The Andes Mountain - It’s the second highest mountain range and the backbone of South America. The Amazon River- It’s the largest river by volume. It flows North in the Peruvian Andes then East through Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Guiana Highlands- a group of mountain in the Northern part of the Amazon.
The temperature rarely gets higher than 93 degrees farinheight or drops below 68 degrees farinheight. Rainfalls often is more than 100 inches a year.
Some of the amazon animals in the Rainforest are: turtles, anacondas, monkeys, rodents, tent making bats, parrots, harpy eagle, a strawberry poison frog, silver dollar fish.
Some plants in the Rainforest are: ferns, fungi, grasses, lilies, orchids, palms, an the pepper family.
I In Brazil everyone over the age of 18can vote to elect the Governor and President. The President is aloud to rule the country for only 6 years. He also runs the country with the help of Brazil’s congress.