Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) Ed Gonzalez
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Secretary of Defense Director Operational Test and Evaluation Principal Dep Director Deputy Director C3I & Strategic Systems Systems and Test Resources Under Secretary of Defense (AT&L) Live Fire T&E Conventional Systems
The CTEIP Program Established in FY90 (Congressionally founded) Funds acquisition of high-priority multi-Service T&E capabilities, applying state-of-the-art technologies Managed by OSD DOT&E/Systems and Test Resources Added responsibility for resourcing near-term OT&E shortfall efforts in FY91 Leverages Service/Defense Agency T&E investments Funding historically near $125M/year Have multi-Service application Be developmental Be non-procurement
CTEIP JIM Projects in Execution at the MRTFB Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Aberdeen Test Center Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD China Lake and Point Mugu, CA Advanced Range Telemetry Foundation Initiative 2010 Hardened Subminiature Telemetry & Sensor System Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation Joint C4ISR Joint Installed Systems Test Facility Multi-Service Target Control System Advanced Range Telemetry Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Generating System Electromagnetic Transient T&E Facility Foundation Initiative 2010 Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation Joint C4ISR Joint Installed Systems Test Facility Hardened Subminiature Telemetry & Sensor System Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation Land & Sea Vulnerability Test Capability Roadway Simulator Tri-Service Signature Measurement & Database System Air Force Flight Test Center Edwards AFB, CA Advanced Range Telemetry Foundation Initiative 2010 Joint Installed Systems Test Facility Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, RI (Non-MRTFB) . Foundation Initiative 2010 Joint C4ISR Land & Sea Vulnerability Test Capability Soft Impact Location Capability Tri-Service Signature Measurement & Database System . . Dugway Proving Ground Dugway, UT . . Contamination Avoidance Detector Test Suite . Yuma Proving Ground Yuma, AZ . . . Arnold Engineering Development Center Tullahoma, TN . Hardened Subminiature Telemetry & Sensor System Advanced Instrumentation & Data Control System Decade Radiation Test Facility Enhancement Electronic Proving Ground Ft Huachuca, AZ White Sands Missile Range and 46th Test Group White Sands, NM Foundation Initiative 2010 Joint C4IRS Advanced Range Telemetry Digital Video Laboratory Foundation Initiative 2010 Multi-Service Target Control System Air Force Air Armament Center Eglin AFB, FL Non-MRTFB Test Sites, including … U.S. Army Aviation Center Fallon NAS NTC, Ft. Irwin Redstone Technical Test Center Naval Undersea Warfare Center Digital Video Laboratory Enhanced Range Applications Program Foundation Initiative 2010 Hardened Subminiature Telemetry & Sensor System Joint C4ISR Joint Installed Systems Test Facility Multi-Service Target Control System Tri-Service Signature Measurement & Database System
FY 2004 President’s Budget Request FYDP Profile ($M) 130.8 128.3 126.7 124.4 136.9 122.3 127.1 133.3 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY04 PBR 123.215 Cong. Adds 14.900 Gen. Reductions - 1.173 Total CTEIP, FY03 136.942
Major Initiatives CTEIP-Sponsored Studies Integrated Networked Enhanced Telemetry Determine feasibility of RF TM network Will augment and enhance current PCM technology by allowing more efficient use of current TM bandwidth with on the fly selection of the TM data that is transmitted Directed Energy Test and Evaluation Capabilities Study Requirements definition Test capabilities assessment based upon results of requirements definition Infrastructure development roadmap
Study Approach CTEIP T-SS Roadmaps Multi- Service Capabilities Program Test Concepts Capabilities Shortfalls Solution Specs T&E Infrastructure Requirements Agency/Program Unique Capabilities Shortfalls Solution Specs Service Investment Process Reliance Process
CTEIP: Why a Joint Investment Program for T&E Capability Developments Partnership with Acq Com & Industry Technology Opportunity and User Needs A B C Weapon System Acquisition Concept & Technology Development System Development & Demonstration LRIP and Production Operations & Support T&E Requirement T&E Capability Needed For IOT&E T&E Capability Development T&E Planning Process T&E/ S&T CTEIP or Service I&M System T&E Planning Begins here
CTEIP Efforts in Target and Ranges EnRAP - Enhanced Range Applications Project MSTCS - Multi-Service Target Control System JAMI- Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation iNET - Integrated Network Enhanced Telemetry Study
Enhanced Range Applications Project This slide should be a picture(s) or an illustration that depicts and / or illustrates the project. GPS EnRAP Ground System EnRAP RANGE INSTRUMENTATION Tethered Remote Rangeless Relay Encrypted or Unencrypted Links Participants are equipped with internal mounts or pods EnRAP provides order of magnitude improvement in GPS- based TSPI (and an upgraded DL) over ARDS (which is used at number of ranges including Edwards, Pt Mugu, China Lake, PAX, WSMR) Enhancement comes from ring laser gyro-based IMU (tightly coupled) over ARDS mech gyro Smaller components allow use in volumetrically constrained platforms – F/A18E/F, smaller internal mount F-22, JSF small internal mount, meets stealth requirements
Multi-Service Target Control System Target Control Description MSTCS provides upgrades and enhancements to the existing TCS at Tyndall/Eglin, WSMR, & Pt Mugu Tyndall/ Eglin: Get 0ff 915MHz with Dev & integ of 1350-1390 MHz Datalink transceiver – transitions from multi lat GRDCS to GPS target control-based WSMR: New Ground Station Command Processor, the USAF dev 1350-1390 transceiver (gets them off Multilat DFCS to GPS), also integrates existing Army developed, low cost UHF datalink Pt Mugu: Upgraded 4.4-4.8GHz C-band transceiver that transitions from multi lat ITCS to GPS based target control, and redesigned (simplified) antenna pedestal
Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation Integrated instrumentation package for small missile platforms Will eliminate the need for range specific or multi-system facilities JAMI components will provide: Telemetry Dual/Tri-Band Antennas Time-Space-Position-Information Track high-dynamic targets and missiles that fly below the radar horizon Flight Termination Miniature, dual-redundant flight termination hardware End Game Scoring Data to determine lethality performance for missile-target intercept. Allows placement of GPS based instrumentation in small missiles: AMRAAM, AIM 9X, gets out of Multi lat Allows OTH test ops with single relay aircraft–thru GPS based instr Provides miniturized flight termination recvr WRT Enhanced Flt Term Sys (EFTS CTEIP funded at Edwards): AMRAAM for C-7 testing will use JAMI FTS (current analog tone system). EFTS IOC aspprox FY-7-08 End game scoring – Was Threshold reqmt; now moved to objective requirement Currently used in Tomahwak
JAMI Deliverable Hardware JTU-I TOMAHAWK JTU-T FTR FTR: Flt Termination Recvr – Adapted miniturized commercial unit, qualified for use on Tomahawk, AMRAAM FTS&A – JAMI developed under CRADA with Raymond Engr, replaces elctro-mechanical S&A with all electronic, smaller & more reliable unit Tomahawk JTU-T – JAMI devloped, receiver based TSPI unit has IMU but not used,- Tomahawk no longer needs radars – range free JTU-I – JTU-T with active IMU but not coupled with receiver – for target and low dynamic missile TSPI – has potential for end game scoring- need SW development GSU-II V2 – GPS Sensor Unit innovative hybrid (Recvr/translator) based, in development, looking good for 40+ g environment – biggest (hardest) part of JAMI effort JTU-II – integrates GSU-II V2 to be used in AMRAAM C-7 AIU FTS&A GSU-II V2 JTU-II
Integrated Network Enhanced Telemetry Study RF Network Data Acquisition Point to Point Test Engineers Laboratories Data Management iNET Study Products Determine needs of RF TM network Provide a network architecture Integrate ground and test article networks Uses spectrum as a pooled resource Define a technology investment roadmap Driver: Limited spectrum for T&E iNET introduces a network approach to move the bulk of TM data; traditional PCM TM retained for safety of life/flight
Identify Future T&E Drivers MOUT Environments Approach: explore methods used by the cellular industry Approach: Materials for inexpensive threat representation Need: Threat Representative Structures Need: Instrumentation to locate combatants
Identify Future T&E Drivers Threat realism Approach: Low cost, higher fidelity, IR RF & optical, components Need: Higher fidelity, multi-spectral targets Accommodate Greater Engagement Ranges Need: Range/Fidelity Approach: Networked ranges – TENA ,iNET Need: Mobile instrumentation – calibration, long duration power Approach: TRACS & Right Mix of GPS and RADARS
Identify Future T&E Drivers Environmental Challenges Need: Better Spectrum Utilization Approach: Improved Spectrum Management Tools Need: Better Use of Airspace Approach: clearance to fly UAVs in civilian airspace
Help Identify Areas for CTEIP Investment Common investment roadmap Partner with industry and other DOD organizations Identify DoD and Industry T&E Needs Establish investment objectives Time phase investments to meet the DoD and Industry T&E Needs Dennis Mischel will be the DOT&E Lead for this Effort
Points of Contact DOT&E/S&TR CTEIP Program Office 4850 Mark Center Drive Suite 1000 (10th Floor) Alexandria, VA 22311 Derrick Hinton, CTEIP PEM d.hinton@osd.mil (703) 681-4000 ext. 157 Dennis Mischel, Targets and Threat Systems Office dennis.mischel@osd.mil (703) 681- 4000 ext 164
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L-Band MSTCS Data Link Transceiver Modular design, 1350-1450 MHz, TDMA Up to 1810 MHz with new power amp Drop in VCO replacement allows VHF, 225-400 MHz, 900MHz, 1900-2500MHz Requires new power amp Digital Signal Processor allows multiple waveforms Output power: 43 dBm and 50 dBm Data rates: 1.28 Mbps and 232 Kbps Interfaces RS-422 (SDLC, Asynchronous) IEEE 1394 (Firewire) RS-232 (CDU interface) Mounts either long wise for P-4 pod or stacked for internal mount
Proposed Solution: integrated Network Enhanced Telemetry (iNET) Data Acquisition Network Data Acquisition Network RF Network Downlink Downlink Downlink We have networks on the gropund – TENA wannabe Networks in nhtae air: firewire , fiberchannel, 1553, We need a network base link iNET GPS in HWIL example spectrum as a scarce resource iNET allows a pooled resource approach – bandwidth on demand vs dedicated resource Telemetry Network System Data Acquisition Network RF Network/PCM TM Interface to Ground Network
Identify Future T&E Drivers MOUT Environments Instrumentation to locate combatants – explore methods used by the cellular industry Threat representative structures -Material – allow inexpensive threat representation to be constructed Threat realism – current systems discrimination require higher fidelity IR RF optical, etc threat representation Accommodate greater engagement ranges Range/fidelity Networked ranges – TENA ,iNET Mobile instrumentation – calibration, long duration power TRACS Trades between gps & radar Environmental Challenges Spectrum Spectrum mgmt tools Natural environment Airspace – clearance to fly UAVs in civilian airspace Use of UAVs as test platforms/targets