SQA Network Event 8 th March 2012
Outline Universal Services Protection of Animals at Time of Killing (PATK) Achieving Food Manufacturing Excellence SVQ Food Manufacture Review Modern Apprenticeships Questions
Universal Services UKCES changing way it funds activities carried out by SSCs from April 2012 Universal Services covers the development NOS, SVQ’s and apprenticeship frameworks SSCs have been asked to form consortia to bid for funds Improve working as partner in two consortia, one focussed on STEM subjects and a second on Food, Hospitality, Leisure & Transport and Wellbeing Funding allocations will be agreed during March 2012
PATK EU Regulation 1099, governing ‘Protection of Animals at Time of Killing’ effective from 1 January 2013 It requires all staff working in slaughter operations to hold a Licence to Operate (LtO) in their area of work (e.g. lairage, or stunning operations) for the species they work with Improve is about to start work with the Animal Welfare Team at Scottish Govt, on a project to develop qualifications which will be required to obtain a LtO. The qualifications will be a pre-requisite for obtaining the LtO for new entrants and many of those already employed in slaughter businesses Details of this project will appear on our website from April
Achieving Food Manufacturing Excellence Group Award/SVQ has now been accredited at Level II and Level III These will be added to the two Food Manufacture MA Frameworks Any existing Approved Centres who are interested in delivering this qualification, please let us know Planning some promotional activity about the new qualifications and it’s benefit Will be developing some promotional materials/flyers
SVQ Food Manufacture Review Suite of Food Manufacture SVQ’s at Level 1, 2 & 3 come to end of accreditation period in Dec 2012 Beginning a process to review, revise, update and revalidate these qualifications Initial discussion paper prepared and circulated for feedback and comments Looking at levels, pathways, titles and scope of coverage e.g. Fresh Produce
SVQ Food Manufacture Review Looking for feedback on what’s working well, what could be better and to review less popular pathways Looking for no overall increase in numbers of pathways, but also look at new opportunities Looking to benefit from the new array of National Occupational Standards developed since 2007 Will formally begin in April 2012 & further communication will keep you up to date
Modern Apprenticeships 586 registrations between 1 April 2010 and 31 March registrations at Level II and 92 registrations at Level III Level 3 registrations more than double previous year 158 businesses enrolled at least one new candidate during the same period In the region of 250 businesses involved
Modern Apprenticeships 59% of employers participating are in Meat & Poultry sector and 29% are in Bakery 27% of participating businesses employ between staff and a further 48% employing staff 33% of candidates are years old, when looking at year olds this increases to 44% Number of year olds up from 29% in previous year 34% of candidates registering were female and 66% were male
Resources Labour Market Intelligence scotland Modern Apprenticeships SVQ Food Manufacture Consultation
Questions and Contact Any Questions? Or at a later date, then please get in touch Kelvin Thomson National Manager, Scotland Mob Web