The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council › We are the main UK government agency for funding research and training in engineering and the physical sciences, › We invest over £500 million a year so the UK will be prepared for the next generation of technological change.
Strategic Objectives 1.Supporting world-class research in the engineering and physical sciences, addressing the challenges facing the UK economy and society. 2.Developing talented scientists and engineers. 3.Supporting the knowledge economy. 4.Public engagement with research. 5.Effective and efficient operations.
Strategic Framework
EPSRC Programme Commitment
EPSRC Engineering Programmes › Engineering Health of the discipline: Responsive Mode Programme Manager: Dr Alicia Greated › Infrastructure and Environment Quality of life: Research Consortia Programme Manager: Dr Alison Wall › Innovative Manufacturing Wealth Creation: Innovative Manufacturing Research Centres (IMRCs) Programme Manager: Dr Phil Burnell
Industry sector teams › Aerospace and defence › Bulk materials and products › Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology › Construction, Environment and Water › Electronics › Financial services › Food and drink › Healthcare › Power › Retail › Software, Media and Communications › Transport
Business Planning Process
Business Planning Cycle
How can you get involved? › Taking part in peer review › Collaborating on research and postgraduate training › Strategic partnerships