Written by, Olivia Toth
Introduction to My Life as Cleopatra Warning: Information may be inaccurate due to lack of written account of the birth and death of people!!!! Date of birth- 69 b.c. Place of birth- Alexandria, Egypt Marital Status- Was married to first Julius Caesar but after his death she married Mark Antony. During the time of her marriage with Julius she was “politically” married to her brothers as was the custom in those days. Date of death- August 30, 30 b.c. Offspring - she had Ptolemy Caesar with Julius and Alexander Helios, and Cleopatra Selene2(twins) as well as Ptolemy Philadelphus with Mark Antony
Cleopatra has many social contributions to the world but some of her most famous contributions is her relationship with Rome. Some might consider it a big mistake because it lead to the downfall of Egypt but other think it to be a great achievement to have seduced two of Rome's most powerful men. Another one of her contributions to society is the way she ruled the country by actually taking the time to learn all the languages that were in her country and making an effort to connect with her people.
Cleopatra has a father( Ptolemy12), 3 sisters the oldest being 15 years older than her and the youngest 5( Tryphaena, Berenice, and Arsinoe), 2 younger brothers both of which she was politically married too at some point in time( Ptolemy13 and Ptolemy16 Philopator Philadelphe), and a mother that died after her birth. While she was still 12 she traveled to Greece with her father to help him to get his throne back from her older sister who had taken it over. Being a child in a royal family is complicated because everyone is always trying to take over another even if its family so every second your making sure that you don’t get on the wrong side of anybody others wise you will pay for it later. Cleopatra made it through as long as she did because she made sure never to underestimate her sisters and never talk about anybody behind their back. She also made sure to stay on her fathers good side until he died.
First her father dies Second her whole empire was left to her and her oldest brother after her father dies because both of her older sisters were dead. Third she was forced to marry him which didn’t come out good because her brothers counselors convinced him to put her in exile so that he could rule alone. Fourth she had him murdered so that she could rule alone. Fifth a famine came because of a drought which stopped the much needed Nile flooding I wonder could anything else possibly go wrong?????
Caesar restores Cleopatra to the Egyptian throne. Caesarian (Ptolemy Caesar), Caesar and Cleopatra's son is born June 23. Caesar and Cleopatra in Rome Caesar is assassinated on March 15. Cleopatra flees to Alexandria. Antony meets Cleopatra at Tarsus and follows her to Egypt Antony returns to Rome. Antony returns to Alexandria with Cleopatra. Antony divorces Octavian's sister Octavia. Battle of Actium (Sept. 2) and victory of Octavia; Antony and Cleopatra seek refuge at Alexandria. Victory of Octavian at Alexandria.
Egyptian gods in this time period God ofNameAppearance SunRahead of falcon and sun disk MusicHathorhorns of cow and sun disk DestructionSekhmethead of lion SkyNutblue with golden stars EarthGebcolor of plants and Nile mud DeadOsiris dressed in white with crook and flail DesertSeth animal head with long curved snout PharaohHorushead of hawk and crown of Egypt MagicIsisthrone on head or holding baby WisdomThothhead of ibis EmbalmingAnubishead of jackal JusticeMa'atfeather in her hair CreationAmuncrowned with feathers CatsBastethead of cat the Ankh means Life. The ankh is a very important amulet or magic charm. The Eye of Horus means “healed by Thoth”, was an amulet or magic charm. The Ancient Egyptians also used it to describe fractions. It also symbolizes the moon.
In the year Cleopatra was born; Her father, Ptolemy12 was Pharaoh. Ptolemy12 deposed of Cleopatra’s mom, cleopatra5 sometime after her birth during the year because of unknown reasons. It was the year of the pre Julius calendar. Ptolemy12 was the ruler in 69bc so here are some “fun facts about him; PtolemyXII Neos Dionysos Theos Philopator Theos Philadelphos is his full name He lived from 117–51 BC which is about 66years He was a drunkard and was commonly called "Auletes" or "Nothos"
Cleopatra ’ s Interview If I had a chance to ask Cleopatra 3 questions I would ask her ; 1. What was your big plan in life, why did you do what you did ? 2. If you were so desperate for power than why didn ’ t you try to seduce Octavian so that you could have your son rule afterwards ? 3. How did you survive being a child in a royal family with the reputation of beheading people if they didn ’ t like you ?
Bibliography Cleopatra VII, daughter of the Nile, by Kristiana Gregory; scholastic,ny, webfinal/17ancientwebjm/cleopatra.gifhttp:// webfinal/17ancientwebjm/cleopatra.gif RoyalDiaries.jpghttp:// RoyalDiaries.jpg