Workshop on “Implementing Strategies for Engineering Education in India Towards 2025” (EEI 2025) Recommendations from four working groups on improving the quality of teaching, learning, research, entrepreneurship, innovation as well as governance at engineering institutions 9 January 2015 Infosys, Bangalore
Proposals on improving engineering education in India towards 2025 Around 40 high-level Indian and international experts from engineering institutions, industry and regulatory bodies meet on January at Infosys in Bangalore to develop actionable plans to improve engineering education in India over the next 10 years.
Proposals on improving engineering education in India towards 2025 Four Working Groups focused on the following areas that need improvement; 1) Strengthening Governance, Leadership and Management at Engineering Institutions; 2) Improving the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Research at Engineering Institutions; 3) Fostering Stronger Industry/Institute Collaboration; 4) Building Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education.
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Autonomy for Institutions Graded autonomy Facilitation role for AICTE Up-gradation Plan : 50% institutes 100% institutes Central Govt. State Govt. Affiliating universities Public and Private colleges MHRD / AICTE / UGC DTEs Universities Management of institutions Step 1: 12 month Theme 1: Strengthening Governance, Leadership and Management at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Rating of Institutions Sensitization Criteria finalization Accreditation of Rating Agencies Rewards / recognition Independent committee for the rating of institutions MHRD/AICTE/UGCInitiation within 12 months and year over year thereafter Theme 1: Strengthening Governance, Leadership and Management at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Independent Board with responsibility and accountability Approval of vision, mission, goals, strategic plan, benchmarking and selection of leader, and monitor the performance / evaluation of leadership and institute Provide mentoring support from Board members and other benchmarked institutes Board, Faculty, Students Staff Board of engineering institution Within immediate effect Quick wins Theme 1: Strengthening Governance, Leadership and Management at Engineering Institutions -
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Financial support and financial autonomy Generous Government funding for well performing institutes Tax incentives for building endowment of institutions Generate financial resources through industry, consultancy Freedom to fix fees with accountability Institute’s stakeholders MHRD / MEA State DTEs Budget 2016 Theme 1: Strengthening Governance, Leadership and Management at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Internationalization of institutions Attending conferences, studying abroad, joint projects, internships etc Benchmarking with institutions abroad Student and faculty circulation Faculty and Students Board of institution With immediate effect Theme 1: Strengthening Governance, Leadership and Management at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Provide Academic Autonomy Review and reform policies and procedures to grant academic autonomy Grant autonomy to clusters of colleges until they mature Sensitize and prepare colleges for autonomy Institutes, Industry, Govt. Society UGC, AICTE, Universities, State Govt., Industry, Institutions Goal 200 additional autonomous institutions per year Theme 2: Improving the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Research at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Develop Faculty 25% teaching by qualified personnel from industry and research organizations Compulsory training in teaching pedagogy Training in core areas in collaboration with industry Define minimum teacher qualifications Increase number of fellowships in Quality Improvement Program (QIP) and make it international Institutes, Industry, Govt. Society AICTE, Institution NITTTRs MHRD, Industry, In parallel with preparation for autonomy Theme 2: Improving the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Research at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Make Curriculum More Relevant Collect inputs from stakeholders to make curriculum relevant Enhance flexibility in curriculum including evaluation Industry internships for faculty and students Consistent with OBE Institutes Industry Govt. Society Faculty universities institutions- industry teams In parallel with preparation for autonomy Theme 2: Improving the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Research at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Strengthen Research and Development Provide incentives, time and facilities for every faculty member to become a qualified researcher publishing papers regularly in national, international journals Increase % of PhDs in engineering education Increase PhD scholarships in all domains Institutes Industry Govt. Society AICTE, institutions, universities, industry, funding agencies, government In parallel with preparation for autonomy
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Improve Quality of Students (before entry and during Yr 1 & 2) Create/use Audit Courses and modules in blended media to improve Communication skills Mathematical and analytical skills Understanding of concepts Team working skills Institutes Industry Govt. Society Institutions Students Trainers – NSDC and similar organizations In parallel with preparation for autonomy Theme 2: Improving the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Research at Engineering Institutions
StrategiesAction PointsStake-holdersResponsible for implementation Timeline Continuing Education Joint curriculum crafting Regulations to facilitate continuous education Sabbatical and Reverse Sabbatical Involvement in research programs CII, NASSCOM AIU, AICTE/ UGC/… CII Industry Institutes AICTE < 1years Theme 3: Fostering Stronger Industry/Institute Collaboration
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Make Internship a Routine Practice Establish Regulatory Framework – e.g. work contract, (tax) incentive for employees Enforce Deployment – Credits in curriculum, criteria in accreditation Enable Execution – gradual inclusion in accreditation of institutions, create a function within the industry/institution to enable this Students Industry Institutes Industry Institutes < 2 years at 20% coverage <10 years 100% Theme 3: Fostering Stronger Industry/Institute Collaboration
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Create University /Industry Consortia for applied research, and engineering Creation of regulatory framework – link grants to participation, accreditation levels based on participation in such consortia Define the areas where consortia need to be created – industry and university AICTE/ UGC CII/NASSCOM Govt. funding agencies Institutes Industry Govt < 1 year Theme 3: Fostering Stronger Industry/Institute Collaboration
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Curriculum interventions Update regulatory framework Industry sabbatical at institutions – experts teach specific subjects at institutions Global experts to participate in curricula creation Industry and Institute concerned AICTE/UGC Industry Institutes AICTE <2 years Theme 3: Fostering Stronger Industry/Institute Collaboration
StrategiesAction PointsStake-holdersResponsible for implementation Timeline Faculty Sabbatical in Industry Regulation enabling this through tax regulations, incentives Regulation enabling to make this mandatory Include this expense as part of CSR Industry Institutes Regulatory bodies Institutes Industry <2 years Theme 3: Fostering Stronger Industry/Institute Collaboration
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Awareness and Skill Building for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Broad sensitization Course/Program in Technology Management and Innovation Innovation competitions / industry challenges Each institute to partner with at least one industry Knowledge of available incentives and funding Creating awareness for acceptance of failures Training Centers Faculty Industry Parents Institute with innovation and entrepreneurship partners. 1 year Theme 4: Build Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Setting Institutional Norms to Encourage Innovation and Entrepreneur ship Faculty and students becoming entrepreneurs Specific research goals resulting in quantifiable outcomes Driven by national agenda to grow innovation ecosystems promoting industry competitiveness through research collaboration and entrepreneurship Evaluate faculty performance other than through publications Government – Regulatory and Funding Agencies, Faculty Industry Institute management Alumni Institute with support from all stakeholders. 1 year Theme 4: Build Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education
StrategiesAction PointsStakeholdersResponsible for implementation Timeline Setting up of IP Cells in Educational Institutions Focus on applied research Legal IP aspects to be comprehended at the national level Introducing product and process thinking to promote commercialization of research and innovation Institute, Govt. agencies responsible for IP aspects in public research and education institutions Institute with support from Government 1 Year Theme 4: Build Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education
StrategiesAction PointsStake-holdersResponsible for implementation Timeline Introducing Design Thinking Train faculty Design thinking introduces in education program Use crowd sourcing Use tools (360 Fusion) Students Institutional Management Industry Faculty Using National Institute for Design (NID) etc.. Institute. 1 year Theme 4: Build Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education
StrategiesAction PointsStake- holders Responsible for implementation Timeline Setting up of Common Facilities for Cluster of Institutions and Companies Establishing Incubation- centers/warehouses, fabrication centers at Institutes; e.g. 3-D printers Joint leadership by institute and industry background Centralized regional/national web portal Industry Institutions Government Government Institute Industry 3 years (phased manner) Theme 4: Build Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education