All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais PLANNING.


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Presentation transcript:

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais PLANNING

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais THOSE WHO FAIL TO PLAN …

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais … PLAN TO FAIL

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais STAFF ORGANIZATION

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais staff ORGANIZATION two primary ways to organize your staff: 1)layout, photography, writing, business

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais staff ORGANIZATION two primary ways to organize your staff: 1)layout, photography, writing, business 2)opening, classes, grads, sports, etc.

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais LAB ORGANIZATION

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais lab ORGANIZATION 1)delete all past Herff Jones folders from your Systems folders

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais lab ORGANIZATION 1. delete all past Herff Jones folders from your Systems folders 2. install your current Your Book CD from your new kit

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais lab ORGANIZATION 1.delete all past Herff Jones folders from your Systems folders 2.install your current Your Book CD from your new kit 3.organize your file management system in your 2007 Yearbook folder

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais book ORGANIZATION

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais book ORGANIZATION 1) complete your ladder

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais book ORGANIZATION 1) complete your ladder 2) develop your theme

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais book ORGANIZATION 1) complete your ladder 2) develop your theme 3) design your cover, endsheets, dividers & folios

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais planning In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind. Louis Pasteur

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais finally… Whose job is it?

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais Whose job is it? This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

All About Yearbooks: the weekend edition Instructor: Brian Gervais Thank you