collaborative relationships and partnerships with business entities, community organizations, and local institutions of postsecondary education. Develop and integrate standards-based academics with a career-relevant, sequenced curriculum following industry-themed pathways that are aligned to high-need, high-growth, or emerging regional economic sectors. Provide articulated pathways to postsecondary education aligned with regional economies. Leverage and build on any of the following: Existing structures, requirements, and resources of the Carl D. Perkins, California Partnership Academies, and regional occupational programs, including staff knowledge, community relationships, and course development. Matching resources and in-kind contributions from public, private, and philanthropic sources. The California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program and its sector strategies and deputy sector navigators. Participation in the local California Community Colleges Skills Panel.
Structure & Funding: Changes in AB 86: Education Omnibus Trailer Bill ( ) – Regional consortia to plan the restructuring of adult education in California SB 860: Education Finance: Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (2014) – Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) Funding Equalization Recent Changes in Education
CDCP Funding Equalization SB 860: (d)(4)(A)(ii) “Beginning in the 2015–16 fiscal year, career development and college preparation FTES shall be funded at the same level as the credit rate specified in paragraph (2). This rate shall be adjusted for the change in the cost of living or as otherwise provided in subsequent annual budget acts.” Why SB 860 is Important
Structure & Funding: Changes in SB 173 (LIU) Education Funding: Adult Education SB 173 requires the California Department of Education and the Chancellor's Office to coordinate and issue assessment policy guidelines regarding assessments to be used by school districts and community college districts for purposes of placement in adult education courses offered by those districts as part of an adult education consortium. The bill would also require the department and the Chancellor's Office, as a part of the report required under the adult education consortium program, to jointly develop and issue policy recommendations to the Legislature regarding a comprehensive accountability system for adult education courses offered by school districts and community college districts in accordance with prescribed requirements.
Noncredit & CDCP Funding Approximately 85% of all California Community College noncredit is ESL. Bulk of noncredit is offered by 5 districts – San Diego CCD – San Francisco CCD – North Orange CCD – Rancho Santiago CCD – Mt. San Antonio CCD 68 of our 72 districts offer some noncredit.
( SectionsFTESEnrollment Noncredit9,40326,177461,843 Credit146,099485,4233,940,040 NC% of overall totals 6% of Total sections 5% of total FTES 11% of total enrollment Noncredit course sections summary report (Spring 2014)
LAO Report Recommendations education aspx education aspx Provide a Clear and Consistent Distinction at CCCs Between Adult Education and Collegiate Instruction- Recommendations: – Restrict credit instruction in English and ESL to transfer–level coursework, and credit instruction in math to one level below transfer. Require courses below these levels to be offered on a noncredit basis. – ASCCC does not have a position/recommendation on this. It’s up to local senates to determine their college’s noncredit/credit cut-off point.
Potential Benefits of Noncredit Programs Open access for students with diverse backgrounds and those seeking ways to improve their earning power, literacy skills and access to higher education First point of entry into college for immigrants, economically disadvantaged and low-skilled adults “educational gateway,” “portal to the future”
Future Discussion GOAL: Evaluate best curricular mechanism to support student success and achievement of basic skills outcomes. – Evaluate how students will achieve basic skills outcomes of competency in English language skills and mathematics. – Colleges may want to add noncredit courses or programs in basic skills given the economic opportunity with CDCP funding equalization. – What pre-transfer level skills could be addressed in the noncredit modality? – Look to noncredit programs in the state for effective practices. – Facilitate dynamic interaction among faculty and administrators. – How can noncredit instruction help students and impact student success?
Future Discussion GOAL: Ensure clear articulation within each CCC district from noncredit to credit instruction & clear articulation from the K-12, adult education to the CCC system. – Regional consortia should be planning for the seamless transition between adult education, noncredit CCC, and credit CCC instruction. – Where is the cut-off point between credit and noncredit?