Industrial Technologies, June 2012 Lucy Buckby EMRP Project Officer The EMRP – Industrial Innovation and Collaboration
2 Agenda Who What When How
3 Who What When How
4 The EMRP: supports the collaboration of European metrology institutes, industrial organisations and academia through Joint Research Projects (JRPs). is implemented by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes). is based on Article 185 of the Lisbon Treaty. is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries and the European Union (50:50) and has a budget of approximately 400 M€ over seven years.
5 The EMRP: is structured around European Grand Challenges in: Health, Energy, the Environment & New Technologies, while also addressing challenges in fundamental metrology and industry. is about improving measurement, in order to drive innovation and competitiveness in Europe. ensures collaboration between National Measurement Institutes, reducing duplication and increasing impact. Current JRP impacts include: input to standards (ISO, CEN) and the redefinition of SI units and the production of reference materials, good practice guides and new measurement devices, software and facilities.
6 EMRP Participating Countries
7 Who What When How
8 The EMRP Funds: Multi-partner Joint Research Projects (JRPs). The JRPs are primarily undertaken by the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs) of the countries participating in the EMRP. However, other organisations are able to participate in the JRPs with their own resources. They can participate as: o Unfunded JRP-Partners – part of the JRP-Consortium. o JRP Collaborators.
9 The EMRP Funds: Researcher Grants offer financial support to the wider European research community. Three types of researcher grants supplement the JRPs: 1.Researcher Excellence Grants (REGs) – Individual and Organisation REGs provide funding for excellent research and bring expertise to the JRP from universities or other industrial organisations. 2.Researcher Mobility Grants – enable researchers to move between the National Metrology Institutes, especially from non-EMRP participating countries. 3.Early-Stage Researcher Mobility Grants – help develop the next generation of metrologists.
10 Who What When How
11 EMRP Calls Energy - Calls in 2009 & 2013 Environment - Calls in 2010 & 2013 Health - Call in 2010 New Technologies - Call in 2011 SI Units - Calls in 2011 & 2012 Industry - Calls in 2010 & 2012
12 Industry – Call 2012 Developing methods to improve traceability for the most demanding industrial measurements. Projects will support new and emerging technologies and improve efficiency of existing technologies. They should involve industrial partners and the transfer of technology and knowledge to end-users.
13 Industry JRP IND04 IND04: Ionising radiation metrology for the metallurgical industry Preventing the spread of radiation in European steel Millions of tonnes of scrap steel are produced each year, which could potentially be contaminated by radioactive sources. This JRP will produce new reference materials, methods and devices to improve the detection of radioactivity in scrap loads – reducing human health risks, trade disputes and environmental exposure across Europe.
14 Industry JRP IND07 IND07: Metrology for the manufacturing of thin films Helping thin film technologies become a reality Thin film materials possess novel properties not found in bulk materials that enable their use in flexible LCDs and solar panels. This JRP will improve the Nanoscale measurements needed to develop thin film technologies, improving our understanding of film properties and reducing material and energy costs.
15 Call 2012: Stage 1 - Call for Potential metrology Research Topics (PRT). Closed 18 th March. Stage 2 - Call for JRP proposals, with optional, integrated Researcher Excellence Grant applications. Full SRT documents are published with the Stage 2 call. The Call opens 18 th June. Stage 3 - Call on behalf of the JRP-Consortia for Researcher Excellence Grant (REG) and Researcher Mobility Grant (RMG) applications. Each year stage 3 opens end of March and closes at the beginning of May. All JRPs from previous calls can advertise for REGs and RMGs.
16 Industry SRT titles SRT-i01 Metrology for traceable stability of protein pharmaceuticals. SRT-i02 Chemical metrology tools to support the manufacture of advanced biomaterials in the medical device industry. SRT-i03 Metrology for long lifetime flexible large area electronics. SRT-i04 Large volume metrology in industry. SRT-i05 Traceable in-process dimensional measurement. SRT-i06 Traceable Critical Dimension metrology of engineered nanodevices. SRT-i07 Metrology for movement and positioning in six degrees of freedom. SRT-i08 Multi-sensor metrology for microparts in innovative industrial products. SRT-i09 Sustainable electrical machines and devices with reduced rare earth content. SRT-i10 Improved EMC test methods in industrial environments. SRT-i11 Metrology for optical and RF communication systems. SRT-i12 Metrology for industrial flow metering. SRT-i13 Metrology for processing materials with high natural radioactivity. SRT-i14 Development of novel non-destructive evaluation techniques and procedures for defect detection in composite structures. SRT-i15 Metrology to enable high temperature erosion testing. SRT-i16 Novel electronic devices based on control of strain at the nanoscale. SRT-i17 Metrology for airborne molecular contamination in manufacturing environments. SRT-i18 Metrology to support bioprocessing quality-by-design. SRT-i19 Nanoscale probing of transport across interfaces. SRT-i20 Sustainable components through combining plasticity size effects. SRT-i21 Multidimensional reflectometry for industry. SRT-i22 Wavefront metrology methods for optical testing and in-situ sensor calibration. SRT-i23 Metrology for surface waves and surface-states assisted devices. SRT-i24 Compact and high-performing microwave clocks for industrial applications.
17 Who What When How
18 EMRP Call 2012: Stage 2 Call opens 18 th June and closes 1 st October. Partnering meetings for interested parties are to be held end of June/ 1 st week July in Teddington UK, Berlin & Helsinki. Interested parties can use connexions on the EMRP website Stage 3 - Opens each year at the end of March and closes at the beginning of May. For more information on currently funded JRPs or to contact a JRP-Coordinator go to
19 EMRP website
20 EURAMET website
21 Questions? Tel: