Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Some, any, no, every and compounds
With countable nouns we can use a/an and some. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês With countable nouns we can use a/an and some. Ex: Sue has got a book/ some books about ancient Egypt. With uncountable nouns we cannot use a/an and some. Sue has got some money to go on holiday this year. Could I have some information?
Some and any Some food } money Any water people films Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Some and any apples Some food } money Any water people films Some e any exprimem uma quantidade indeterminada. Aplicam-se a substantivos incontáveis e a substantivos contáveis no plural.
But we can use some in a question if it is an offer or a request. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Some is used in positive sentences. Any is common in questions and negatives. Ex: We’ve got some juice, but we haven’t got any glasses. / Have you got any cups? But we can use some in a question if it is an offer or a request. Ex: Could I have some more tea, please?
She has some good news for you. I need some tomatoes for the pizza. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês She has some good news for you. I need some tomatoes for the pizza. Can I have some milk, please? Could I borrow some toothpaste? Do you want some more milk? Usa-se some em: a) sentenças afirmativas b) perguntas das quais se espera uma resposta afirmativa. É o que acontece quando se faz um pedido ou uma oferta.
"I'll make some more coffee." Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Samples "I'll make some more coffee." "That's not necessary. There's still some coffee in the coffee pot." No, the coffee-pot is empty. There isn't any coffee left. "Where are the eggs I bought yesterday?" "I think there are some eggs in the fridge. Some e any podem ou não vir seguidos de um substantivo.Neste caso, o substantivo, que já terá sido mencionado anteriormente, fica oculto.
I didn't see any teachers at the party. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês I didn't see any teachers at the party. Have you read any good books lately? Usa-se any em: a) Sentenças negativas b) Perguntas Notas: Any também é usado em sentenças que contenham palavras negativas, tais como never (I've never read any books by Hemingway.), without (She did her homework without any help from her parents.) e hardly (I have hardly any money at the moment.) Usa-se any antes de um substantivo contável singular em sentenças afirmativas com o sentido de 'qualquer' (Any child can solve that problem.) Em orações condicionais iniciadas por if é mais frequente o uso de any do que de some (If you have any questions, please raise your hands.).
Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês No, none Samples They aren't any tickets left. = There are no tickets left. I didn't buy any meat = I bought no meat. No é usado em sentenças cujo verbo esteja na forma afirmativa e é equivalente a (any) nenhum.
Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês No and none are used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Also, they are used in negative sentences with the verb in the positive form. Note that different from what happens with no, the pronoun none can never be followed by a noun, given it functions as one. At last, the expression “none of” must be followed by a noun and a verb in the singular form, preferably. 1. None é usado tanto para substantivos contáveis quanto para incontáveis 2. Tal como no, none é usado em sentenças negativas com o verbo na forma afirmativa. 3. Sendo none um pronome substantivo, nunca pode haver um substantivo mediatamente após ele. Nota: None of + substantivo plural vem seguido de um verbo no singular em linguagem formal. Em inglês coloquial, porém, usa-se normalmente o verbo no plural.
"How many sandwiches did you eat?" "I ate none. I was not hungry." Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Samples "How many sandwiches did you eat?" "I ate none. I was not hungry." "How much juice did she drink?" She drank none. She was not thirsty." None of the boys know(s) the teacher's questions.
Ex: Someone is waiting for you. They have been waiting for some time. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Words like everyone, anything, etc., are called indefinite pronouns. They refer to people, things, or places without saying exactly who, what or where they are. Indefinite pronouns are followed by a singular verb, but we refer back to them in a sentence with them/ they/ their. Ex: Someone is waiting for you. They have been waiting for some time. Someone phoned, and I told them you were out. 1. Os pronomes compostos de -body ou -one se referem a pessoas. 2. Someone e somebody são usados em sentenças afirmativas e em perguntas feitas na expectativa de uma resposta afirmativa. 3. Anyone e anybody são usados em sentenças negativas e em perguntas. Em sentenças afirmativas, significam 'qualquer um'. 4. No one e nobody são usados em sentenças afirmativas com sentido negativo. 5. Everybody e everyone podem ser usados em sentenças afirmativas, negativas ou perguntas.
Someone is ringing the bell. Can you ask somebody the help. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Samples Someone is ringing the bell. Can you ask somebody the help. Has anybody seen my umbrella? There wasn't anyone I knew at the party. Anybody can do that. No one would refuse such an offer. Everybody knows he is a criminal. Not everybody in her family was happy in her marriage. Did you talk to everybody at the reception? 1. Os pronomes compostos de -body ou -one se referem a pessoas. 2. Someone e somebody são usados em sentenças afirmativas e em perguntas feitas na expectativa de uma resposta afirmativa. 3. Anyone e anybody são usados em sentenças negativas e em perguntas. Em sentenças afirmativas, significam 'qualquer um'. 4. No one e nobody são usados em sentenças afirmativas com sentido negativo. 5. Everybody e everyone podem ser usados em sentenças afirmativas, negativas ou perguntas.
He said something about his uncle, but I don't remember what it was. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês He said something about his uncle, but I don't remember what it was. Do you want to drink something? When you leave the classroom, don't leave anything under your desks. Is there anything I can do for you, sir? She will do anything to save her son's life. The drawer was empty. There was nothing in it. Did you bring everything with you? The photos, the documents, etc? I've lost everything! He can't do everything by himself. 1. Os pronomes compostos de -thing referem-se a coisas. 2. Something é usado em sentenças afirmativas e em perguntas feitas expectativa de uma resposta afirmativa. 3. Anything é usado em sentenças negativas e em perguntas. Em sentenças afirmativas significa 'qualquer coisa'. 4. Nothing é usado em sentenças afirmativas com sentido negativo. 5. Everything pode ser usado em sentenças afirmativas, negativas e perguntas.
Where are my keys? They have to be somewhere in this room. Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Where are my keys? They have to be somewhere in this room. Isn't he working somewhere in the north at the moment? I've been looking for Tommy for hours. He is not anywhere here. Are you going anywhere tonight? Anywhere he goes he makes trouble. I can find peace nowhere. Love is everywhere. Glasses like these are not found everywhere, madam. Did you look everywhere? a) Os advérbios compostos de -where referem-se a lugares. b) Somewhere é usado em sentenças afirmativas e em perguntas feitas na expectativa de uma resposta afirmativa. c) Anywhere é usado em sentenças negativas e em perguntas. Em sentenças afirmativas, significa 'qualquer lugar'. d) Nowhere é usado em sentenças afirmativas com sentido negativo. e) Everywhere pode ser usado em sentenças afirmativas, negativas e perguntas.
Summary Affirmative sentences and yes-no questions Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Summary Affirmative sentences and yes-no questions Negative sentences and ordinary questions Affirmative sentences meaning it doesn’t matter who, what, which or when Affirmative sentences with negative meaning Affirmative, negative or interrogative sentences People somebody/ someone anybody/ anyone nobody/no one/ none everybody/ everyone Things Anything anything nothing everything Places anywhere nowhere everywhere
Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Exercises Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word in bold. Example: The box isn’t empty. Something There is something in the box. All the people were dancing. everyone b) I feel annoyed. something c) We haven’ got any food. nothing d) The office is empty. No one
Possible answers All the people were dancing. everyone Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Possible answers All the people were dancing. everyone Everyone was dancing. b) I feel annoyed. something Something annoys me. c) We haven’ got any food. nothing There is nothing to eat. d) The office is empty. no one There’s no one in the office.
a) How many have you done? b) What did he want? c) What did he say? Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Give short answers to the following questions. Use nobody, nowhere, nothing or none. a) How many have you done? b) What did he want? c) What did he say? d) Who has she been going out with? e) Which of them did she choose? f) Where’s he gone? g) How much did you pay? h) Who are you looking at? i)How many prisoners escaped? j) What’s that?
Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês Check out the lyrics of the song “No one” by Alicia Keys to see the use of some indefinite pronouns: “Everything’s gonna be alright (...) No one (x3) Can get in the way of what I’m feeling I know some people search the world To find something like what we have I know people will try Try to divide Something so real So till the end of time I’m telling you that No one (x3) Can get in the way of what I’m feeling…”
Some, any, no, every and compounds Inglês For more information on Indefinite Pronouns and for further practice go to: 1) 2) 3)