COPC/JAG-CCM Status Updates and Recommendations 16 November 2010 Chris Finnigsmier Acting JAG/CCM Chair
Outline CCM Team Membership Status Updates and Recommendations COPC Enterprise Network Requirements Development of the Next Generation COPC Enterprise Network (aka DISA WENet Design) 2
CCM Team MemberOrganization Charles Abel* (Retires 05 Jan 2011)Air Force/AFWA/A6 Chris Finnigsmier*** Air Force/AFWA/A6 (Temp CCM-Chair until 1 Apr 11) Ken BarnettOFCM Vacant**NOAA/NWS/NCEP/NCO (CCM-Chair) Russell Dyson***NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD Tracy LePireNavy/NAVO Jackie LordNOAA/NWS/OPS/TOC Derek Eddington*** (vice Sherryl Panek)Navy/FNMOC Charleston SimmsNavy/CNMOC/N6 Technical Advisor/SME/AlternateOrganization Jami CasamentoNOAA/NWS/OST Peter BehnkeNavy/FNMOC Patrick GregoryNOAA/NESDIS/OCIO Tom HarrisonAir Force/AFWA/A6 Bruce KenisonDISA Field Office USSTRATCOM Frank PalazzoNavy/FNMOC * Upcoming Vacancy ** Vacant role/representative *** New to the role or group 3
COPC Enterprise Network Requirements COPC Action Item COPC Action Item : Exercise established processes to coordinate and capture telecommunication requirements across COPC partners, including NUOPC and JPSS related requirements. These requirements will identify current and future data flows including source, destinations, volume, latency requirement, schedule of when new data will be or needs to be enabled, encryption requirements, other data restrictions, and related COPC business functions. This information will be used to validate technical designs and resource estimates for new network infrastructure initiatives. 4
COPC Enterprise Network Requirements COPC Action Item May/June - CCM developed a revised template TDs/JAGs reviewed template’s design Identified correct individuals (modelers, data assimilations experts, etc.) to articulate requirements July – Data Call sent by Deputy Federal Coordinator (Suspense: 31 Aug 10) To CNMOC (John Meyer), AFWA (Michael Howland), TOC (Craig Hegemann), NCEP (Ben Kyger), and NESDIS (CDR Mark Moran) Sept – All data requirements submitted Sept/Oct – Analyzed the responses, reconciled differences between DOD and NOAA, asked for further fidelity 5
COPC Enterprise Network Requirements COPC Action Item Recommendation: Keep action item open until the requirements have been reconciled and reported 6
Development of Next Generation COPC Enterprise Network COPC Action Item COPC Action Item : JAG CCM shall coordinate the development of the next generation COPC shared network infrastructure with DoD and NOAA IT leadership. The JAG CCM shall leverage projects currently underway that are planning a NOAANet-DoD enterprise network capability. 7
July/Aug 2010: Meetings with DISA to assist in the design of the COPC Weather Enterprise Network (WENet) AFWA has funded the design effort at DISA Sept 2010: Use the COPC Data Requirements as baseline for bandwidth, ports, and protocols 8 Development of Next Generation COPC Enterprise Network COPC Action Item
DISA Draft Concept of Design: Future proof on throughput by standardizing on 10 Gig hardware through the WENet gateways Geographic redundancy with some local redundancy (dual power supplies) Four routers, two at each gateway Two firewall/IDP, one at each gateway 9 Development of Next Generation COPC Enterprise Network COPC Action Item
Network Topology A Combat Support Agency UNCLASSIFIED // FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 10
DISA – Tasks completed: Validated design by performing lab testing Determined secondary WENet node location and finalize circuit costs DISA - Tasks to be completed: Provide detailed design document to include NOAA and NAVO (Stennis) portion Propose a complete cost breakdown to include circuit and equipment costs, and who pays for what 11 Development of Next Generation COPC Enterprise Network COPC Action Item
Development of the Next Generation COPC Enterprise Network COPC Action Item Recommendation: Close this action item DISA has provided design and has performed preliminary testing Open new action item Each center develop detailed implementation plan to how to achieve the final design JAG/CCM proposes the cost sharing mechanism (Annex to DAPE) 12