Students that came to the meetings in the summer asked that we (the staff) find a way to improve the school culture. They said that most high school kids are adults and they act like it!
So we’ve been looking at schools all over the state to see what they do for their kids.
We found PBIS. A system used by many schools around Kentucky. You can search PBIS when you have a green card - lol
The overall theme (in short) of PBIS is to reward good behavior! To do this, we have to establish a baseline for appropriate behavior.
None of the expectations are new. We only put them in writing. Look at each of them objectively….
This is the same as far because the teacher has always posted their policy. The difference is in the hall during class, but you are always encouraged to go to the office and call for any emergency!! Just ask!
Nothing new here! Just reminders of what has always been in place.
Nothing new here either. Just common courtesy expectations!
Nothing here is new or unreasonable.
PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
systems A systems approach that establishes the social culture and behavioral supports needed for ALL ALL students to succeed Common Vision/Expectations Common Language Common Practices SCHOOL COMMUNITY
PPERSEVERANCE Persistent determination to overcome and reach the desired result RRESPECT A courteous expression of integrity, esteem or regard IINTEGRITY Honesty, strong moral principles DDETERMINATION Deciding and controlling something’s outcome EEXEMPLARY Worthy of imitation
Students, what positive behavior incentive ideas would you like to see put into place at the high school? Teacher, please compile these ideas and send to Mrs. Litton, Dr. Ginter and Mrs. Carver.