English 2-2/10/2012 Objectives: -Produce clear and coherent writing -Use technology to produce and publish writing. 1.DO NOW: Please copy (into your 3Q notebook) and add commas to the following sentences: 1)The author who has written many successful books certainly did her homework when writing Just Another Hero. 2)Even though the book seemed to just be about high school life the author’s purpose was to force readers to question what makes someone a hero. 3)Arielle the book’s protagonist is likable but you can also tell that she has some secrets from her past.
Comma Rules [the five we’ve learned so far] Use commas to separate three or more items in a series; an introductory phrase is usually followed by a comma; use commas when addressing someone directly; an appositive is usually a group of words that renames a noun or pronoun and gives more information about it; and use commas with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
Type of PronounSubjectiveObjectivePossessive Singular PersonalI, you, he, she, itMe, you, him, her, it My, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its Plural PersonalWe, you, theyUs, you, themOur, ours, your, yours, their, theirs Reflexive/InterrogatoryWho, whoever, which, that, what Whom, whomever, which, that, what Whose, whosever ReflexiveN/A—a reflexive pronoun cannot act as the subject of a sentence Myself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves, yourself, yourselves N/A—reflexive pronouns can’t show possession IndefiniteEverybody, anybody, somebody, all, each, every, some, none, one Everybody’s, anybody’s, somebody’s, one’s DemonstrativeThis, that, these, those N/A
Typing requirements Writing should be double-spaced; use 12 point-Times New Roman or Calibri; header should include your name, date, and Q3 / Writing Opportunity #1; be sure to mention the author’s name and the title of the book in the first few sentences; and Italicize/underline the book title.