Martin Gregory Manager – EU Liaison University of Strathclyde Europeanisation of Higher Education: The Experience of the University of Strathclyde
BACKGROUND Mid 1980s: Cutbacks in UK Government Funding to UK Higher Education Increasing availability of EU funding to Higher Education Sector in Europe UK Universities begin significant involvement in EU funded programmes
THE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE IN EUROPEAN ACTIVITY DO NOT: Pursue EU monies in a haphazard fashion DO: Think of the consequences Understand EU perspective of funding priorities Understand institutional perspective of funding priorities Develop a strategic vision for European activity Put in place a sound management structure for European activity
EU FUNDING PHILOSOPHY State-of-the-art innovation Trans-national collaboration University-industry cooperation Economic and technical risk Environment friendly Citizen friendly
INSTITUTIONAL MISSION Teaching and Research International Dimension Regional Dimension Integration of Activities
EUROPEAN UNION FUNCTION Fits in with institutional mission to maximise opportunity and minimise risk Reflects division of academic and administrative labour Represents interests which both converge and compete
EUROPEAN UNION OFFICE Intelligence on EU funding opportunities User-friendly availability of EU information Assistance with construction and presentation of applications Negotiation of Contracts and Consortium Agreements Troubleshooting Policy advice to University
AREAS OF EU ACTIVITY REQUIRING MANAGEMENT Research and Development Education Training Regional Development
KEY CONTRACTUAL ISSUES Negotiation of acceptable Contracts and Consortium Agreements in relation to: Technical Specification Budget and financial recovery Intellectual Property Liability Payment Terms Management Procedures Publication
BENEFITS AND DISADVANTAGES OF EUROPEAN ACTIVITY Substantial annual income Synergistic efforts International profile Disadvantages Low recovery of costs Time-consuming nature of activity Tedious bureaucracy and audit practices
CURRENT AND FUTURE CHALLENGES Seventh Framework Programme of Research Financial transparency and cost recovery issues European science base Exploitation of results of projects Types of consortia for projects Wider international stage