ICT Infrastructure Project 19 May 2015
Limpopo Profile According to the National Census of 2001 Limpopo is home to 11.8% of South Africa’s population. The population of Limpopo increased from 4.9 in 1996 to 5.2 million (11% of the population of South Africa) in annual population growth rate of 1.3% The majority of its inhabitants reside in rural areas (86.8%) Measured by its total current income, Limpopo is ranked sixth of all the provinces in South Africa in terms of total income
National vs Limpopo Profile of Living Standard Measures
Percentage PCs per Province
Telephone Communications per Province
Household Access to Internet per Province
Provincial Growth & Development Goals Improve the quality of life of the population of Limpopo Grow the economy of the province to achieve sustainable job creation, innovation and competitiveness Improve the institutional efficiency and effectiveness of government Address priorities that cut across the three objectives above, such as black economic empowerment, HIV/AIDS,TB, poverty reduction, issues of land and environment, etc. and Attain regional integration
Provincial ISAD Plan
Broadband telecommunications infrastructure is viewed as a 21 st century basic essential utility, just like electricity, water and roads. The Open Access Broadband WAN infrastructure is an essential economic infrastructure for the acceleration of the growth and transformation of the Limpopo economy. Studies indicate that the provincial GDP could increase by 4 percentage points from 4% per annum to 8% within a four-year period after core infrastructure investment has been made Business Case for Shared Open Access Broadband WAN
Benefits of ICT Infrastructure
Progress to date Premier’s inter-governmental forum approved the common shared broadband open access WAN in November 2006 Request for Information (RFI) was published to obtain information on latest technology trends and developments in the ICT industry Responses received from 35 companies /consortia have been evaluated and adjudicated RFI report and recommendations approved by DG The technology model has been finalised Technical specifications for a Request for bids (RFB) finalized and approved by GITO Council waiting for approval the Director General Timeframes have been adjusted by four months forward due to lack of adequate technical knowledge to design the WAN Working on the Business model including the Financial and economic model Successful meeting with SITA board and SITA Pledged resources in this regard Some communities have started deploying
Challenges Construction of the provincial WAN in 1 year ( ); target date for completion: March 2010 Operational management of a multi-carrier WAN by a single agency on behalf of Limpopo Provincial Government. Finding/designing appropriate funding models/mechanisms for the construction and operation of the provincial WAN
Project Alignment The Dept of Communications Committee has appointed TELKOM for the design and implementation of the high bandwidth telecommunication infrastructure required at the stadium and surrounding areas for the world cup event A legacy plan for the utilization of ICT infrastructure post 2010 is being developed by the Province in collaboration with the Polokwane Municipality and the Department of Communication
Way Forward Publish bid for the design and construction of the WAN Collaborate with industry to explore innovative and sustainable funding models Development of robust business, service and financial models Appointment of a single service provider to design, construct, operate and manage the Provincial Shared Open Access Broadband Wide Area Network on behalf of the provincial government
Thank you Contacts Mathibela Selepe (PrEng) Office of the Premier Limpopo Tel: Cell: