International eTwinning programmes' opportunities in the project’s work ERASMUS+ eTwinning programmes news Utena Dauniskis’ Gymnasium physics and astronomy teacher/methodologist Loreta Tarvydienė Utena
ERASMUS + The new EU program for Education Education and Training Youth Training Youth Sport Sport for th year program has o verall budget – 14,7 mlrd. eur. It’s 40 % more than now. Between the program will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience, and volunteer abroad.studytraingain work experience volunteer
Which Actions are supported K1 ? Learning Mobility of individuals KA101 – School Education - staff mobility KA102 – Vocational Education and Training - learner and staff mobility KA103 - Higher Education - student and staff mobility KA104 - Adult Education - staff mobility KA105 - Youth – mobility of youth workers and young people KA108 – Higher Education - Accreditation of Higher Education Mobility Consortia
Which Actions are supported KA2? Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youth. Knowledge Alliances Sector Skills Alliances Capacity Building in the field of youth
Which Actions are supported KA3? Support for policy reform provides grants for a wide variety of actions aimed at stimulating innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and the exchange of knowledge in the fields of education, training and youth.
N.A. on
ERASMUS + PROGRAMMES Erasmus+: Comenius Erasmus+: Leonardo da Vinci Erasmus+: Erasmus Erasmus+: Grundtvig Nordplus Junior Nordplus Nordic Languages Nordplus Higher Education Nordplus Adult Nordplus Horizontal Europass Euroguidance e-TWINNING Nacional ECVET eksperts and more… Nacional ECVET eksperts
eTwinning program
eTwinning European platform
eTwinning Lithuanian portal
eTwinning on FB
eTwinning programme eTwinning programme – programme, which supports virtual collaboration projects at least between two schools and at least from two different European countries.
Participating Countries 1.Ireland 2.Austria 3.Belgia 4.Bulgaria 5.Denmark 6.Estonia 7.Greece 8.Island 9.Spain 10.Italy 11.Great Britain 12.Cyprus 13.Latvia 14.Poland 15.Lithuania 16.Liuksemburg 17. Malta 18. Norway 19. Holland 20. Portugal 21. France 22. Slovakia 23. Slovenia 24. Finland 25. Hungary 26. Germany 27. Czech Republic 28. Sweden 29. Romania 30. Turkey 31. Makedonia 32. Kroatia 33.Switzerland
Activity’s goals Project integration into curriculum; Collaboration with other EU programmes. Minimum number of partners– 2; Maximum – severely unrestricted; Collaboration language chosen freely; Project duration: from 1 lesson to 1 school year or more.
Who can participate? Pre-primary education institutions Schools-Kindergartens Elementary schools Pro-gymnasiums Primary schools High school Gymnasiums Vocational schools Non-formal educational institutions NOTE: pupils aged from 3 to 21 years old.
eTwinning PROGRAMMES’ SUGGESTIONS Organisation of national and European wide competitions (for example: “Plant eTwinning tree”). eTwinning weeks;
PROGRAMMES’ SUGGESTIONS STUDENTS CAMPS. Students camp“Learning Baltic Languages” (In Ryga, Latvia) January m.
Annual elections of “Best eTwinning School in Lithuania” PROGRAMMES’ SUGGESTIONS Annual European eTwinning awards
eTwinning INFORMATIONAL EVENTS EK eTwinning project provides an opportunity to participate in international eTwinning professional development seminars. For example: Druskininkai PDW PROGRAMMES’ SUGGESTIONS
Participants In Europe: Teachers Projects Schools
EK foresees more important eTwinning role in European school collaborations' context. Foreseen innovations: Stregthen school's collaboration platform: -eTwinning - external window to the world; -schools' opportunity to be seen; -more attention to eTwinnings' communitys' management (community in the community)
Greater opportunities for teachers’ professional improvement: - Learning courses; - Online courses = Experts are talking (new); - Online courses development/improvement= how to work online successfully (new); - Current learning courses eTwinning’s ambassador's review.; - Learning/improving material (Teacher will have an opportunity to download the material of his interest) (new); - Professional improvement seminars; - Professional improvement seminars In the future class labaratory.
eTwinning Plus
eTwinning Plus participants
eTwinning Plus Since 2013 eTwinning programme extended, therefore occured eTwinning Plus programme,eTwinning Plus It includes 6 countries from Europe neighbourhood - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Tunisia. There is an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with those countries in Russian. Focus group - educational institutions, where are students aged from 3 to 20 years old: pre-schools, pre-primary schools, elementary schools, primary schools, high schools, gymnasiums, vocational schools, non-formal schools. More information about eTwinning activities in Lithuania can be found in: More information about eTwinning activities in Europe can be found in:
eTwinning Utena Yahoo! group
Contact us Violeta Čiuplytė eTwinning coordinator Tel.: Loreta Tarvydienė Region: Utena Utena Dauniskis’ Gymnasium physics and astronomy teacher/methodologist Giedrė Sudniutė Region: Utena Utena Dauniskis’ Gymnasium IT teacher/methodologist Švietimo mainų paramos fondas Geležinio Vilko g. 12, LT Vilnius Tel.: (8 ~ 5) , , Fax: (8 ~ 5)
Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gif. A. Einstein